Reviews from

in the past

Modo história: Jogo completamente lindo, história muito interessante e quase 2 anos esperando o último capítulo sair

The Long Dark is the most brutal and beautiful survival game I've ever played. Every decision matters in this frozen wilderness – finding shelter, hunting for food, and battling the harsh elements. It's unforgiving and can be super frustrating, but the sense of accomplishment when you make it another day is incredible. The atmosphere is haunting, and the world feels terrifyingly real. If you want a survival game that's a truly intense challenge, this one's for you.

I did really enjoy the game overall, but it started to get a bit dull towards the end of my run. I got to a point where I had plenty of supplies and was just kinda passing the time trying not to die. I will likely play it again at some point, on a higher difficulty. I think a game like this is only fun for me if it's really challenging.