Reviews from

in the past

Only for people extremely biased towards the Marvel roster.
A prime example of a game ran through by too many corporate fillers. Problems that stem from this include bad pacing in which the writing is not good enough to warrant, a loot system that comes across as bloated and puts you off the post game, and an awkward animation camera tug of war within fights, but that last one can be fun sometimes.
The one thing this game does well is that playing each Avenger feels different and genuine to the character, so fights are fun despite what people might see as weak enemy variety. Levels are very 1 note, though there are some interesting scenes you could come across and I get captivated by the destructible environments enough. The villain roster I didn't see as a problem and the story felt more focused because there were so few.
I got it when the game 5 bucks and about to be taken off from Steam so I wouldn't pay more than 10 bucks for a copy personally, If you're eyeballing the Playstation version with Spider-Man in it.

esse jogo é tão repetitivo e sem graça as vezes, mas ainda sinto falta de jogar um pouco só pra ver como é. a gameplay é meio travada e você não sente tanto o impacto que dá nos inimigos e a história é ok, nada surpreendente e também não é horrível. ainda bem que não paguei isso e joguei com o Gamepass

muita gente fala mal deste game por causa da sua repetição exagerada de leveis mas eu concordo é bem chato mas é bem legal com os amigos kdkdk, a historia peca em alguns momentos mas é muito boa viu. Recomendo para quem joga para curtir a historia.

Story 4.3 | Gameplay 3.6 | Audio 3.5 | Visual 5 | Details 3 | Entertainment 5

Total 4.2

Gamedev kringe. The most useless use of Marvel heroes in a long time. Have all the game designers in AAA projects really died out and can’t come up with anything other than “donation single garbage dumps”? Thanks for at least some fan service.

Геймдев кринж. Самое бесполезное использование героев марвел за долгое время. Неужели все геймдизайнеры в ААА проектах вымерли и ничего кроме аля "донатных сингл помоек" ничего не могут придумать. Спасибо хоть за какой то фансервис.

por incrivel que pareça eu gostei do jogo, mas nao tive a menor vontade de jogar as outras historias

Game is so bad, I wanna unplay this game

Fun with friends for a while but gets old quick. I played a lot of this game mainly because I want to play superheroes that aren't Batman or Spider-Man in a game that isn't Lego and that leaves me with very few options. It's fun but not great in really any way.

tony stark didn't die for this to happen..

There's a shield combo you can do with Cap that honestly made the game for me.

I sunk many hours into this game. It was good dumb fun for my brain to turn off to. I think I just wanted this game to be good so much that I convinced myself it was.

Tiene mala jugabilidad, mal diseño, y encima, mala historia

Fortnite made me play this bullshit

Can’t believe I spent 40 dollars on this game

It was an alorght game but boring mission the story was so lifeless combat and dlc only took it so far

joguei a beta e esse jogo é pessimo pprt

idek if it's enough to be a 3

Le habría ido mucho mejor si no lo hubiesen sacado como "Live-service" y con microtransacciones, aunque el juego en si no esta mal, por desgracia, esta descatalogado

It fits the mold of a looter-shooter, but man it's just not fun running the same mission with the same enemies and the same boss over and over again for gear I don't care about.

Back when this was announced and we we're in a Marvel high, I was excited to see these iconic characters getting their chance to have a triple A game. But after the first looks we got into it and the insistence of its live service nature, I decided not to buy it and wait for the reviews and thankfully I dodged a bullet. A year later one of my cousins got the game on a sale and that's where I gave it a try, and it was cool for about 20 minutes and then very quickly became boring and dull so I gave up 2 hours later. After that I thought that would be my history with this game, especially once it got delisted. But then a little game called “Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League” came out, and despite its many issues I had a fun time with it and didn't care much for the excessive hate it got, except when people started to champion “Marvel's Avengers” as better than that. So to have a proper opinion, I picked up the old dusty PS4 physical copy my cousin had, put it on my PS5 and played the entire thing and to truly dissect this game. And now having finished the main story, the DLC character missions and played some of the endgame content, I sadly can confidently say that this game just plain sucks.

