Reviews from

in the past

I have a massive nostalgia bias for this game and I don't think it's designed quite as well as rush adventure, but this is still a really fun time. I actually think the wisps are implemented way better in this version, removing the trick system is a massive step down from the rush games though. I still really enjoy this game and it's one of the games I'll still randomly bring with me on a train or something since it's so easy to just pick it up and quickly blast through a couple levels.

Now that I replayed the entire Rush trilogy I really feel like there are some fun parts that get very annoying later on, this one was the least offensive and mostly fun but was incredibly mediocre in everything other than the base gameplay. Level design was also nothing special, what this has going for it most is just the movement, as it's the closest 2D has come to perfecting the boost formula.