Reviews from

in the past

"Lahabrea, you think you can consume the realm, but little do you know, it has been reborn. A Realm Reborn!"

+2.5 stars for the years I spent loving it; -2.5 stars for the years I've spent hating it

Short review: Base game that feels like an 80-hour prologue, with an introduction to a huge, overwhelming world at the beginning and a story that stumbles for much of the game. Fun gameplay depending on the class you decide to use and the companions that accompany you in the dungeons. The final stretch is a love letter to the fans.

Long review: After 9 years trying to enjoy Final Fantasy XIV and letting it go out of boredom, mostly by the fault of the difficulty of the jargon used (English is not my main language nor do I have a great level) and the quantity of boring collection or research missions. 2 years ago I managed to invest 60h and reach the middle of the story of A Realm Reborn, but I dropped it again. Now, 10 days ago I decided that it was time to make the peace with the game and resume it, this time it seems that definitely. I have invested 50 hours more, finally completing ARR and enjoying the trip a lot throughout these days. The story throughout 80% of the game it's pretty mediocre, but once you manage to overcome that section it goes in crescendo for several hours, making many good references, especially to FFVI, FFXII and KH until the end. Dungeons and trials feel positive since they provide objects and equipment that help you progress with your character, regardless of the class you use and, lastly, the fanbase are mostly polite and comprehensive, which makes the game even more enjoyable.

Time to play post-ARR patches and continue my journey.

its like adopt me for adults

There's a lot of outdated gameplay mechanics and general problems, but sticking with the game has been extremely gratifying. I love this game to absolute death in spite of its current and growing pains. The story, while a slow burn at first, is phenomenal. The soundtrack between all expansions is godlike. Also probably the best community for a game I've experience. I can count on my hands the amount of times I've had a bad time dealing with another player despite putting thousands of hours into this game. Arguably the best game I've played since Persona 5 Royal.

it doesn't get good until the end but theres still that first 3/5ths of the game that blows ass