Reviews from

in the past

watched my friend become best friends with a bonzi buddy wannabe

i really like this actually
it uses the familiar tropes, it's got a cute little dude, it abuses c# scripts to pull a couple of tricks that are pretty neat and did make me shift uncomfortably, a little bit

definitely recommend for a sucker of the genre, it wont be super novel but it'll be campy and cute and i do want to be his friend even though he doxxed me

Ain't no way im playing this by myself, let along on my own computer! Thank you Game Grumps for the experience, lol. Scary stuff to manipulate you're computer like that. :P

it's all fun and games until "can i see your face?"

I played this for a project I'm working on with some friends and wooooow this is noooot for me lmao.

Analog Horror type beats have never particularly been my thing but I can vibe with a kinda "x but it's off and kinda creepy" type experience especially if it eases you into that experience after instilling a false sense of security with you.

The problem here is that it kinda just goes down the list of the most obvious creepypasta tropes that you could possibly go for from the word go, like you would think that maybe it would hold off on some of its more creepypasta ass shit for at least a little bit but nah, I feel like it's designed that way to keep a youtube/twitch audience engaged (and I mean it has a streamer mode so I definitely think that's what's up).

It especially feels bizarre when the 3rd act of the game actually feels like it does something far creepier and far more interesting with its concept and the kinda connection and trust we allow programs to have on our computers without fully really thinking much about it sometimes.

It just all feels squandered in the way its all wrapped up and presented. Like if this leaned far more into stuff like the complete access/building you something from that, I really think this could've been something way more interesting than it was but I feel the ARG/Youtuber/Streamer/Game Theorist bait it lays out constantly just had me rolling my eyes the entire time.

Defo for a certain audience and hey more power to them but like I need a little more from something like this. I will say, the visual design and audio design though is perfectly done and I do really think that this person has a lot of potential to make something really special.

Also Kinito asked me what my favorite game was, I said Koudelka and he pulled up Control so frankly he's a fraud.

cool tech demo with subpar horror

n sabia q um jogo conseguia fazer tudo isso com o meu pc

pior que eu gosto de você queridopet

Does some really interesting stuff and overall one of the better "taking over your pc" horror games. I just find these types of games more funny than scary but streaming this to my friends on Discord had one of them legitimately terrified which was absolutely hilarious.

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I think the best way to describe my experience with this horror experience is that Kinito asked me if I was alone, I said no, and then he proceeded to ask if I trusted every word my boyfriend(who I LIVE WITH and was SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO) says

Also the ARG tied to this is pretty neat. Simple story with really good execution.

I've played this game at 3am and it was an unique experience.

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its a bit of a shame i didn't fully experienced this as it should be since i first watched it from a streamer. i kept playing but still it did not hit the same bc of this same reason. but that's my fault haha.

What really did hit me though is the final track in the ost, Bliss. i guess its making reference to the windows XP default wallpaper that goes by the same name. It's funny, because the track makes me feel so... melancholic. The fact the title is referencing the early internet era while sounding so sad yet comforting... and at the same time you are the one deleting kinito... it feels like saying goodbye to this period of time when i was little... like leaving my childhood behind.

idk why im getting all emotional over one track about a virtual assistant axolotl. maybe it's bc i did not have many friends back then and i was pretty attached with all my virtual pets and video games. all these memories are so blurry yet i hold to them dearly. I miss my windows xp PC that my family had. it was fun even if i was only like 5yo. Maybe kinito represents all that... for me at least.

TLDR im getting nostalgic over an axolotl

A ideia de isso mecher com seu pc e com o monitor pra fazer algo de terror é legal, é um Clippy só que terror, se vc é velho vai entender

mas nossa não sei se é porque já saturou esse tipo de jogos, ou só não é pra mim, mas acho muito bobo essa coisa de jogo infantil ou coisa antiga infantil que dá glitch e mostra algo SUPER PERTUBADOR, é muito zzzzzz pra mim nem dá medo é so algo pra chocar que nem choca

first vid to get my 1k views on youtube

It showed a furry to scare me

Instead of a game, childish pampering with your PC. Instead of horror, formulaic techniques. The game surprised me only in one moment, when it took a couple of pictures of my streaming program and used it against me.

Вместо игры, детское баловство с твоим пк. Вместо хоррора, шаблонные приемы. Игра удивила только в одном моменте, когда она сфоткала пару раз мою программу для стриминга и использовала против меня

tu vai lá, joga doki doki e vÊ uns video do joel pensa "nossa vou fazer um jogo q simule isso" tem um tico de ideias engraçadas, faz essa porra aí q n dá medo e as partes que entretem são pq a liberdade que tu tem é engraçdo.

Só me deu medo pq baixei pirata e fiquei com real medo de terem posto um malware russo nessa bosta

Bem doido como esse joguinho mexe com o seu pc, achei uma experiência diferente e bem divertida.. bem legal :)

Kinitopet is a pretty unique horror game that manages to scare players with its meta elements, even though it could use more intense actual scares. The most scary thing that happens is when it opens up command prompt. Definitely worth the experience though at least, but the game is about an hour long and most of that is doing boring tasks while nothing else is happening.

Cute game with cool mechanics and neat computer manipulation. Not the best game you'll ever play, but you'll definitely say "oh that's neat"

execução muito boa pra uma lore mediana

thx kinito for being my best fren

the game was bomb but could've done a lot more things, its very short (1hr)

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really impressive from an indie company the cuts to ACTUAL settings were so eerie and it almost pulled up my address and took a pic of me rlly flippijjng good

Love this kind of pseudo-horror hidden in quirky-old thing trope. A game that messes with your understanding of how it works as much as it "messes" with (not literally) your computer itself, and uniquely a game played on your desktop. While some functions were not quite working as I turned off most of Microsoft's crappy programs that it tries to use to say like get your webcam and get your real irl location, it still in itself is a bit of a fun run. It didn't overstay and through enough at me to keep me engaged. Pretty good overall.

Very fun, very scary, hopefully some of the bugs get fixed