Reviews from

in the past

It's truly astonishing how for the first 2/3 of the game Suda51 made community service work more fun than committing casual genocide

Almost a peak game ngl but there's a lot that weighs it down.. a few lame bosses and grinding money got old but amazing combat and humor.. i fw the silliness and charm of this game heavy 🔥

Gud game just a lil dated here and there!

un hack n slash muy único pero nada recomendable, la verdad es que la mecánica de trabajar para pagar el siguiente combate clasificatorio se hace muy tedioso y repetitivo no aportando nada mas que alargar el juego artificialmente.

por esto mismo recomendaría empezar por el 2 y 3 antes de este si es que no te importa mucho el hilo argumental que sinceramente ni a suda 51 le importa.


un juegazo, gracias suda, espero que te den más dinero

Premier jeux de SUDA51 que je fait, et je dirait que c'était sympa comme jeux mais j'en attend un peu plus des autres et je continue en même temps la saga No more heroes qui est une parodie humouristique avec quand même pas mal de reference sur star wars, SUDA 51 tout comme Hideo Kojima aime bien l'amérique et la culture POP

Humour, style and everything in the artistic depratment is great here. The controlls can be weird and some mechanics are unpolished and rather clunky, some bosses are also annoying but everything else is great in this game. The combat feels like you use the katana and i dont know why not any other series trys to be this out of box with their combat. Seriously a great game and it isnt endlessly long.

No More Heroes is a stylish, blood-soaked action game that revels in absurdity. As the otaku assassin Travis Touchdown, you'll climb a bizarre ranking of killers armed with your trusty beam katana. The combat is satisfyingly visceral, the bosses are outlandish, and the game never takes itself seriously. While the open-world elements feel a bit dated and repetitive, No More Heroes stands out for its irreverent humor, wild visuals, and pure over-the-top action.

I have so much respect for the style of No More Heroes, but I find the plot and humor a little try-hard.

It is a game that loves to go, "Isn't this crazy? Isn't this messed up? Isn't this trope weird?" without any meaningful conclusions. It had questions and observations, but nothing actually interesting to say.

Despite all that, I can tell you that I do think about the ending of the Henry Boss fight a lot for some reason. For any other game I would walk away hating it, but I still view NMH somewhat fondly.

I sure hope Travis washed his hands after saving