Reviews from

in the past

I used to love playing this game in high school and just making people mad by singing when theyre trying to clutch listening to footsteps.

A Well made shooter that i can see why people love, similarly to smash bros melee however, it simply isn't my cup of tea and i got bored of it pretty quick. it also requires a lot of practice before you can succeed.

N cheguei a jogar mt e nem msm o online, só entrava algumas vezes pra jogar algo pra passar o tempo.

>> Prós
• JOGABILIDADE : Os controles não são complicados de se aprender.
• MAPAS : Tem uns bons mapas disponivéis.
• GRÁFICOS : São bons gráficos nos cenários.

>> Contras
• MAIS CONTEÚDO : Acho q poderia ter ainda mais variedade de mapas e mais alguns modos de jogo.

Do NOT play this game on Australian casual servers

I have heard things that I may never forget

I have complicated feelings about Counter Strike Global Offensive because on the one hand, I think it's mechanics are brilliant. It is an extremely well designed, strategic shooter. Matches can have a ton of strategy, prediction, and generally trying to out think and out flank your opponent. This partially comes down to how lethal this game is. Counter Strike kills you incredibly quickly, so it is usually the person who sees their opponent first that wins. As such, positioning and flanking are really important, as is thinking about how your opponent might approach a situation. It's incredibly satisfying, and is one of the most strategic shooters I have ever played. However, actually playing Counter Strike Global Offensive could be an incredibly mixed bag because of the online experience. If you mess up, opponents are likely to yell at you. I have been called an NPC and an AI for making mistakes, as all beginners to a game do. I've had people report my account after some bad plays. Playing Counter Strike can be so stressful because you feel a need to perform well so your team doesn't get mad. With friends this problem can be solved, but finding 4 other people of roughly the same skill level that want to play this is tricky.

Ultimately, I could give a deeper review if I had more time with the game, but unfortunately Counter Strike Global Offensive has been delisted because of the release of Counter Strike 2. This is an incredibly sad and worrying move on Valve's end, and I hope for legacy and preservation's sake it is returned to steam alongside its sequel. Ultimately, Counter Strike is a great game whose competitive community takes it so seriously that it harms my enjoyment.

Its ok i suppose but im bad at it so its hard to say that seriously

29 of my 30 hours with the 360 port of CS:GO were all on Gun Game.

my favorite thing to do in this game is get instantly shot in the head the exact nanosecond a guy who has played this game for 50,000 hours, and has the "Techno Fuck Shitter" skin on his deagle which he has renamed something probably anti-semetic, racist, or "dildo" sees me, than he kills me and "Infinite" by Denzel Curry blasts in my headphones

Wasted 1500 hours of my life on this game and went through the worst mental abuse from my teammates.

valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism.

o pior exemplo de jogo multiplayer, aquele em que você entra feliz e sai com metade da sua família morta ou grávida

Yapması gereken online eğlenceyi en iyi şekilde yerine getiriyor. Bir onlineden ne bekleniyorsa onu veriyor ondan 4.5 Gaben abime bal şeker olsun

для меня это просто отличный, чуть ли не лучший онлайн шутер. хз почему некоторые считают что тут чересчур токсичное коммьюнити, поиграйте в валорант где безумные кумеры парни или недотраханные бабы будут каждый ваш шаг обоссывать и обсирать, либо в лигу легенд где примерно всё тоже самое из-за крутой политики риот геймс в "сдерживании токсичности". да пидорасы есть в каждой игре, но почему-то в этих играх они мне попались первыми тут же с порога. мне просто нравится играть в кс го, особенно с друзьями, даже один хороший друг тиммейт может сделать всю игру приятной и весёлой

7355608 to plant the c4 👍🏼

I never played online, but the gameplay with bots was really fun too. Fare the well.
I think I will try the online mode of CS2, if my laptop can run it this is.

comunidade zoada pra krl, tem q estudar um monte de coisa pra ter o minimo de diversao mas a caminhada nunca acaba, sempre tem q estudar mais, sempre vai ter alguem com monitor melhor q o teu, mouse, teclado, pc com mais FPS, é uma desgraça, tu morre e fica um baita tempo sem jogar, e tudo isso por um jogo com grafico pré 2010 sem o minimo de alma, sem lore, carisma...

não vejo motivo pra alguem se submeter a isso que nao seja jogo de poder, ego, vício, acomodação, etc

é tipo lol mas tira tudo que possa ser qualidade e deixa só o joio

falando em lol, qm xinga ele mas ve CSGO no outro lado do espectro tem probleminha

Just like that, CSGO is no more. There was no celebration of it's tenure, of the joy and tears that the game brought to millions of players. Instead it went quietly into the night. With servers being taken offline as players finished their matches for unknowingly the last time.

