Reviews from

in the past

Best video game OST of all time. I will fight you.

i fucking hate this disgusting piece of software some may consider a video game and is a prime example on why listening to fan feedback can backfire terribly. spits in the face of everyone who enjoyed the first one in favor of trying to please the crowd that disliked it to a abysmal degree. Too Linear? make the worlds open to a confusing degree that discourages exploration. Didn't like the story or characters? ok lets just throw them all out the window and create a new cast and shoehorn them into the (absolutely destroyed and disconnected) FFXIII universe that will sure to get people to like them. Theres also only TWO party members for some got forsaken reason and the third slot is taken up by a shitty monster collector. This is genuinely my least favorite game ever made.

Oh there's time travel too, lovely

Man i give up im just gonna double dip for my brothers xbox square enix is so bad at ports man

This game I absolutely adored I remember that much will probably try to replay it another time.

I think this game was severely underrated. The first game received so much negative press and comments that most ignored this. But I think this game not only fixed everything from the first game, but is one of the better final fantasy games. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing and having a legend from chrono trigger help write this game made it all the better.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 is an JRPG with a turn-based-ish battle system, it continiues on FF XIII's paradigm shift automatic battle system which has it's good and bad sides, but is implemented massively better in this game, and makes much nicer battles where you feel more in control of your losses and victories. The time-travel theme with slightly less linear progression also fixes the other major problem in FF XIII making this game a bit of a hidden gem, since many probably gave up because of the predecessor. Actually one of the only real problem in the game is that some of the progress is hidden behind hard to find hidden treasures and side quests, so you may end up stuck too often. The story I find was quite good and the graphics and music are amazing as always. The game also had some quick time event stuff but that didn't really matter for me one way or another.

This review/collection of thoughts is just for the main story. I plan to play at least some of the DLC and collect some more fragments, but I'm heading out of town for a week or so tomorrow and want to jot down my thoughts beforehand.

Characters: While the characters and character interactions were a high point for me in the first game, here it's just kind of a "meh" point. Serah doesn't have as much personality as I'd like for a lead. She's not a bad character, but she really doesn't live up to the cast from 13. Noel, on the other hand, has a lot more personality and is an enjoyable lead. My only complaint is that I wish they would have leaned a lot more heavily into his back story. He's a little too normal of a dude for someone with his origin. The main villain is well done. I love how they tied in and developed Hope. The character design/costumes in this game were... not my favorite.

Story: I love time travel stories, and this was no exception. It wasn't a particularly cerebral story, but it stuck to it's premise and delivered something that was a lot of fun. I was never as emotional invested in it as I would have liked, but it kept my curious and delivered some good punches at the end. Definitely has me excited to play the DLC and Lightning Returns when I get back.

Battle: Honestly, a huge step back from FF13 in my eyes. The couple of things that they improved just didn't make up for the missteps. In FF13, the fastest and most effective way to finish battles generally involved the use of saboteurs and synergists. If things got hairy, I needed sentinels (well, only in a few places... ) and medics. Staggering enemies quickly and maximizing stagger damage was important. In 13-2, synergists and saboteurs are immensely less effective (and wouldn't be particularly needed otherwise...), to the point that I essentially didn't touch them. I needed sentinels even less than in the first game, and even many boss fights could be won quickly enough that medics weren't necessary. So, the class coverage went from 5.5/6 to like 2.5/6 in any give battle.

The game was simply too easy. I heard this beforehand, so I purposefully dodged fights regularly to try to stunt my growth. Unfortunately, this wasn't always possible (cie'th city was the worst ugh) and I ended up overpowered regardless. After the bitch of a final boss fight in FF13, sailing right through the final bosses with only a single moment of danger was a big disappointment.

Music: All over the place in the best of ways. The nu-metal screamo-ish themes for some of the bosses and chocobos had me grinning like an idiot. There were vocal themes that had strong Nier/Nier Automata vibes to them, which I absolutely loved. The battle themes ranged from wistful electronica to metal adjacent prog rock with some kickin violins. Honestly, the music is a large part of what bumped this game from 3 stars to 4 stars for me. So damn fun and good

Monsters: My other favorite part of this game. I love collecting and breeding monsters, and I enjoyed the little bit I dabbled in here. I kept myself from going too far down the rabbit hole, due to the aformentioned lack of difficulty, but I'm looking forward to playing with it some more during the post game content. Putting newsboy caps on killer robots was a particular highlight for me. Also, Flanitors cracked me up in FF13, and having them actually be a useful member of my time was double plus good.

