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When I saw the trailers and that "Sucker Punch" was making it, I knew this was gonna be something special and now thanks to the PS Plus Extra I finally got my hands and tried it.. and My God this was one of the best games I've ever played in my life. Now, could you make a point that much of what's done here was already done in other games? Sure, but in this way and probably not as good as this. The combat is some of the most satisfying and engaging ones I've ever played, it starts out a little weird until you get used to it, but once you do and you get good at it you'll feel as powerful as a Samurai can get. The animations looks stunning, it's brutal and impactuful as it should, it never gets old and I was having the time of my life. And as for the map and the visuals, this is just beyond gorgeous, the colors are mind blowing, the characters look great and the amount of detail put into the wind is just breathtaking. The main story is excellent, the acting is super strong, the stakes keep getting higher and higher and the side quests are just as engaging. I have zero issues, this is one of the best games to ever come out of hte PS4 and a must own for everyone who has it. I'll save the content on the Director's Cut for when I replay it on the PS5 and I can't wait for that.

Back when this was announced and we we're in a Marvel high, I was excited to see these iconic characters getting their chance to have a triple A game. But after the first looks we got into it and the insistence of its live service nature, I decided not to buy it and wait for the reviews and thankfully I dodged a bullet. A year later one of my cousins got the game on a sale and that's where I gave it a try, and it was cool for about 20 minutes and then very quickly became boring and dull so I gave up 2 hours later. After that I thought that would be my history with this game, especially once it got delisted. But then a little game called “Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League” came out, and despite its many issues I had a fun time with it and didn't care much for the excessive hate it got, except when people started to champion “Marvel's Avengers” as better than that. So to have a proper opinion, I picked up the old dusty PS4 physical copy my cousin had, put it on my PS5 and played the entire thing and to truly dissect this game. And now having finished the main story, the DLC character missions and played some of the endgame content, I sadly can confidently say that this game just plain sucks.

Was there anything good in my 40 hours of gameplay? Well yeah, it's not like this is a complete disaster or anything. The graphics certainly look solid and well produced for the most part, the combat animations look pretty cool and satisfying and they did an okay job making every character feel unique as you play. The cast does the best with what they have to work with and do come out with respectable performances, and as someone who doesn't like Modok at all I'll give it this, his look here is the best I've seen. And that's about it, now onto the bad stuff. The story is unbelievably generic, poorly structured, terribly paced, it takes too long for things to actually happen and once it does it rushes its way to the end. The dialogue is either serviceable or cringey, particularly with Ms Marvel who's not done right here and comes off incredibly annoying and tries too hard to be likable, and I say that as a super fan of hers in both the comics and the MCU show and movie. The mission structure is also super lame, you either get multiplayer-like objectives in the single-player campaign that don't fit or super linear sections to run and jump. I also got super sick of the same freaking environments all the goddam time and none of them are compelling or appealing, they're mostly just gray and lifeless indoor laboratories with occasional but also dull outdoor areas. And as for the endgame content? I was already sick of the game so forcing myself to play some was torture, it's just the same thing over and over again.

But hey, “SS: Kill the JL” is also super repetitive and doesn't have great endgame live service content, why is this any worse? Well, the gameplay there was actually fun and I much prefer that over this. And it's not just my personal opinion, but also that it was always perfectly functional, the servers worked properly for most of the time. This game is broken at its core concept, because this is trying to have mechanics of single player action combat games in a freaking online live service thing. It's glitchy, it doesn't respond well most of the time, it has severe frame rate issues and the pacing of it is ungodly slow and unsatisfying. I thought playing it on the PS5 would make it a little better, but it really didn't which is shocking because I've never had such a bad performance with a game on this amazing console. It's so obvious that this type of game is not made for an online live service thing because, in concept, all of this should work and be fun, but it never is because you never truly feel like you are those characters. And I'm not even gonna talk about the terrible loot, the lacking skill trees and the micro transactions when the game was still available because they speak for themselves. I'll give props for releasing new characters and missions for free, even if all of them are the same bullshit as before and didn't save the game at all, which being fair is probably gonna end up being the same fate that's gonna happen to “SS: Kill the JL”.

So yeah, I really don't like this game and I think all the hate it got is deserved, but I gave it a fair chance. For all the many issues that “SS: Kill the JL” has, there's still a well polished and fun time to be had for me, while in “Marvel's Avengers” there are sparkles of cool things in a deeply unsatisfying bad game. If you like it and you disagree with me that's perfectly fine, these are just my two cents. Is it worth finding a copy of this delisted game and giving it a chance? If you can find it for free and you really feel like trying I guess, but for anyone else just ignore it and keep it dead. It's so baffling to see a big studio with the biggest characters in media back when this dropped, wasting it all on such a corporate product that's more worried about how to make the biggest buck then making a great game. What a shame.

When this game came out it had a huge impact for First Person Shooters and many other games going forward, and I remembered it being a legendary game that I played it twice, once on PC and another on PS3. It's been a very long time since I played this again and many things about it have been copied a lot by other games, but I'm glad to say that this didn't affected how well this classic game has aged. Still to this day the best one in the series, "Far Cry 3" delivers everything you want our of a single player open world game and a FPS, with gameplay and mechanics that influenced many others and still work great. The story is very solid and well paced, with likeable characters and very intense moments. The graphics have aged a little yes, but it looked amazing at the time and I think if you look it in that lengths it's still impressive for that time period. I was afraid that this one wouldn't be as good as I remembered with more mature eyes, but thankfully this is just as great as it ever was and it remains as one of the very best ones of its kind.