Reviews from

in the past

One of my first computer games ever and i really love it for being so simple to play for a newbee but at the same time entertaining. It might be boring if ur playing it for the first time in 2023, but it was amazing experience back in a days.

Infinity Ward'ın en iyi oyunlarında ilk 3'e girer. Oyun tarihinin en iyi 2. WW oyunu. Grafikleri taş çıkartır.

This was a gem! I never thought I would really get into the old-school style Call of Duty games but this one stood the test of time enough for me and I really appreciated what they did with it!

I know I played and beat all those WWII titles during this period but I couldn't tell you hardly anything about those campaigns. It was 99.9% multiplayer action across the board. Became almost wholly fixated on rifles/snipers-only matches, too. (The instagib rifle matches from Unreal Tournament were a precursor to this, I'm sure, but the antique mechanical environment here got its hooks in deep.)

Played this in 2011 or so when i was wee lad and the dday mission was the first thing i tried since my brother made some progress and it blew my mind. Always look back on this game fondly and recently i've finished it for the first time properly in many years.
Decided to play on Veteran and it was really fun! Surprisingly doable, it takes a while to actually die and you can easily react and get in cover reliably... unless you encounter a machine gunner, then it's a 50/50. This makes the second to last mission the hardest in the game because you get little to no cover and enemies pour from every corner. Another problem is the insane screenshake whenever you get shot, making it difficult to even see anything.
Game's a fun romp however it really starts to get repetitive by the last third since there is little else you do other than murder nazis. Still, i like the set pieces and atmosphere of the game.

Zerei boa parte dos call of duty com meu pai, não tenho opnião separada desses jogos mais antigos da epoca, porque eu zerei a maioria com literais 9 anos, eu nasci em 2003, então tipo, muito zika mas não tenho opnião para separar eles entre sí, agora os mais novos do MW1 (vulgo COd 4) pra frente eu ja consigo opinar melhor.
Vou copiar e colar esse pra todos os jogos que eu sinto a mesma coisa, uma nostalgia que não consigo definir direito.

Talvez seja a nostalgia falando, mas quando joguei esse jogo na minha infancia foi algo fora de série, rejogando em tempos atuais se nota que o game envelheceu bem, recomendo a todos que curtem jogar um bom FPS.

I SIMPLY LOVED IT, I beat this on veteran and did 100% on Xbox, it's a 2005 game and still beautiful, the ambient is incredible (mainly the levels that takes place in the rain), the game is hard but the hard that you die but you still wanna play cuz the game is very good, the only problem is that the characters are all superficial and the story kinda doesn't really matter cuz it's WW2, just Price is iconic

significantly better than the first one but still didnt age nearly as well.

Actually one of the best WWII themed game I've ever played. Call of Duty 2 has a special place in my heart, not just because it's one of the earliest FPS game I've ever played, but for teaching me a bit about what WWII were about when I was a kid, albeit not 100% accurate, it was a game afterall.

It still is the best COD I've ever played compared to every COD that came out after this. COD WOW is a close second.

My father, who was a soldier, brought me this game one day. And than... I still play sometimes.

I think it's safe to say that there are a lot of Call of Duty games. However, there are few that manage to make a first impression (for me) to the series like the second had managed. It was games like this that are the reason I'm as big of a history buff that I am today, and for good reason. D-Day is a scene that is recreated and reenacted in many forms of media, however Call of Duty 2 manages to make this one daunting and horrifying, all while giving you a slight glimmer of hope that your victory is somehow ensured. While it might not be the most memorable of the COD series, it sure makes its mark on the series.

One of the best FPS war games!
Incredible MP.

eu gostava de jogar mas não sabia pra onde ir

Gameplay wise very good, as well as other aspects.

Returning to this game was very nostalgic.

I used to play this game all of the time, and never reached the end of the tutorial...and that was because I loved playing for the combat. The graphics look good for a game from 2005 and the locations for each level look amazing, but the movement is the main problem I had with the game because you felt so slow. Once you play Call of Duty with sprint, you don't realise how much you use it.

Still fun while also introducing a lot of series staples.

Nostalgic for me, This was the first ever Teen rated game I played. My cool aunt bought it for me as a birthday present. I tore through the campaign so quickly but I wasn't allowed to play online at that time, so that was it. But going back years later I still love the simplicity of this all. It truly was a "game" no crazy meta's, no annoying fanbases of tryhards, just gamers having fun. Those were the days

en sevdiğim 5 cod oyununa girmesede çok güzel cod oyunu

Decent campaign if you just want to shoot guys the entire time. Can get pretty funny when the body count setting is set to 'Insane' which means bodies never despawn and you see the 50+ dead bodies on the ground in a small area.

