Reviews from

in the past

1 of 2 attempts at making the Megaman formula work as a Metroidvania, ZX is a game with fantastic ideas, fast paced combat and amazing level design, all combined into a game that doesn't know how to put all these parts togther seamlessly.

The story follows on from the end of the Zero games, but is pretty light throughout, not taking advantage of the characters presented. But the setup allows for one of the most versatile characters in the series in terms of gameplay, you essentially can switch between different playable modes at any time, some which focus, on combat, some on movement, some excel in certain scenarios, the variety is there.
It's so annoying that the game just doesn't do enough with these abilities, despite how cool they are, I ended up not using a few of them due to a lack of obstacles requiring specific abilities.

However when it comes to general level design, it's fantastic, every area is set up like a traditional stage, and the flow is spot on. But the areas all interconnect, not always giving you an easy way to fast travel around them. This leads to you retreading your steps a lot, especially when doing side quests that can only be taken on one at a time... it's stupid.
But despite that, the game is so much fun when it's just being a Megaman game. The bosses are great, I love the music, and despite the obvious missed potential, this is still a top pick from the series - 7.5/10