Reviews from

in the past

Technically great and the theme is interesting, but the protagonist is flat and the repetitive gameplay stretches on for way too long.

Fun game mechanics even though there's way more to chew here than needed for the game's length. Also ultimately unsatisfying story pacing after 1/3rd of the way through, but the connection to Alan Wake was interesting. Can't wait to see what comes of that in sequels if they come. 6/10 Max out 'Launch' and don't look back~

•Sam Lake does it again, with a really engaging story that leaves you raring for more.

•The game nailed its paranormal atmosphere, the main setting had a lot of mysterious vibes and non-Euclidean design. The various files and items that you find around the Oldest House add to this.

•I really liked the lore and how it connects with Alan Wake.

•The gameplay was intuitive, with great utilisation of the mechanics like telekinesis and levitation to give you several approaches to enemy encounters. The customisation aspect was good also.

•Graphically impressive, the amount of detail in the game shows a lot of intricacy.

•Breaks the mould that Alan Wake had regarding linearity, by giving you a range of different sidequests to tackle at your leisure.

•The final act of the game was immaculate in its presentation.

•The characters were pretty boring and not very memorable. I wish they had more screentime or development or anything.

•The navigation in the game didn't feel particularly good. I don't mind getting lost in games, but I just found the map to be really unhelpful, with me often wandering around aimlessly.

•I still think Remedy needs to get a better grip on designing shooters. The game could get frustrating at times, and the way the checkpoint system worked didn't help.

•I experienced a couple of crashes.

Overall rating: 7.9/10

AWESOME game! So much flavour text for a story-focused player like me. The assist controls were very useful to help me out a couple times, because I'm not great at shooters. Ended up finishing with about 29 hours on my playthrough, and I haven't even played The Foundation yet! Will definitely be coming back to this later.

Good game, too bad the localization is shit.
Also the fighting feels good but is a little bit fuzzy.

Minha porta de entrada no universo da remedy, fiquei fascinado com a construção de mundo, seja por documentos ou filmes. O jogo se concentra em um prédio governamental, mas mesmo assim o cenário não chega a ser monótono seja pelas constante mudanças na estrutura causada pelas manifestações sobrenaturais ou peala diversidade de cenários que conseguiram produzir dentro do edifício.
O contra que achei foi pelo design dos monstros e chefes, que não chegaram a sair muito da anatomia humana.

historia chata side quests horrorosas e desinteressantes e as mecanicas nas lutas de boss sao praticamente inuteis. jogo de merda

Before I start ranting about the disappointments I'll give credit where it's due
Technically the game is great graphics,visuals,
Environmental destruction all are amazing
The ashtray maze was just chef's kiss.

Now Look I really wanted to love this game based on all the positive reviews i heard but man is this game repetitive af like there are no end to the enemies even if you activate a checkpoint and come back to it the enemies spawn near the checkpoint like why there's no reason for it as there's no exp system to level up and moneys not a problem it's just annoying.

The gunplay is good especially with the ps5 triggers it's sounds and works satisfyingly but again the repetitivenes gets it too.

The story and characters are well forgetful? Like every character we have met just gives you chores to do and don't add anything.the ending too was just so plain?