Linearity: Exact opposite of FF13. I honestly enjoyed the linearity of 13, but this is a damn time travel game. I had a lot of fun popping in and doing a side quest here and there at different points in history. Grabbing the fragments for lore is fun too, and I'm looking forward to finding more.

Graphics: Big step back from 13, but not bad at all for 2011.

Fun Factor: Here's the thing. The game was just fun. Yeah, I think it was worse in most of the more 'serious' elements as compared to 13. But, I had fun almost every step of the way. There were several moments in the game that had me laughing, and a bunch that had me going "That's rad".

Length: The 25ish hours it took me to beat the main story (plus a couple of side areas) were spot on, and I feel satisfied but eager to do some of the side content. That is exactly what I like to feel when I finish the game. Far too many JRPGs overstay their welcome, and I'm so glad this series doesn't.

Conclusion: One of the most enjoyable Final Fantasy games, and a very solid JRPG in general. I have a feeling the soundtrack will find its way to my regular playlists.

El que menos me gusta de la trilogía.
Introduce muchas mecánicas nuevas y muy interesantes, pero desgraciadamente, la historia que quiere contar no me interesa tanto, los personajes no me gustan especialmente y, no sólo me añaden problemas a una historia que creía cerrada, sino que tampoco se cierra a sí misma ni termina de forma satisfactoria. No sé. Un puente curioso al 3er juego, pero no un puente que me guste.

What a great game! They took every criticism I had of the first game and fixed it, of course, in exchange for having a bit of a weaker story. I even got the platinum, since I really enjoyed it!

Starting with the part of the game that really got old for me on the first game: Gameplay. I feel like they fixed every aspect of it that turned the first one into a slog. Now you have MUCH more to do other than walking straight in a hallway and fighting over and over again. Since the context of the game changed to a non-linear story, the game gives you a lot of different areas to explore, a lot of side content, even monster to capture and develop! Even the equipment progression and the crystalium system got much better, they became even more simple, but much more impactful and fun.

Battles also feels much better, you don't get stuck in a cutscene every time you switch paradigms anymore and the unique skills/utilities of your monsters add a nice layer of variability. Speaking of which, monsters are a new feature of the game where you collect and add 3 of them to your composition, each with their own characteristics and developments. Very fun addition, since your party for the entire game consists of only Noel and Serah.

Talking about the story, it is not bad, but also not great. Everything makes sense, it has good beats and scenes. Caius and Yeul are good characters with understandable motivations and objectives. These two new characters and Noel feel like the real focus of the game, which is okay, although I really wished the first crew, mainly Snow and Sazh, were more impactful or at least showed-up more. I can't help but feel like the story was somewhere between Serviceable and good. But it does serve its purpose and helps you to stay engaged.

Talking about negatives, the version for the PC is TERRIBLY PORTED. Normally, it crashes all the time and its pretty much impossible to play the game. It's absolutely mandatory to download a fix and add it to the game files. A real shame they did such a poor job at porting such a good game to PC.

Besides that, the biggest annoyance in the game is how it expects you to find the fragments with NO GUIDANCE AT ALL. It's actually impossible to try and complete all the game's content without a lot of guides.

Also, the last effective world of the game is just really boring, it's a platforming level that really wants to keep you waiting while standing still, just boring.

The ending was also kinda disappointing, the final boss and cutscenes are really good, until the last rendered one that hits you with a "TO BE CONTINUED..." after 50 hours and 20 more to get the secret ending... which is disappointing as well.

I really do recommend this game and I expect the third one to be even better and give a great ending to the series, let's see!

Gameplay massive improvement.
Story massive downgrade.
We don't play JRPGs for the gameplay.

