Reviews from

in the past

Eu não consigo descrever o quanto foi incrível jogar esse jogo, foi uma experiencia perfeita do inicio ao fim.

10/10 Simplesmente perfeito.

Firewatch é incrível, sua história é muito boa, a direção de arte, os personagens Henry e Delilah, o final ficou meio vago, não sabemos nem o que Henry, nem o que Delilah vão fazer a partir do final, ficou meio aberto. É um jogo bem curto, mas vale muito, ainda mais se estiver em uma promoção.

booooring zzzz you hold W and listen to someone talk to you on a radio wow fun

I had to sit with this one for a few days. It's such a good game if you want a simple and moving 3-4 hour experience.

Pros: One of two strong points of this game, is the breathtaking environment. I must've taken close to 50 screenshots in a 3 hour experience. The graphics obviously aren't the most realistic thing you'll see in your life, but the color and the overall vibe WILL hit you, I'm sure.
The second thing which sold the game to me, is the incredible voice acting and interesting dynamic of the two main characters, Henry and Delilah. Seriously the voice acting makes the whole game feel so real, and it adds a lot to the vibe.
The music is amazing, but I would've liked to hear more. It plays out of nowhere at some points in the game, and those scenes hit you, but there are very few moments that you hear it.

Cons: Every problem I have with this game goes back to it being overly simple. But the thing is that I think that was the purpose, and it could work perfectly for some people. The story is nice and simple, but in the end nothing really happens that would move you. I would've also liked to see just one gameplay mechanic that would make the game more unique. The game is only you walking around using a map and talking to Delilah over a radio, again the simplicity could be what sells it for some people, but maybe adding one mechanic so that navigation would be a bit more memorable or something. Overall, great experience and something you look back at fondly for some time but a bit lacking.

The radio in Firewatch gives players a diegetic way to inspect their surroundings while receiving clues and fantastic character interactions. The rest of the game is not quite as elegantly designed.

I had never played a game like Firewatch. An investigation and mystery game where you are a man called Henry who takes care of fires, etc. in a forest while talking to a woman called Delilah via a radio. Delilah is your boss and the game is about mysteries that appear during the adventure and Delilah helping you to solve them. It's an incredible game that leaves you feeling pressured, wanting to know what's going on, however, it's also a human game that doesn't present anything paranormal but rather a real and scary situation. It's a touching game where you get attached to Henry and his story, along with Delilah. I still don't know if I'll go for platinum, because in my opinion it's not a game for that, however, the experience was incredible, like a story of investigation and suspense told through a game.

There's a lot of personal reasons behind why I love Firewatch so much, but I do really dig walking simulators too

just an awesome game all around, my only sort of “complaint” really is just the length, though i think from a certain pov it helps, ending left me feeling empty, was perfect, despite it being a walking simulator pretty much the ending, voice acting, and just the pure emotion in it easily make up for it

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Loved the game, just tink that the the ending of the game was a bit surprising to say the least

muito gostosinho! os diálogos desse aqui são tao gostosos e bem escritos que você se apaixona pela personagem sem saber nada sobre ela e a história e mistério também são bem interessantes! conseguiu me prender ate o final.. inclusive trilha sonora e arte fodas

Too short, doesn't really cleared up the ending

This game started off on a downer and ended on another. Its exploration, visuals and storytelling are all decent, but it's such a downer and really didn't put or leave me in the best headspace.

Will I be stoned in the square if I say I found this severely underwhelming

loneliness simulator but you don't realize until it's too late 😔

Twist is still one of the best. Red herring done perfectly.

This game put me into a brief park ranger fantasy era before I remembered I’d die if I had to shit in the woods

reminded me of that one regular show arc

Great story, atmosphere, dialogue and voice acting.

Gameplay is limited as it is a walking simulator.

Replay value is not great as there is only one ending.

It is well worth playing once for the story.

O jogo é divertido com personagens e atmosfera bem legais. Não jogaria novamente por conta da gameplay ser basicamente só andar, mas foi uma experiência boa.

Ainda não domino o inglês, poxa e eu quero tanto jogar esse game, se sair uma legenda eu volto pra ele, tentei com a câmera do Google mas tava dando muito trabalho.

the ending was so lacklaster however the REST OF THE GAME was so good. pretty much a walking simulator but the conversations with delilah and the constant suspence and spookyness in the game made it so much fun and made me want to keep playing!!

relaxante e assustador, muito doido eu me apegar tanto com uma mulher via um walkie talkie