By the evening of September 27, 2023. Counter Strike Global Offensive ceased to exist. It's store page removed from Steam, replaced with Counter Strike 2. Every other Counter Strike game is playable and accessible through community servers, and while CS2 is really just a port of CSGO, it seems disrespectful to completely remove one of Valve's most successful games entirely from its store. We would not be taking about CS2 if CSGO did not succeed.

11 years ago, CSGO was released in a broken, nearly unplayable mess. But fans stuck to the game, waiting patiently with each update for the game to improve. I was there for it all. The infamous Deagle update, Aztec existing, the skin betting scandal, and watching Skadoodle raise that Major trophy. Watching CSGO grow from a niche FPS, to the juggernaut it is now known as was something special to watch and be a part of.

I've grown with this series. Starting in 2011 on Counter Strike: Source, and quickly making the jump to CSGO the following year. I've made some unforgettable friends who have all mostly moved on to other things in life, but those memories will always sit with me. By the time another Counter Strike is released I will likely be in my 40s, and this franchise will have been a part of nearly half my life. By this point, I don't know if there will be another piece of media that will devote as much of my time as CS has.

So to anyone that hopped online, and maybe we shared a game together. Thanks. It's been a great ride.

I started playing CSGO around 2013. The game was still very much in its infancy, and at the time I had no prior experience with the series in general. To say that I got hooked is an understatement. As of typing this out, I have accumulated about 3800 hours of playtime, which is not something I'm proud of, but it shows just how much I loved it. Sure, there was a lot of toxicity, hacking, griefing, and just generally unpleasant company in your team sometimes, but the core gameplay and genuinely good matches one could have outweighed most of the negativity to be found here.

Unfortunately, we are witnessing the end of an era here. September 27, 2023: CS2 has just released as a massive overhaul to CSGO. New engine, new physics, new graphics. On paper it all sounds great, and there are indeed a lot of great additions and improvements; likewise, there are plenty of negatives to come of this as well, but lest I start dissecting it too much, I'll save it for the actual CS2 review. The fact of the matter is that the original CSGO holds an incredible amount of sentimental value and got me through much of my adolescent free time. I sincerely hope Valve someday brings back CSGO in some capacity for those who will forever remain nostalgic for it. Personally, this was and still is the golden standard for online competitive shooters.

it's okay, but it's just aaah
another game that just gets you paired against people that are like super good, at least in my experience
also the community just kinda sucks, kinda toxic
not very "innovating", idk. gets boring quick too

THE competitive game, in my eyes.

It is a purely skill based game, the more you put into CS the more you get out of it. You are facing against players purely on skillful aim battles, positioning, utility. It's clean and simple to watch competitively.

There is no other game that can kill it, Valorant tried but now it's problems have bubbled up with Hero drops and new mechanics that clutter and mess with the game.

This game you have the same amount of resources as the enemy, don't have to think about what Hero they are playing and their abilities shooting you through walls across the map. You coordinate with your team or just fuck around.

This is way more of a recreational sport than any other competitive game, it never gets old.

made me a gambling addict smh

jogo lixo vai acabar sem o kng ser campeão de major. valve porra nenhuma que inventou esse jogo foi o astralis.

I don't know what to even rate counter-strike at this point. No game has been so attached to my gaming existence. I fucking hate this game. I can't wait to play it tonight.

Personally I believe that the original Counter Strike games where best in the series. I mean, this game is good, but its just really generic feeling to me, walk around, and shoot, on like maybe the four same maps that always get voted for. Combined with the absolute dumpster fire of a community this game has, I really do not like CSGO or CS2, or whatever the hell they did with the name; I also feel inclined to say that I do enjoy competitive shooters like this as well, so it certainly is the type of game I would want to play, I just simply can not.

Played it since the beta and just never got gud. This initially frustrated me when I was trying to play comp seriously and actually climb the ranks, only to be eternally stuck in silver because I'm bad. One fateful night, however, my friends and I queued up an Office match and just started messing around with shotguns. My perspective changed that night and CS:GO suddenly became this game where we'd just shoot the shit and have fun without caring about our rank anymore. Eventually we all got bored of it but it was fun while it lasted. Some very fun memories have been made from it.

I'm late to the game but it's pretty classic.