The good:

-Better paced gameplay/story than the first
-Music is very very good
-The story is good but confusing if you are not paying attention, as we are dealing with time travel.
-The ability to go back to previous areas at any time
-The ability to replay story bits
-Challenging endgame

The bad:

-The crystarium system has been changed. Now every class shares the same sphere tree. Stats increased with every node depend on the class leveled up and if the node is big or small.
This is not explained, so you can potentially get very low stats, which makes the endgame borderline impossible. And there is no way to reset it.
My advice is look for a guide and learn how it works.
-The difficulty in the story is minimal. So much in fact, that fights often feel like a chore, as there is no challenge until the last couple chapters and the endgame.
-Those tedious clock puzzles.
They're fun, but only if they're not randomized (which they almost always are)
-A LOT of reused areas. And while this doesn't seem like a problem at first (as the point is to travel in time to those areas to see what has changed...) Almost nothing really changes... ever. Except for music, weather, and NPCs in there. Not even containers change, so there is no point of re-exploring these areas for loot most of the time. But you will because there will be a quest that makes you walk through the entire map like twice in order to complete it. It will be tedious and annoying, especially because you can't interact with a lot of things while riding the a chocobo.

The ugly:
-If you play this on PC, you will need to install some patches to make the game playable, and not crash every minute

Square Enix le flop de toute la ville

Peak RPG, great gameplay with a great story, Noel best protag 🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯

Better gameplay loop than XIII, I like the remixed OST. Serah is a canonically dumb character. The story is absolutely bonkers.

Tão bom quanto o anterior, único problema é que a história peca um pouco, principalmente por terminar em cliffhanger, de resto... é muito bom e até melhor que o primeiro em alguns aspectos

é bom perceber que não precisamos mudar de linha do tempo pras nossas opiniões variarem - eu que odiava esse jogo até mês passado por razões fúteis ("só fizeram ele abertão pra 'consertar' o XIII - que eu gosto - covardes!") agora noto que o brio é mais rígido: não é porque a liberdade é apresentada como diversão (ou, utilizando métricas iluministas, "melhora") que o aspecto perigoso ou solipsista dela é ignorado. cuidado!! não seguir o marcador de quest pode te levar pro abismo!!!!

anotações adicionais:
a refutação da piadinha de que "em todo jrpg você usa o poder da amizade pra matar deus" é legal, mesmo que não-intencional

prefiro acreditar que a ideia dos monstros veio mais de dragon quest v do que de pokémon, mas nenhum dos dois casos salva muito

post-bait and switch videogaming. bleeding hearts & recycled content. why are there so many clock puzzles. this game 100% expects you to have a guide for the sidequests. how am i supposed to find all this stuff. why does it not show you which wild artefacts you got. i had to play a long stretch of story content twice because i needed to beat a boss for the bestiary. the slots fragment is so stupid. blablabla i love this game if it had been designed by a human being it'd probably be 5 stars

Idk maybe i might come back to this but i just feel like this game is not needed. 13 ended perfectly fine and didnt need a sequel. The pc port also sucks ass so bad, why is my game constantly dropping frames. I also think the main 2 characters kinda suck. Serah is a nothing character that is too kind and is benevolent. She has no real emotions or motives, she just kinda mopes around but then acts all nice that it comes off kinda uncanny valley in a way. In the first game, she wasnt around much so it was fine but now that she is the main focus, she struggles to fill the main lead role. Noel is kinda interesting, but i feel like i wouldve enjoyed the game more if we started as him in his time. When he just sits there explaining it all to you, it makes you think "wow, that wouldve been interesting and a good way to make me care for this character". The QTEs are unnecessary. Also the live trigger comments are weird, why am i choosing what these characters are saying? Noel and Serah are not blank slate characters like Joker from Persona 5. They have their own personalites so why am i choosing their motives or responses. In particular, noel asks serah why she just kept waiting for snow and then the game prompts me for a response. I DONT FUCKING KNOW, ASK HER. I also dont care for the monster collecting thing, they did that in world of final fantasy and idk why square keeps trying to make pokemon. I rather prefer 13 giving me the characters with their role restrictions because it makes it fun to swap out your party. In 13, you shouldnt be using the same exact party for every fight, unless you get to far late game where everything is maxed out. 13-2 is the same 2 guys then some random schmuck you found off the street, which is kinda lame. Maybe i might come back to play this in the future but i just dont really want to or care to play this right now.

Me encanta Serah como protagonista en una historia temporal que está muy bien desarrollada y un buen villano acechando en las sombras, muy recomendado, una secuela muy superior al antecesor

To sum it up plainly, the gameplay is a little bit better, but the story and characters are a little bit worse than XIII.

Muchos se quedaron con lo malo que es el 13 pero este es muy buen juego sólido y con un sistema de combate que no te vuela la cabeza pero esta muy bien

This is the second installment in the FFXIII Trilogy, and in terms of story I would say this game was an improvement. Below are my overall thoughts on the game.

