Reviews from

in the past

Solid sequel.

Having experienced La-Mulana 1, I wished I could do it again, but blind.
My wish was somewhat granted, by the fact that La-Mulana 2 existed.

Embarking on La-Mulana 2 I did what I should've done from the very start in the first La-Mulana: take notes. Boy does it pay off to do that from the beginning :D

Overall the game was very enjoyable, and had a lot of pluses over the first game, especially in the esoteric text department.
Lots of traversal options are available from pretty early on, especially coming from the first game, this is very much appreciated.
The puzzle difficulty overall was lower, not sure if because the text isn't as esoteric anymore (English text is now comprehensible!) or on purpose, especially with many NPCs literally telling you what to do this time around.
This game had considerably more bosses though, some of which were really damn annoying, and some platforming sections that really try to get on your nerves by kicking you back to the beginning from taking one hit or making one mistake.

The plot and dialogue is rather humorous, especially the crystal skull texts. I feel like this one went a bit too far into the wacky side compared to the first game, which kind of gave a bit of serious/solemn vibe from time to time.

In conclusion if you are looking to scratch the itch that La-Mulana gave you, the sequel is a solid choice.