Reviews from

in the past

Played about 12 matches on each stages playing someone different each time. Link I played best as and Donkey Kong I played worst as. It was pretty solid. Stages and music are overall good and the characters are fun to play as, but some of the visuals on the stages were iffy and at times the lag was a bit much. 7.7/10

um dos primeiros jogos que joguei em emulação da minha vida e fiquei bem viciado por um tempo. o combate dele mesmo sendo simples é muito divertido e a ideia de unir franquias foi muito usada daqui pra frente de tão boa que é

What I remember the most about super smash is that I never really owned it? I rented it out weekend and week out for almost an entire year have Blockbuster. Certainly I invested more in the game than I should have LOL. But unlocking the secret characters and doing the arcade mode with all the characters were such a fun time and playing with friends at home, great memories.

(fazer uma analise quando desbloquear todos os personagens)

really good memories; what started it all