Reviews from

in the past

Didn't like the characters, but I liked it as an interactive B-Movie.

Le concept lié aux conséquences que nos actes ont sur l'histoire est intéressant et l'ambiance horrifique est très réussie.

This game feels like it better realizes what all of Quantic Dream's games are aiming for. This game does a great job of paying homage to the horror movies it's inspired by while also having a pretty great twist to it. It's a shame none of the games that have come after this one have managed to match its level of quality.

Não terminei pelo mesmo motivo do Detroid, não sou o maior fã de jogo de escolhas.

A história parece bem legal, compraria se tivesse no PC, ainda quero terminar, mas não tenho tanta pressa.

Insanely fun, good characters, choices really matter

i hated the characters so much i actively tried to get them all killed but i was unsuccessful and one person survived

Apesar do início do jogo ser um pouco devagar, o jogo decola quando todo o terror e tensão finalmente começam e a história e atmosfera fica cada vez mais interessante. Cada escolha tem sua consequência, até mesmo as que aparentam ser ''inofensivas''. Os personagens tem personalidade própria e são interessantes, apesar de parecerem ter saído de um filme americano dos anos 2000.

honestly holds up and i am hype for the remake

it's really fun and has some memorable mechanics, but why is it so full of jumpscares? the atmosphere is enough to immerse the player, the psychiatrist choices could be used better to make the player tense. i remember that there's a scene in which a giant spider crawls across the screen and that shit made me so uncomfortable (in a good way for a game like this) that i think this should be used more instead of some sudden loud noise that will put me on edge for a few seconds. overall it's a really fucking cool game, the plot is well tied and interesting, but jumpscares aren't scary.