Reviews from

in the past

le jeu était bien en soi car il m’a fait peur parfois et l’ambiance était stressante mais le lore était vraiment hyper manquant et j’avais juste l’impression de jouer non pas une histoire mais juste un jeu d’horreur ….. dommage parce que les mécaniques sont intéressantes (avec la caméra, le fait qu’on peut que se cacher ou courir qui a ajouté au stress) mais l’histoire c’est ce qui prime dans un jeu je trouve donc là ça m’a laissée sur ma faim, surtout la « fin ». et même si j’ai eu des coups de stress je m’attendais à pire et mieux en même tps vu que tout le monde parle de ce jeu comme « le meilleur jeu d’horreur existant » ….

Pooped my pants would recommend

Não faz sentido, não é bom e não deveria existir

A completely different vibe from the first game, with more chase sequences and jumpscares. The atmosphere was insaaane, i felt terrified most of the time.
Personally, i like cult/religious horror, so the plot was enjoyable especially how there were multiple subgroups: knoth and his supporters, the abandoned ‘scalled’, the rejected heretics; every 1-2 hours had a different look. I despised being outside in outlast 1 but thankfully i wasn’t confused nor lost in this game. The notes pleasantly explain the plot, i had a clear idea of what’s happening without having the lore shoved in my face, glad they kept that level of subtlety like the first game. I looked forward to the school hallucinations and meeting Val, however i felt like Val wasn’t really given her “long special moment”? Maybe just me.
On the other hand, i am not a big fan of excessive gore, i know what i was getting into but some moments were overwhelming (baby room, woman on stretcher machine, the skinned bodies everywhere).

Watched my friend play the whole game since i didn't own it and he agreed it wasn't worth playing but that one scene with the computers was great tho like that shit was great but yeah dont remember much of anything I know the ending involved like a baby or sum idk Im not finna play this game to find out anytime soon 5.5/10