Reviews from

in the past

An amazing game! Gunplay is fun, and a major step up from the original. An enemy ran at me and yelled "monkey!" Only complaint is playing it on Xbox 360, a graphics issue causes ghosting like effects frequently on the screen, that usually fixes when switching areas. I get that this was a problem with the 360 and not game itself, but definitely play on the original, or master chief collection.

I'm just not a fan of Halo i feel, don't get me wrong i can appreciate the franchise and what it's done for gaming i'm just not that into it lol

Улучшенное продолжение оригинала. Проходится с близкими по фану за несколько вечерков

I feel like I’d have enjoyed this game a lot more as a kid rather than now. The gunplay is fluid & fantastic and the gun variety is solid, almost every gun here feels well designed and balanced. The soundtrack is immaculate, lends heavily into its setting & the circumstances of the story & makes a lot of these explosive scenes and moments feel much grander than what they honestly really are. Speaking of the story, it’s… okay? I’ll be honest, I just wasn’t remotely invested in any of these characters or their stories, there was no hook here and the climax & ending made me feel nothing. This game was essentially a shooting gallery for me and as a shooting gallery… still not all that amazing either. While the gunplay is great, the level design wasn’t as well polished. So many levels are just frustratingly designed with annoying enemy spam, and when the late game hits with the brutes it becomes even worse. Maybe the co-op input lag made it feel a lot worse than it should, but it wasn’t very fun getting one or two-shot with a 1 second delay on firing. There are parts of this game that have aged well, and others that feel like a product of its time period. As great as the game looks and feels at times, its taken away by its bizarre and frustrating design. Yet even then, still liked it a lot more than my short time with Combat Evolved. Hope the series shows improvements from hereon, especially the story.

Never cared 4 this halo game. The level design was wack. Sniper Jackals were a nuisance. The Weapon loadout was attrocious. Even the multiplayer maps were doing too much.

Chief and Cortana are so compelling but none of that matters because FINISH THE FIGHT GIVE THE COVENENT BACK THEIR BOMB WHAT IF YOU MISS I WONT etc etc just fuckin cool init

Halo 2 is my favorite game in the Halo franchise because it was so bold in so many different areas. The campaign greatly expanded on the lore of the Halo universe and the multiplayer was nothing short of groundbreaking.