Reviews from

in the past

Simplesmente uma das melhores experiências com jogos da fromsoftware que eu tive, jogão demais, tanto em história como em level design, toda a composição do jogo me cativa e mesmo depois de platinar, continuo sendo um dos meus jogos favoritos.

El mejor sistema de combate que jamás he podido llegar a probar, difícil a cagar pero vale la pena cada intento

maybe the most satisfying combat system i've experienced. fromsoft just doesn't miss

esse jogo é simplesmente insano um dos melhores combates que ja joguei extremamente punitivo e ao mesmo tempo recompensador

"hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat"
i'm loosing my godd damn mind but isshin the sword saint is my favorite boss in all of fromsofts games

definitely the best game I have ever played. Many said it was the hardest Fromsoft game but I actually found it to be quiet easy because the core combat mechanic is really simple (I haven't got the chance to play other Fromsoft games yet)