Reviews from

in the past

Modo história: Jogo completamente lindo, história muito interessante e quase 2 anos esperando o último capítulo sair

The Long Dark is the most brutal and beautiful survival game I've ever played. Every decision matters in this frozen wilderness – finding shelter, hunting for food, and battling the harsh elements. It's unforgiving and can be super frustrating, but the sense of accomplishment when you make it another day is incredible. The atmosphere is haunting, and the world feels terrifyingly real. If you want a survival game that's a truly intense challenge, this one's for you.

Turns out freezing to death is just as boring and repetitive in a videogame as it would be in real life, 7 days to die is a better survival game, that is a statement that should never have been graced this world.

Ta bueno, le falta contenido

Both my legs are broken, i haven't slept for 16 hours, i have internal bleeding and i'm getting frostbite in this snowstorm. Yeah, i'll probably make it.

The more I play this game the more I realize how much I dislike it. Don't get me wrong it's a beautiful game, but just SO SLOW and repetitive. I've played it for 55 hours and cannot bring myself to play any more of the survival mode, the story mode is alright, nothing spectacular. It's just ok.

faça oq precisar para se manter vivo
bem realista então espere um certo desafio.
jogo tem um estilo de arte único bem bala.

I just don't like this type of survival

A great Survival game that chills people psychologically with its atmosphere. Story, gameplay, interface etc. It is one of the games that I enjoy playing. I'm looking forward to Episode 5, especially in the story mode. There's nothing bad I can say, but I wish more frequent challenges were added to the challenge mode.

this is an absolutely incredible game, the atmosphere is unbeatable, the realism of the game mechanics is immaculate, its truly a one of a kind and i dont understand why it doesnt have a higher average.

easily a 10/10

jugue una partida de supervivencia caminando hacia una esquina del mapa. en varios momentos parecia que me moria pero llegaba de culo. llegue a mi destino y mori de frio ahi. lo deje ahi ya que me parecio memorable y que entendi a lo que va el juego, parece tener un mapa bastante grande comparado con lo que vi yo, asi que

survived: 0 days
New character made. Second try on Stalker. Wish me luck
update: literally froze to death on my first night in the goofiest manner.

I did really enjoy the game overall, but it started to get a bit dull towards the end of my run. I got to a point where I had plenty of supplies and was just kinda passing the time trying not to die. I will likely play it again at some point, on a higher difficulty. I think a game like this is only fun for me if it's really challenging.

love how grounded and "chill" this game is. planning on playing more of it since i have a pretty good run going but this game is admittedly very slow. Also please for the love of god add a jump button

fine and with good atmosphere/visuals but the amount of walking/lack of any real threat outside of the winter (i kept playing on harder difficulties and barely faced any wolves/etc) is ridiculous

Lars Monsen laughs at this game

I put a surprising amount of time into this game. Challenging myself to survive longer and longer was quite enticing for me.

Really pretty but almost brutally serious and unfun

En cuanto a supervivencia está bastante bien. Tiene muchas cosas a mejorar pero creo que no es para mí. Es EXTREMADAMENTE lento. En dificultades bajas es lento y aburrido, en dificultades altas es lento y mortal. Tres oportunidades le he dado y no soy capaz de que me guste. Una lástima porque estéticamente me flipa y transmite el frío como ningún otro juego.

Very good atmosphere, would love to get more into it but its just a tad too difficult

One of my favorite survival games

Me gusta la ambientación, me gusta cómo se ve y me gusta eso de andar sobreviviendo pero andar checando sueño, calorías, comida, temperatura, sed, y otras cosas que hueva.

Survived: 25 days
My first try on Stalker, really nice. I explored the entirety of Mountain Town, but sadly made some bad decisions in my first couple days at Hushed River Valley (the second region I entered) and tragically died. Overall I loved it and I'm motivated to start a new run.