Reviews from

in the past

this game is basically perfect i love it

Literally the best 2D platformer of all time, nothing will change my mind.

Might be the best 2d platformer ever

Beat this with my brother. $lave tails.

Mejor juego de Sonic fácil, no es perfecto pero es la experiencia definitiva del juego en 2D, peak Sonic

The definitive classic Sonic experience, and the blue blur's biggest adventure on the Genesis, full-stop. It caps off the Death Egg saga with a bang and introduces mainstay character Knuckles. Amazing soundtrack, and they really cleaned up Sonic's sprites. I haven't completed it yet but I've still played this over and over.

this game rocks. even sandopolis zone rocks. fight me.

(install the sonic 3 a.i.r. mod on pc and it'll rock even harder)