Reviews from

in the past

Un juego muy entretenido, aunque algo limitado. La presentación hace mucho por meterte en una dinámica gamberra que, pese a suceder en Boston, me hace pensar en todos aquellos juegos británicos de los noventa que iban de romper cosas y faltarle el respeto a la autoridad.

Su principal escollo es que, para lo complejo y variado que llega a ser, el ritmo de juego se queda un poco corto a la hora de ofrecerte escenarios interesantes. Demasiadas veces da la impresión de que estás en un mapa completamente nuevo y acaba resultando ser el mismo reto con assets diferentes. Más allá de eso, tratar de llegar a las 5 estrellas me frustró pero tampoco pude parar hasta conseguirlo. Algo bueno tendría que estar haciendo para animarme de esta forma.


A very entertaining if somewhat limited little game. The presentation does a lot to get into a hooligan mindset. Despite taking place in Boston, it really looks like those 90's British games that were all about looking cool and sticking it to the man.

Its main drawback is that despite the game's variety, its rhythm falls a little short. Too many times it feels like you're doing the same challenge with slightly different assets. Beyond that, getting all 5 stars was frustrating but I couldn't put the game down until I did it, so there must be something worthwhile in here.

just like with wonderful end of the world, this game has such a distinct sense of humor and knows exactly what it is and what it wants to be, and i love it for that. super unique concept with lots of fun levels and ideas, crazy fun for high score runs, and a lot of really funny moments. totally recommended

This game entranced me as a kid. Something about the concept, the quirky title, the colors- I really wanted to play it. The game kinda creeped me out as a kid, with the bizarre menus and uncanny vibe it gave off.

I have played it off/on for years. It's alright!

You fall, collecting points, getting as close to the walls of obstacles without touching, spray certain walls with graffiti, and either pose for your fans, or show the haters the bird.
You'll be looking every-which way, trying to maximize your points on the way down. You sometimes forget that you're falling with how much you're spinning around and interacting with the obstacle course. (multi-tasking while essentially "grinding" the sides of buildings takes a lot of skill!)
At the very bottom is a landing zone, you'll want to land in the specific zone for the best score.

What you have is a pretty arcade-y "runner" that is fun to do a few runs of at a time.