Reviews from

in the past

Of the final fantasy games I’ve played so far I’d say this is probably my least favorite. The gambit system is fun and it’s a good game to idly wander and kill mobs but with it being a mock mmo it sits in FF’s evolutionary path in a weird place.

All of the characters are mostly good. Some a bit shallow, as is the plot. It felt too Star Warsish, a series I’m not personally that fond of. The cutscenes were beautiful and the design is one I didn’t use to like until I played 14 which it shares a lot of DNA with.

The combat never rises above a feeling of a weird idle rpg, and feels dramatically clunky when manually controlling if you need to strategize outside of your gambits which they themselves are a bit clunky to begin with. The progression charts are pretty good though and I can’t imagine em without the ability to respec. I do also like the mist system though it’s not too inherently intuitive

O meu final fantasy favorito, apesar de eu gostar um pouco mais da lore do 9 como um todo, a história desse ainda é muito boa e bem madura. Porém o maior destaque pra mim é o sistema de combate, é surreal como é foda o sistema de gambits, você controlar toda IA da sua equipe, o tanto de estratégias possíveis e a liberdade pra isso. A exploração desse jogo também é um ponto forte, muito divertido, eu tenho muito a falar desse belíssimo jogo, mas vou deixar pra escrever uma análise mais aprofundada no futuro.

Really wanted to like this one more, and I can imagine a person who can get really into this game, but it just isn't for me. The central combat gimmick of the gambit system allows you to set up complex party AI to respond to combat encounters, but it also makes the game feel more hands off in moment to moment gameplay, more about setting up a rube goldberg machine of attack commands and watching them play out on their own. If that gameplay loop sounds fun, there's a lot to like here, but if you prefer a more hands on tactical approach, this isn't the game for it. The story didn't really carry me either, something of a FF take on Star Wars but without any particularly solid character writing. The bones for some truly great characters is there, but in this package everyone feels too underexplored to be memorable. A lot of potential, but ultimately kind of wasted.