Reviews from

in the past

first vid to get my 1k views on youtube

It showed a furry to scare me

Instead of a game, childish pampering with your PC. Instead of horror, formulaic techniques. The game surprised me only in one moment, when it took a couple of pictures of my streaming program and used it against me.

Вместо игры, детское баловство с твоим пк. Вместо хоррора, шаблонные приемы. Игра удивила только в одном моменте, когда она сфоткала пару раз мою программу для стриминга и использовала против меня

i really like this actually
it uses the familiar tropes, it's got a cute little dude, it abuses c# scripts to pull a couple of tricks that are pretty neat and did make me shift uncomfortably, a little bit

definitely recommend for a sucker of the genre, it wont be super novel but it'll be campy and cute and i do want to be his friend even though he doxxed me

Ain't no way im playing this by myself, let along on my own computer! Thank you Game Grumps for the experience, lol. Scary stuff to manipulate you're computer like that. :P