Reviews from

in the past

Otimo game de fazenda com uma relaxante gameplay. Sua progressão é satisfatoria e você pode fazer no seu ritmo, com escolhas que modificão como a sua fazenda vai funcionar, mudando o seu foco. Como um sucessor espiritual de Harvest Moon ele faz basicamente tudo o que o jogo inspirado faz, mas adicionando mais coisas para acrecentar na experiencias, como o combate, crafting, diferença na mina. Pessoalmente eu prefiro os Harvest Moons classicos que eram mais simples. Não sei por que, mas não consigo jogar mais de um ano, em game, deste jogo, eu comecei a jogar no minimo umas 4 vezes.

started playing a few days ago, got annoyed at the fishing, but I will pick it back up again

Such a cute game. The npcs are lovable and the cutscenes entertaining thanks to great character portraits. I do think that some of the bachelors and bachelorettes don‘t really feel like adults even though they‘re supposed to be and the endgame can sometimes become tedious when many early hours of the day are spent harvesting, refilling, planting etc..
(Also Pierre open your house on Wednesdays I dont want to buy anything I just want to see your wife)

moi quand j’ai appris qu’on pouvait pas date le grand pere : bon bah jeu de merde #georgelover

Tempo desse jogo é um lixo

Jogue com mods

Talvez num futuro não muito distante eu consiga fazer outra review para esse jogo.

krobus is love, krobus is life

relaxing farm farm game

abigail best girl
sebastian best boy

i loved it, my friend is a farming genius so that helped a lot! haley my best

we all know that this is a flawless game, serotonin in its pure form. even my best friend, who can't stand playing games for more than ten minutes, is obsessed with stardew valley. i added the poly mod, married penny and shane, and now we're happily living with chickens and childhood traumas

1 star because i still can’t marry robinn

This is in my top 3 of all time. Really love this game.

Goated casual game, so much simplicity yet depth in the design and gameplay. Only flaw is how grindy the game can get if going for full completion, but otherwise perfect.

There is an insane amount of depth, customization, and strategy to be found in this game, which is not only impressive for a farming simulator, but for a game in general.

And honestly, I don't care about any of that. This is the most relaxing game I've ever played, with insane vibes and a cozy gameplay loop able to put a person directly in touch with nature. It's truly a game anyone can enjoy, and one I can enjoy at any time.

just fished for a few hours BORING

o goat dos goats.

um dos meus favoritos, gastei muitas horas aqui

gosto tudo sobre ele, melhor que muito AAA

Pq eu n posso pegar mulher casada?????

concerned ape saca haunted chocolatier YA

This review is entirely for my own sake. You are welcome to read it but it may or may not contain spoilers for the whole game.

NOTE: This review reflects only my playtime on a new farm in the newest 1.6 update. My true cummulative playtime is currently about 500 hours.

Despite loving all the time I spent playing this game, I was not planning on playing any more Stardew Valley even with the 1.6 update on the horizon, but after having a quick look at the big change log with loads of new content (among which were new achievements) I figured it was actually time to do a playthrough in which I actually manage to reach perfection.

I, therefore, went in with high expectations for all the new things this update would bring and, although they all work together to improve on the base game experience, nothing stands out as big or as important as 1.5 felt. They all feel like minor quality of life features scattered throughout the progression.

The bulk of the new content comes in the form of "Masteries" which are basically a final level for each of the five skills that can only be unlocked by gathering tons of experience from any source after having reached max level. I say "tons of xp" but you get so much of it by doing literally anything that it doesn't take that long to achieve. It literally took me longer to get my foraging level from 7 to 10 to unlock masteries in the first place than it took me to get the experience needed to have all masteries. The rewards vary from good to mediocre, but none stand out as amazing. I feel like some of the items normally unlocked and bought in Qi's Wallnut Room would fit better as mastery rewards, but I also understand not wanting to change the content from previous updates.

I, personally, do highly enjoy the new festivals. Both fishing mini-festivals are cool in concept and require strategy to reach their golas effectively, however I feel they are lacking in useful and worthwhile rewards. The desert festival, on the other hand, is actually very good. Having multiple quests that test different skills and reward you with a currency that you can spend on the items of your choice instead of random rewards feels very good. (I might be a bit biased as I just so happened to get the last artifact I was having trouble getting by having Vincent show up in one of the vendor booths on the third day of the festival selling me the Skeletal Hand I so desperately needed.) And most of all I loved that Year 2 had different layouts and dialogues for all festivals (along with new dialogues after quests, events, bouquets, marriage, etc.) made everything feel fresh and townpeople more alive and less robotic and repetitive. Made me wish There were even more layouts for years 3 and 4, but I also understand that the first two years are what is considered the main story.

