Reviews from

in the past

i hope ur not claustrophobic

If you're going to play Daggerfall, by the nine divines, do it this way! It's the QoL and mods you see...

I enjoyed my time with this game, until the bug get the better of me. God the bugs.

I don't know if my game is cursed or it's just that bad, but trying to complete this game is almost impossible without console command and guide.

There are bugs that made the item/enemy I needed for quest not spawn, bugs that doesn't mark the quest as complete even though I did, bugs in the dungeon regarding doors and levers where it prevented me from going further into the dungeon, bugs that make quest not start at all, etc.

And if all that happens on the optional quest, I would be fine. But no, it's on the main quest, I have to force restart a story quest because it refuses to be completed, I have to force start a story quest because it doesn't trigger (even when I did all the thing it needs to trigger), the final dungeon lever/password sometimes doesn't work the first time so I have to turn it off and then on again to open a few doors.

BUT.... I did enjoy this game, I don't know why honestly. Maybe the simplicity of it just appeal to me, I listened to music/audiobook as I hack away and got lost in the dungeon (I will tele2qmarker after I got bored).

And it made me want to check the rest of the series, even though I didn't like Skyrim back when I tried that.

You have to be the right kind of person to enjoy this. Rougelike enjoyers and simulationists welcome, others beware.

Upon starting ask yourself if you enjoyed the first dungeon. If so, I have great news. If not, turn away now.

This review contains spoilers

Really intriguing story that sucked me in. I loved the twist with Septim’s letter and how the story really took a turn in the latter half of the game. The gameplay is fun, but gets really samey and tedious after about 30 hours. And if you’re not a mage, Good luck. They could have made the final quest so that any class could finish the game without all the hassle, but still … an experience for sure. Probably not picking this one up again, but what can I say? Pretty good.

For the review of Daggerfall contents, refer to my original review

Daggerfall Unity is the ultimate way to play Daggerfall as it allows you to use mods, console commands and it also fixes a lot of the randomization issues that will get you softlocked.

A great way to play the old Daggerfall. But note that Daggerfall nowadays is unironically a lackluster experience, probably only slightly less painful to play than Starfield.

Only playable in single sittings or you forget why everyones trying to kill you.

Surprisingly this is an okay game to play if you're patient, though there's still some quirks to actually completing the main story; I would definitely keep a close eye on the UESP wiki to figure out which reputations you're supposed to raise in order to even make progress. But if you could stomach playing Morrowind for the first time nowadays and were bored and saw that Daggerfall is free on Steam, maybe give this a shot to see how it is. Don't forget to enable Player Nudity on launch, lmao.

The dungeons are incredibly dense, and it's pretty crazy that they even had a fully 3d map on original release, although Unity actually lets you zoom in and change the viewing angle. It should be noted that there's a couple dungeon tiles that are absolute bullshit, like one tile where you have to push a generic wall torch to remove a plain looking wall, revealing a hidden tunnel to a few extra rooms which could contain your objective. Another tile features red brick walls that act as teleport points — these same red brick walls are featured randomly in other tiles, so you would have seen them and had no reason to actually walk into the ones that actually teleport you...

This game is still super magic heavy like in Arena, especially for breaking paralysis effects put on you, as well as for the recall, water walking, and levitation spells. Also apparently Unity 'fixed' the thicc vampire chicks in this game, so now the sleep spells they lob at you from a distance actually drain your stamina instead of doing nothing. Because this spell lasts for like 45 in-game minutes, it's almost guaranteed to knock you out and one-shot you unless you have spell effects to resist or reflect that spell entirely, it's kind of dumb honestly.

Normalmente eu logaria o jogo original, mas eu sou meio purista no sentido de experienciar o material original, e o Unity mesmo sendo um mod que muda mais os controles doq qualquer coisa n deixa de ser um belo de um overhaul no jogo.

Simplesmente o maior jogo que eu já joguei, o conteúdo disso aqui é infindável. Infelizmente ele é praticamente todo gerado proceduralmente, oq deixa tudo muito repetitivo e monótono. Mas o jogo é carregado pela sua progressão, gameplay, sistemas e roleplay. Um jogo que jamais poderá ser replicado, elaboro mais depois.