This review contains spoilers

Epic installment in the series with a fresh new experience.

Call of Duty 2 is a big upgrade from the first one, from a time that game developers actually cared. In the basis, it is still a WWII shooter, like the first one, but with some new perspectives, storylines, improvements and a leap in graphics.

In Call of Duty 2, you get three separate storylines which you play in order. First, you play as Vasili Koslov in the Russian army, who fights in the battle of Stalingrad during the German invasion. After that, you are warped to the British army as Sergeant John Davis, which is stationed in Egypt in the fight against General Rommel. Halfway the campaign, you are switched to yet another character, David Welsh, a tank commander who is tasked with destroying enemy artillery. After the battle, you take on the role of John Davis once again in the defense of Matmata.

Lastly, you play as Bill Taylor, an American soldier which fights in the battle of Pointe Du Hoc. Afterwards, you play three more missions deep into Germany, on your way to Berlin.

The variation of the missions, characters and different cultures is what made this game so great. It shows many historical battles and let you experience the, sometimes hopeless, battles of the war. It really tells a story, something that is greatly missing in the Call of Duty games today.

The graphics in Call of Duty 2 are a huge improvement over the first game. Weapons, animations and environmental design are greatly improved and the game felt so realistic at the time. The new blood animations and the corpses that stay on the ground for long periods of time, really improved the experience. There is still no ragdoll in this game so the death animations of the enemies are still “static”, but that does not matter. There where, even then, also mods to make the game even more realistic like more blood, and even dismemberment. It was even more epic and realistic with those mods installed.

The only problem I encountered was a bug in the animations of the enemy soldiers, in which their mouths still move and produce silent slurs, while you just put a bullet between their eyes. This really freaked me out as a kid.

The sound design has also been greatly improved. Shots and grenades sound great and the enhanced bass in the explosions really gets you in the game. Enemy soldiers now throw slurs and insults at you which are hilarious when you understand German like me.

The new mechanics in which you need to take cover to regenerate is a welcome addition. I am used to games with health bars and finding medical kits to stay alive, but here, all is not lost when you just have 1 HP left and the enemy is coming for you. On the other hand, this removes some of the thrill to stay alive and find canteens or med kits, like the first Call of Duty or Medal of Honor.

Most of this review is from pure nostalgia, but nevertheless, Call of Duty 2 is just as good as I remembered it today. It is a huge leap from the first game and a worthy successor.

I would definitely recommend this classic to everyone.

Wanted to like this one more than I did because at the start it looks like a huge upgrade from the first one but the problems quickly become apparent as it goes on.

Enemies spam grenades even more than they actually fire their rifles at you and they have ridiculously perfect aim. On top of this they removed the ability to throw grenades back, so most of the time you are relying on your insanely stupid and ridiculously slow AI companions to throw grenades back. Friendly fire is way less forgiving for how much damage you need to do to get sent back to a checkpoint and allies are often running straight by your line of fire or straight up coming from the same direction as the enemy. Not a fan of the reliance on ADS as hipfire (even with automatics) is basically fucking useless now and if your guy gets shot once his head flies straight up in the air and you can't hit anything at all. Also this might be a problem with formatting the game to modern resolutions but it feels like the sights on a lot of guns are not accurate and enemies are either not stunned by hit shots or straight up not hit at all. I like a lot of the campaigns settings and level gimmicks but after D-Day it completely devolves into moving through varations of the same french village with infinitely respawning enemies over and over again. Character constantly gets stuck on random geometry on the ground as well. Never really really capitalizes on a lot of the fantastical and varied imagery you can do with the western europe front like the first one did.

Despite this it does a lot of things right. The lighting, texturework and particle effects are gorgeous and easily outdo most games today. It's probably the only time I've seen a game do a checkpoint system like this and it work completely, always saved when it was convenient and never put me in a spot where I'd die upon reload even when checkpointing me in out in front of enemies. I genuinely have no idea how they did it. Even if it responsible for a lot of the series' later failures its hard to be mad at it because it does so much right.

oh we got price's grandpa, thats great !

MW4 was the last time a new CoD game felt like an event that changes everything. The first time was when this bad boy landed.

Yup... cod 2 wad a good game