Reviews from

in the past

[played via the MiSTer FPGA's GBA core]

Excited to finally finish one of these at last with a nice entry in the series!

What starts as a traveling tactician teaming up with the last surviving member of a village turns into a fight against a dark conspiracy to flood the world with dragons. You amass a small army that fights in tiles against different foes with some impressive animation for a GBA game.

My main complaint is that there's a support system for chatting amongst your teammates that I frankly found not clear. Having played a decent chunk of awakening (but didn't finish it), I found that system to be much easier but I know this came out well before so I'll cut it some slack.

A solid Fire Emblem game, some good maps and characters, but it's just not as memorable on the whole compared to some other games in the series. Worth playing as a fan, but not a must play.

The first game that introduce me to Fire Emblem, it was a good journey, at the end I have to use the old man, because all my other units suck, specially Eliwood.

It's not a great game, but it IS a comfort game. One of my favourite games to come back to. Also kinda fits my playstyle of getting distracted by other games and dropping all the ones I'm currently playing for 6 months! I can come back and hop into any chapter of this game anytime I want!

gameplay was a step up from fe6, i liked the maps here better. i was not a fan of how the lords needed to wait for what felt like an eternity to promote. story was forgettable but i liked how the lords interacted with eachother. i didn't like that the lyn campaign units are severely underleveled if you didn't do the tutorial. lyn's also surprisingly awful as a unit.

kickstarted my descent into fe AVOID AT ALL COSTS