Reviews from

in the past

Only for people extremely biased towards the Marvel roster.
A prime example of a game ran through by too many corporate fillers. Problems that stem from this include bad pacing in which the writing is not good enough to warrant, a loot system that comes across as bloated and puts you off the post game, and an awkward animation camera tug of war within fights, but that last one can be fun sometimes.
The one thing this game does well is that playing each Avenger feels different and genuine to the character, so fights are fun despite what people might see as weak enemy variety. Levels are very 1 note, though there are some interesting scenes you could come across and I get captivated by the destructible environments enough. The villain roster I didn't see as a problem and the story felt more focused because there were so few.
I got it when the game 5 bucks and about to be taken off from Steam so I wouldn't pay more than 10 bucks for a copy personally, If you're eyeballing the Playstation version with Spider-Man in it.

esse jogo é tão repetitivo e sem graça as vezes, mas ainda sinto falta de jogar um pouco só pra ver como é. a gameplay é meio travada e você não sente tanto o impacto que dá nos inimigos e a história é ok, nada surpreendente e também não é horrível. ainda bem que não paguei isso e joguei com o Gamepass

Can’t believe I spent 40 dollars on this game

It was an alorght game but boring mission the story was so lifeless combat and dlc only took it so far