Reviews from

in the past

Lovely sequel to a great zombie game. Parkour is fun but the game feels a bit barren halfway through

Cool Game but i frustrated with optimization, Final boss was a joke. Game doesnt allow you to have a good momentum with parkour. It kinda slows you down so you cant feel fast.

When I bought Dying Light 2 I had an expectation of the game being extremely over-hyped but I was actually proven wrong. The game promises exactly what they promised before launch. The story is extremely immersive and impactful, and the gameplay is addicting. At times the talking is a little repetitive and they introduce characters a little too frequently but the overall enjoyment of the game made it bearable. I loved the parkour aspects but I feel like the fighting could've been improved. I also love games that are decision-based so finding out that there were multiple ending was a shock. Ultimately not better than the first Dying Light but very close!

Starts off decently and then takes a comical nose-dive in quality during its second half. Absolutely abysmal final act that I could only get through with the assistance of a trio of friends cheering me on through Discord screen-share and an abundance of giggle juice. Bleh.

Save yourself the time, money, and mental anguish this game will ask of you and steer clear of this horrid experience.

Play the first game instead, it feels like it was actually made by humans.

It is UBI-style open world but actually fun, because of free running system. Other than that, eh...

1 estrela a mais pq zerar em coop foi muito divertido.

I have a very strange nostalgia for this game. I was considering giving this a 4.5 because of some of the shady stuff that went on behind the scenes but its just a good game with a not so good story but support which is incredibly commendable and I'm glad they stuck with it.

Even though I never really played the first part, I would say that it's not a good game. The story is really bland and you can throw most of the characters in the garbage can, not to mention the synchro (German language). It's one of the worst I've heard. A lot of the gameplay is very clunky, especially when it comes to climbing and the limitations at the beginning with stamina... I don't know who thought that was a good idea. But otherwise I got the impression that a lot of things were artificially drawn out. Very noticeable in the cutscenes. Unfortunately it wasn't worth it, luckily there was a free weekend.

it's too ambitious, tried too many things, flew too close to the sun and away from its predecessor and now plummeted into obscurity

Stay Human.

Usta bu oyun olmuş yaa. Neden bu kadar az beğenildi hiç bilmiyorum. Parkur mekaniğini oldukça iyi tapıyor, ortanın üstünde fena olmayan bir açık dünyası var, hikaye kasmışlar, zombi kesmek aşırı eğlenceli, açtığımız yetenekler aşırı renk katıyor oyuna, yan görevlerde fena olmayan ortanın üstünde hikayeler var vs.

Sevmediğim kısımlara gelelim. Lawan. Ya bu kadar sinir eden, gıcık, itici karakter yapmak zorunda mıydınız yaa? Sürekli bir trip halinde, sürekli ters hareketler yapıyor. Aiden'de hiçbir şey demiyor. İnatla kendini ezdiriyor. Bir diğer sevmediğim şey ise yükseltmeler. Bence silah yükseltme olayını iyi yapamamışlar. Daha etkili ve daha farklı olmasını isterdim. Yükseltme yapmak için heveslenmedim mesela.

Bir de oyunu hiç kapatmadan bir günde 13 saat falan oynadığımı hatırlıyorum. Yani bir de "Hadi artık, bu son olsun. Artık kapatayım." diyerek ikna etmeye çalışıyordum kendimi. "Aman, boşver" deyip oynamaya devam etseydim daha ne kadar oynardım tahmin edemiyorum.

İyi oyundu ya, iyi oyun.

There is something wrong with this one when compared to the first. The story was insanely forgettable, and something is just kind of off with the world design.

The game feels very lackluster compared to the original and the physics just don't feel as on point.

(Played in Co-Op) No log dates as I've played the campaign about 5 separate times since it came out. Not quite as good as the first but still a fantastic sequel. Hoping for some interesting story DLC

Nothing about this game makes it a major improvement over the first. The game's marketing revolved heavily around the story and the grappling hook but the story is boring and the grapple doesnt come into play until far after you have already exhausted the fun out of every other mechanic. This game fails to be successor to the amazing first entry and I'd only recommend it to big fans of the original.

Bought during launch and played it through. The optimization was terrible and the game needed more polishing at that time. If I replayed now, answer could be different.

The combat is still fun but the story was terrible. Doesn't live up to the first. A buggy mess too.

It's good and all but it's glitchy.

A ton of gameplay additions and improvements that make it the most fun first-person parkour game on the market atm, combat's a bit finicky, and the story is bloated to a tee