Reviews from

in the past

مستوى كل جزء في السلسلة بعد هذا ينحدر بصعوبة
هل عشان السلسلة سيئة؟ ام ان الجزء هذا رائع لدرجة انه يتخطى باقي الألعاب و يخلي شكلهم سيئين؟
اشوف انه مزيج بين الاثنين
سلسلة شانتاي مهيب بتلك الروعة و هذا واضح من بداياتها لكن هذا الجزء مميز لانه مختلف بشدة عن كل شيء قبله و بعده
و هذا بدون ما نتكلم عن كيف انه جزء مثالي كلعبة فيديو بشكل عام
اذا بتلعب جزء واحد بالسلسلة ف ارجوك خله ذا لانه رائع

Regarded as the best Shantae game, but I find myself being a bit annoyed with how badly the difficulty is balanced in this game.

não esperava nada e ganhei algo mais ou menos

I played this game back in the day when it released. I was going to write a review based on what I remember, giving it a 4.5, but I said: "Why not play it again to have a better understanding and experience with it" with the whole purpose of giving you a better review. And oh boy oh boy... I'm afraid it's peak.

I can see some backtracking being annoying, specially if you forget what to do or play it across various sessions. But my only criticism with this game would be that I want it to last 100 hours if possible. It's just so good. I went for the 100% then Pirate Mode, and the game didn't disappoint at any point.

But being relatively short has its perks, like bombarding you with new areas, new characters, and of course, new SONGS. I'm not kidding when I tell you that the music in this game can't be recreated no matter the mastermind you give that task. This is a our universe only kind of experience.

The story is kinda there to guide you through the levels, it's nothing serious much less a masterpiece of storytelling, and the game doesn't try to be like that either, it's just fun.

The gauntlet at the end where you apply everything you acquired during the game was really cute, I liked it.

And I want to leave it at that to recommend you to give it a try, it's lighthearted and funny, not consuming at all in any aspect, you are leaving with some good OST to listen later, and a good game to remember.

This game was my entry into the Shantae franchise, a great platformer. It has simple mechanics, but ones that can only be mastered by more attentive players. The collectibles are also well balanced, not requiring the gameplay to stop to collect them. However, what stood out the most to me was the art; in this game, the character sprites and environments exude personality. A simple game but very competent in everything it sets out to do.