Reviews from

in the past

I like using the camera and placing things and such but unfortunately the BAFTA-enjoyer people got ahold of this guy's tech demo and enacted their twisted evils on it. Ode to 2020s Cozy Safe Comfy Wholesome Indie Vibes, ode to petting dogs, ode to lowercase Twitter memeing, ode to lots of woman voiceover, ode to video games! Huzzah!

A very fun puzzle game that's full of creative mechanics.

Man I really wish I liked this game more. It honestly peaked right at the start when I was trying out this unique mechanic, but it just never got more interesting. Personally, the puzzles were too simplistic and the story never grabbed me. Cool idea, but I just didn't love it.

Another good old first person puzzler, one of my favorite genres. Unfortunately they all have that Portal shadow lurking behind them and most of the time they don’t reach quite the same level. Viewfinder is one of those. It’s a short and easygoing experience. The thing it has going for it is it’s unique mechanic, but even then I felt like it could’ve been explored better.

Ever since Portal every game of this genre tries to fit in an emotional story alongside the puzzles, most of them fail. Viewfinder is no exception as well, very bland stuff here. Reminded me a bit of “The Turing Test” in that aspect.

It’s no Portal, neither is it a The Talos Principle or Superliminal, but it’s a quality fun short game to get on sale.