+Better Storyline/Pacing than the first game
+IMO more fun gameplay, overworld map with selectable time periods
+Soundtrack is beautiful as always
+Graphics look really good with the HD mod
+Lightning's Goddess outfit is HOT
+Noel is a dope character
+Time Traveling Shenanigans, perfect for a DC Flash Fan

-The PC port is absolute garbage, it is so outdated and you will need to install some mods and the FF13 Fix for maximum enjoyment

-Story has the same confusion and complexity as Kingdom Hearts, using time travel in story telling can demolish all of the momentum. I enjoyed it since I like time travel, but I think they could have eased on that factor.

-Encounter rate can get pretty annoying after a while

Overall, it wasn't that bad... I enjoyed the scenery and the amazing beautiful soundtrack, and the setting was cool too, 7.8/10

Definitely one of the weaker games in the franchise but an improvement on FF13 and overall enjoyable

Final Fantasy XIII was planed as a project called Fabula Nova Crystallis trilogy. The second entry is really different to the first one. The first FFXIII was really linear, a hallway simulator as many said. The problem with that is that with the second entry a lot of people and youtubers told this game was terrible without almost even playing it, since many of them told it was another hallway simulator. Saying that is to not having even played it, you can think FFXIII-2 is really bad for whatever reason and it can be considered a valid opinion, but to call this a linear game (like the first one was) is a lie, it hasn't anything to do with the reality.

FFXIII-2 changes the dinamics of the first one a lot, it's a really diferent approach, it's as if Fabula Nova Crystallis was a single game instead of three, with each game being an act in a three act structure. That's why the first FFXIII was the introduction, very delimited and restringed since it has to create a story, present the characters and so, and doing in it in a predetermined way was easier (but not necesarily better). The FFXIII-2 arrived with what could be the knot or development. There the game changes a lot, you can go wherever you want and choose the path or the thing to do as you want, nothing to do with the first game; that's why hearing so many influencing people repeating those things only demonstrates this is full of bandwagons, of og creators of opinion who create the opinion that everyone else is going to repeat after him, because they haven't any critical opinion by themselves at all.

As an example I'm old enough to remember how Metal Gear Solid 2 was seen as an absolute disaster, a terrible game, a disgrace blahbla, now it's looked as one of the best games ever made. It was seen as that because they told it was terrible, and now people say it's a masterpiece because new "creators of opinion" who are younger and don't know what the previous ones told said MGS2 was a masterpiece.

After all this talk about being different to the first one that doesn't make it necesarily much better, I prefer it, since it's a bit different and campy. It almost seems like a good spinoff in the Final Fantasy saga, with a mix of good things and moments and bad ones that at the end create just a good game, just as Tetsuya Nomura who is a mix of good and bad things and his hand in this game is very clear.

If you like the first one continue with this one. If you haven't played this trilogy, this second part is not good enough to make you play the trilogy itself.

So much more my shit than the first game was. Just total earnest mayhem, time travel shenanigans and heartfelt relationships. The gameplay is so much tighter, the story way more original and fun, the characters more exciting, and an ending that genuinely blew me away.

It doesn't surprise me at all that the gamer dudes didn't like this one, but this is probably one of my favorite Final Fantasy titles. What an insane improvement, loved basically every second!

This probably has my favorite video game soundtrack ever. That New Bodhum track is so damn beautiful. This entire trilogy needs a re-release badly. They are flawed but scrappy lovable games.

jogo muito bom, porém a história é inferior a do primeiro da trilogia

Play this with low expectation and love it a lot more than the mainline XIII. But not a fan of time traveller plot.

Great story and alot of fun to play.
The story takes a new direction from FFXIII and heads in a new direction while keeping with the premise of changing your fate. The characters are likeable, with appearances from characters from FFXIII. Not nearly as linear feeling as 13 was, 13-2 has alot of open areas and the ability to go back and forth between areas, if you just feel like exploring some more or working on side missions.
The combat system isn't really any better than 13, but to me it feels a bit more entertaining with the monsters in the party. The crystarium is a bit more complex if your looking to min/max your characters, while being a lot simpler for just straight leveling purposes.
Ill always love the FFXIII music, FFXIII-2 takes previous themes from XIII and attunes them to all new heights

Ok it's a bit better but I was expecting FFXIV. Wonder who's gonna be the protagonist of that one?