Regarding things that weren't from the update but it was my first time doing them: I married Sam, so that was a blast; I got as many events as I could and I actually read all of them instead of skipping the ones for NPCs I didn't care about; I finally beat Fector's Challenge (although I had to resort to the save-scummy method); I played and beat the new and improved version of Junimo Kart and I loved it, I don't know why it gets so much hate; I found all Golden Wallnuts and it's still my favorite part of 1.5, they feel very much like TLoZ:BotW Koroks; I did many Qi Quests, Special Requests and Help Wanted Quests, so I always had some goal or another I was working towards; I managed to use Farm Warp Totems more effectively than ever before; I built the Farm Obelisks for the first time in my life and didn't use them even once, I'm simply not used to them; and last, but not least in the slightest, I farmed the money to buy the Golden Clock.

Either my money farming set-up was very inefficient or I'm stupid, but I just do not understand why the Clock is so goddamn expensive. It was taking so long to get the money and I was long done with any other non-repetitive task that I simply gave up playing through each day and started sleeping through them. And even like that it took seasons for me to get to 10 million gold. Had I actually played through all that, my playtime would have been shot up to 200 hours easily. I think it's an unreasonable amount of gold and not worth at all other than perfection and it should be removed or at the very least its price should be significantly lowered.

With that rant out of the way, I finally achived perfection, reached the summit, watched the short cutscene and then came the credits... Wait, what?! This game has credits scene after you reach perfection? How did I not know about this? And why was Cow (White) included but not Cow (Brown)? That just seems unfair. Anyway, that was a nice surprise I did not expect at all and it really made everything worth it. I can now say that I am done with Stardew Valley once and for all. (or until I decide to do a run with remixed bundles enabled, if I ever get around to it)

Overall, what can be said about a game like Stardew Valley that hasn't been said before? It's good, great even. It's the epitome of farming simulator games. It's so good it's capable of hooking in players who are not normally fans of the genre. Highly recommend it to everyone with no caveats.

was not good enough to continue the game past the first mine

I didn't like farm games until I played Stardew Valley

joja cola only $5.99 at your nearest JojaMart

I'm so unbelievably split on this game. It is made for a specific type of person, the type of person who wants a very chill game play experience, enjoys trial and error, and doesn't mind there being no end to their play through. All of those things sound very boring to me, but I suppose that's my preference. Nevertheless, I will rate the game even though it's not made for me.

I can see how co-op with your significant other in this game is popular because it is in my opinion a game that appeals more to women. It's like a way to get them to play video games with you even if it's your not your first choice (speaking from a male perspective).

I can't help but feel after looking at this new 1.6 update for the game that the creator is sort of lost on what people are looking for as new features. This game has so many crazy cool mods that it is straight up 2x better with mods. Having a game with tons of mods is not a great sign imo. I will never hold back a low rating because "the mods save it". People shouldn't be expected to mod something to make the best version of the game.

It seems to me that players know what they want more than the creator, or have more ambition than the creator because it's one person who made this entire game. That's a lot of responsibility it's mind boggling to me.

Browse the mods for this game and you'll see what I mean.

One I would never be able to play this game without is movement speed increase, the slow movement speed is really annoying.
Yeah I get that you get a horse with a stable but that takes quite a while when you don't know what you're doing. And yes I know that you can drink coffee or eat food for a speed boost too.

Another issue I have is there are lots of wiki lookup moments because the game doesn't do a good job of explaining it's mechanics naturally through game play. For example how you have no idea what gifts npcs like or don't like. For that I use this mod

The entire game is framed around either not caring what is most efficient or relying on the player to figure it out on your own. A methodology I hate to endorse.

The other thing I don't like which is again part of the appeal that doesn't appeal, is the game is so jam packed with shit, and a lot of the shit I don't really care about. The thing that does appeal to me in this game is variety in aesthetics, mechanics, and storytelling. Like oh I talk to this specific seller in the game to get this exotic plant, and now it is treated differently because it's a different plant. Or I chose this relationship and that led to a interesting event. Or I can make my house japanese themed. Or now since I neglected this relationship, something bad happened. Or I can have a ton of crazy animals and they all need to be cared for differently.

This game kind of just gives you options and you're left to draw your own conclusions, and my interpretation is then there is no conclusion/lesson/reason.

This game doesn't commit all the way, it holds back because the scope of what I am talking about is complicated. Or because it's made by one person. Or because it wants to be simple. Either way I wish it was different.