Reviews from

in the past

Aventura bastante divertida estilo pixel, y con un minijuego que engancha bastante.

La historia es entretenida, y algún punto se torna algo oscura. Ojalá una parte 2 que expliquen mejor algunas cosas.

Es un juego de aventuras donde irás turnando entre dos personajes. Jhon y Sam, cada uno con su jugabilidad, que tendrás que usar para avanzar.

All style, no substance, I want to care for the protags, the kid is charming and her dialogues are fun, but WHY MAKE THE GUY YOU CONTROL SO BORING, how am I supposed to care about him when he's such a blank slate, even the traits other characters comment about him are extremely basic, he's a good cook, he's brave and... what else? you see almost nothing about his past and he's completely unfazed by anything that happens and the funny thing is that YOU CAN make a silent character show some emotions, see Mother 3 for example, when Flint is told that his wife died, he's enraged and you SEE him thrashing everything on his path, give me something so that I can believe this guy cares about anything.
Unfortunately, the rest of the characters don't get a better treatment with the exception of William you have to assume that everyone else is ok (the people on the underground, the people on the city, Isabel, etc) because after the antagonist is defeated you don't see them in a epilogue or anything
The gameplay is fine, nothing impressive but it's not bad either, can't really say I got bored with it but besides unlocking new weapons every now and then, most of the time you'll use the default one
The artstyle is gorgeous at least, it makes you wish the rest of the game had this much care put into.
Finally the story and the world is barebones, for a story about a world destroyed by a catastrophe, you don't see much of it, 3 major cities and a few places here and there, not much is explained about the world besides the info dump almost at the end of the game
Honestly, what a shame, I wishlisted this game back in the day when it was announced and I saw promise. Recently with this new DLC, judging from the steam description and the trailer, I don't think I'm going to bother with it anymore, I wish the best for the devs but this isn't for me

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Diossanto, los juegos que cometen estos errores garrafales me dan ganas de restarles tres estrellas de una. No se porqué la gente insiste en que estas secciones son necesarias para juegos que otherwise son bien decentes! Que dicha que esa sección es corta por lo menos.

Rant aside, creo que Eastward es de los juegos mas buen ride, coloridos e imaginativos en el area indie. Amo que los diálogos sean witty y lighthearted sin llegar a ser muy childish o necios (aunque a veces creo que si hubo mucho diálogo for my taste). Y mae tiene toda una mecánica de cocina! Su main weapon es un sartén. Soy 100% el público meta jajaja

El gameplay es bastante fluido y muy pocas veces me aburrí del combate. Aunque si pasa eso de que a uno le dan varios tipos de weapons pero los bichos que salen se pueden matar con cualquier weapon.

Siento que el pacing de la historia puede ser muy desgarradora (lento), pero es muy al estilo de studio Ghibli en el sentido de que todo se ve y se escucha fantástico, pero la historia es lenta abstracta y difícil de entender. Special mention al soundtrack que está lleno de arpegios ochenteros e intercambios modales ❤️

Un very flawed masterpiece 3.5 tintes de pelo blanco out of 5 👩‍🦳👩‍🦳👩‍🦳

I hate to abandon games, especially this one but...
I so badly wanted to love this game. The art style, the humor and the gameplay all seemed perfect to me. This game looked like it was made for me. I first played this towards the end of last year and for the most part I was enjoying it but then I played it more..
As I write this review I have 17 hours into it. In the nicest way possible this game is SO boring... (storywise). My favorite parts about this game is exploring, the combat and the puzzles. I could literally care less about the story unfortunately. I didn't see this game as anything longer than like.. 8 hours, and me being at 17 hours and barely being halfway.. this game is a slog. It has too much for what it is. Filler areas that the game can do without, all these characters and such that don't give an emotional pull.. Thank god that this game has a fast forward button and you can pretty much skip all dialogue. It's unfortunate because this game is absolutely beautiful, stunning even, but lacks in so many ways. When it comes to music, it's terrible and very annoying. I swear there's like only 4 songs and they play over and over and over to where I had to eventually play the game on mute. The music just fills me with rage I don't know why LOL.
Also.. this game kinda runs bad. I don't know if me playing on switch has anything to do with it but the game stutters from time to time and there's input lag..? You'll be walking around and the game skips like a scratched dvd or something, it's weird.
The pluses about this game are the bosses, they're actually a challenge and it's rewarding when you defeat them. The pixel art is gorgeous, very reminiscent of the Mother series and I love that. Anything other than combat/artstyle is really a hit or miss with this game AND there's dlc that I'm not gonna check out even though it's just like a farming sim? I don't know..
I don't find myself picking this game back up because I genuinely was not having fun, it feels like a huge chore to get through which is not what I was expecting. Not the worst, it's just so mediocre that even ragging on this game makes me feel bad.

Man, I love this game. It turned me into a pixel art lover!
I loved every aspect of this game except for some minor issues, the character's design, the sometimes goofy, sometimes serious dialogue, the pixel art, and the gameplay.
You will be John who lives in a city called Potcrock isle, deep underground, built to escape the apocalypse. Our story starts many years after the apocalypse. He meets a strange girl named Sam on one of his trips to the mines and decides to adopt her, but strangely she has some mystery powers, so a mix of wanting to explore the outside world and to find out what is so special about Sam is the core of the first act of the story.

The gameplay is extremely fun and they always throw a new Idea for you to play with, at first you play with a pan as your weapon, but as you progress more, they will introduce new weapons, new enemies, new puzzles and much more. As for me, I loved it and never felt bored except for the times they overdid it, For example, before you enter a boss room, for instance, they make you go three routes to power up some generator and it gets stile after the fourth or fifth time.

The characters and the places you go to in the adventure are always cool, a village using old boats as houses, a city built on a dam, or the starting city, Potcrock Isle. all of them are unique and Man, they are beautiful!
you will meet all sorts of people in your adventure and ALL of them have a unique look and personality, you have Jasper the silly clown, Sam the cheerful child, Captain Pam with his pirate lingo and bright nature, Alva the scientist/princess, Isabela, the adventurer and the knight of the princess, and many MANY more.

Don't get me started on the art because they nailed every aspect of it, and dare, I say the best pixel art game I've ever played! every city has an identity, every place is special. I can not praise it enough.

Now the music is very well handled especially with the cooking mechanic, but I feel like they have been reused A LOT, they are wonderful don't get me wrong, great to hear but if I hear the same boss music ever again...
Anyway, the music is good.

it took me around 30 hours to beat it because I went everywhere twice and almost finished the game inside of the game, oh yeah, didn't I mention that? They made a full-fledged game inside of the game It's crazy! but you could easily finish it in 15 hours or even less.

I didn't understand the story much, but I just fully embraced the vibes of the story and that's it.

Idc when it was published it's my game of the year for now, I can easily give it 9.5/10 loved it