Was there anything good in my 40 hours of gameplay? Well yeah, it's not like this is a complete disaster or anything. The graphics certainly look solid and well produced for the most part, the combat animations look pretty cool and satisfying and they did an okay job making every character feel unique as you play. The cast does the best with what they have to work with and do come out with respectable performances, and as someone who doesn't like Modok at all I'll give it this, his look here is the best I've seen. And that's about it, now onto the bad stuff. The story is unbelievably generic, poorly structured, terribly paced, it takes too long for things to actually happen and once it does it rushes its way to the end. The dialogue is either serviceable or cringey, particularly with Ms Marvel who's not done right here and comes off incredibly annoying and tries too hard to be likable, and I say that as a super fan of hers in both the comics and the MCU show and movie. The mission structure is also super lame, you either get multiplayer-like objectives in the single-player campaign that don't fit or super linear sections to run and jump. I also got super sick of the same freaking environments all the goddam time and none of them are compelling or appealing, they're mostly just gray and lifeless indoor laboratories with occasional but also dull outdoor areas. And as for the endgame content? I was already sick of the game so forcing myself to play some was torture, it's just the same thing over and over again.

But hey, “SS: Kill the JL” is also super repetitive and doesn't have great endgame live service content, why is this any worse? Well, the gameplay there was actually fun and I much prefer that over this. And it's not just my personal opinion, but also that it was always perfectly functional, the servers worked properly for most of the time. This game is broken at its core concept, because this is trying to have mechanics of single player action combat games in a freaking online live service thing. It's glitchy, it doesn't respond well most of the time, it has severe frame rate issues and the pacing of it is ungodly slow and unsatisfying. I thought playing it on the PS5 would make it a little better, but it really didn't which is shocking because I've never had such a bad performance with a game on this amazing console. It's so obvious that this type of game is not made for an online live service thing because, in concept, all of this should work and be fun, but it never is because you never truly feel like you are those characters. And I'm not even gonna talk about the terrible loot, the lacking skill trees and the micro transactions when the game was still available because they speak for themselves. I'll give props for releasing new characters and missions for free, even if all of them are the same bullshit as before and didn't save the game at all, which being fair is probably gonna end up being the same fate that's gonna happen to “SS: Kill the JL”.

So yeah, I really don't like this game and I think all the hate it got is deserved, but I gave it a fair chance. For all the many issues that “SS: Kill the JL” has, there's still a well polished and fun time to be had for me, while in “Marvel's Avengers” there are sparkles of cool things in a deeply unsatisfying bad game. If you like it and you disagree with me that's perfectly fine, these are just my two cents. Is it worth finding a copy of this delisted game and giving it a chance? If you can find it for free and you really feel like trying I guess, but for anyone else just ignore it and keep it dead. It's so baffling to see a big studio with the biggest characters in media back when this dropped, wasting it all on such a corporate product that's more worried about how to make the biggest buck then making a great game. What a shame.

I might be this games biggest fan.

Achei ruim no beta e quando lançou, era pior ainda. Gráficos bonitos e uma dublagem boa não compensam a gameplay surrada e cansativa com cenários chatos e níveis repetitivos.

Basically skipped through all the bullshit game stuff just to get the story. Worth it! The story was good, but the best thing about the game was that the take on every character and their performances were phenomenal!

This review contains spoilers

I actually really enjoyed the story for this one, minus the casting choices (sorry, big MCU voice actor fan). I know people weren't the biggest fans of this game, but I found the campaign itself to be pretty engaging. Kamala Khan was a really fun lead to follow and I thought this was an interesting spin to the Marvel universe. The multiplayer aspects were parts I avoided as much as possible - but the story and combat kept me engaged all the way through. Surprisingly beat this all in one weekend (never usually do that).