Reviews from

in the past

Halo: Spartan Strike is the long awaited (ha) follow up to 2013's Spartan Assault.

Honestly that's everything you need to know about this piece of shit. It's not really that bad, but it's so painfully, totally mediocre that it's worse than a truly bad game. While it's only two or three hours long, every minute drags on and on as you complete the same dull objectives over and over. What's even worse is that the biggest change here is the inclusion of the Promethean enemy faction from Halo 4. Yay. Those boring fucks. So happy to see them again.

It annoys me so much because this idea has potential. Why not do a top down remake of the first Halo, or even a new full length entry in that vein? The mainline Halos basically operate on a flat plane anyway, so why not give it a go and see what happens. But no, instead we have this pair of half-arsed mobile games. Hooray.

While I could excuse its short runtime, its boring plot and uninteresting gameplay (I'm lying, I couldn't excuse those things but just accept the premise for now), where I draw the line is after fighting immense boredom to see the end of this game, it then turns around and says "Nope, you haven't gotten all the gold stars on all the levels yet. Piss off and do it right, then you can have the last 20% of the game" How dare you, Spartan Strike. This is the gaming equivalent of a hookup who spits in your eye and shits on the floor then has the arrogance to think they can edge you. Fuck off.

Whatever your opinions may be on the low points of Halo, 4 is nothing compared to this. Here I was thinking maybe I'd find an interesting forgotten gem, but no, the Halo Spartan games are dire. Cheap cashins thrown together to try to convince you to actually use Windows 8. Phooey.