Reviews from

in the past

Tenho uma relação de interesse e ódio não só pelo FM24, mas por toda a franquia, é quase como aquele jogo que você sabe que não faz seu estilo, mas por algum motivo continua jogando.

A ideia de criar um simulador que destaque a estratégia de um dos maiores esportes da humanidade é algo sensacional, mas a falta do toque que faz todo jogo com as mesmas características ser considerado divertido é sentida em praticamente tudo que você encontra.

Diferente do que muitos imaginam, Football Manager não é um jogo complexo ou difícil, ele é só um jogo cheio de guias, menus e informações repetidas, a parte de estratégia também é algo tão padronizado que torna a sensação de "rumo ao topo" um sistema fácil e sem grandes surpresas (quando você aprende o que cada informação significa).

The most refined version of Football Manager on this current game engine.

It is the best game to play if you want to play as a football manager. The graphics are much better than last year, with more realistic animation and gameplay. Plus, it feels faster too. The new additions such as to the set-pieces was much needed and it works fantastic.

My only drawback is in some of the UI and licensing. I feel like Football Manager has grown so much in the past decade that it really should start acquiring licensing and they should start to remedy skins that have quality of life improvements to their UI.

Overall, I love FM and I'll continue to pour many hours onto this. Slightly anxious that my laptop won't be able to handle FM25 but we'll see then.

Primeiro jogo que jogo da franquia e puta negócio vicioso pqp!! Pegar esse jogo no switch é um caminho sem volta. Nunca usei tanto a versao portátil do console. Simplesmente assistia alguma live de fundo jogando.

No momento eu ganhei a minha primeira Champions league!
Meu time foi o Martinez goleiro
Konate e ake na zaga, as vezes colocando o Tomiyasu como ala defensiva
O Davies na lateral
Luis diaz na ponta
E Darwin Nunez de centroavante
O resto foi personagem genérico

Just won the Bundesliga and reus retired
I'm crying rn

Still has the recent Football Manager UI/UX issues - but FM24 has introduced a plethora of genuinely game-changing mechanics to reinvigorate the football management experience.

Only reason this football manager gets a bit higher is because they added J league and that's basically all I wanted.

حليوه، لو مهتم بالكرة وتفاصيلها وتكتيكها بتعجبك

It's better than its predecessors. Though it desperately needs a revamp, I've spent considerably less time with each release. Looking forward towards FM25.

My football and stat loving brain addiction. Please sent help

This is my first FM game, and I feel like trying to get into these games in their current form is... not great.

After first booting up the game, I found the UI completely inscrutable. The menu layout, information overload, and janky navigation adds so much (IMO unnecessary) friction into the process of actually playing the game that I think I probably would have bounced off completely had I not been able to send all my questions to a good friend who is obsessed with the series. Even now, some 40 odd hours into the game, menus still feel unintuitive and it can take a second before I remember how to actually do what I want to do.

There's also a ton of bugs, at least in the Game Pass version I'm playing. Many are merely annoying, but some have locked up the game, crashed me to desktop, corrupted saves or otherwise have resulted in hours of lost progress. This is incredibly frustrating in a simulation with this many hidden 'dice rolls': replaying a transfer window after a crashed game resulted in completely different outcomes and a vastly different football team than I had assembled the first time through.

I'm putting those gripes to one side, because FM24 has fully got its hooks in me. This is the ultimate 'one more turn' game for sports nerds. What I first found overwhelming-in-a-bad-way is now overwhelming-in-a-good-way; there are so many interacting systems to keep track of that it becomes inevitable that I will let something slip and entertaining chaos ensues. It's like spinning plates, except you get to smash the "throw water bottle" button in the change rooms when your little guys are playing like shit.

Time to waste another 500 hours

like crack but less socially acceptable

The same fundamental issues that have plagued the game ever since i started playing are still present here. There is very little if at all any improvement outside of the match engine and a surprising amount of bugs.
The Match Engine is fun though and has gotten much better in this and the last years version. Nonetheless it is quite frustrating to face the same issues every year, that make the game far too easy and predictable for the human player over the long term.

This will likely be by far my least played Football Manager ever since i got addicted 13 years ago, as i had a nice, satisfying bunch of saves in 2023 and am now looking forward to seeing their first game made in Unity.

I also wouldnt recommend this game for a newbie. The game is so cluttered, the menus so unintuitive and there is so much unneccessary stuff thats thrown at you, that a new player, if he cares about understanding the game will likely need 5 hours of setting his team up before even reaching match day 1.
Me personally, i, by now, holiday 60% of the season, from match day to match day, to emulate the feeling of having a reasonably paced football manager sim that doesnt bother with incessant spam in my mail ordner, for things that could be much more eleganty handled without reducing the complexity of the simulation.

Because of these complaints, and because i expected the last iteration of this generations engine to be a polished masterpiece version, i only give 3.5 stars.
Normally each of these games deserves at least 4 stars, as the scope, realism and dynamic quality of the huge database and the beautiful match engine, that even if it fails in many ways to copy real football, gets so much closer than anything else that has ever tried, make a deep engagement with the game worth hundreds of hours that will create memories that will burn themselves into your mind. And a lot of the hate the community gives to the developers is unwarranted and based on ignorance (It's always the games fault!)
But yeah, i had hoped for a better good-bye.

do NOT ask me how many hours I have

Runs better than any other fm, so worth a pickup for that alone. Generally an average game though. Series in desperate need for refreshment.

Es literalmente droga, pero de la buena

same old game but with set piece instructions

One of the best iterations of FM in recent history. Enjoying sticking with the same save which hasnt been my usual way of playing FM

in an utopia, every sport or esport has a management sim like this. i don't think it could be any more addicting

just don't be a manager at barça

Logging just to say I am now wasting my life away playing it, what an absolute joy. Exactly what I needed after suffering through FIFA for pretty much all of my adolescence. Fuck yeah, gimme those spreadsheets, baby.

Yeah...this is my autism diagnosis.

There really isn't much to say about Football Manager 24, its simply another good edition to an already good franchise. I personally can never fully get into FM but whenever I get the urge to play it I'm never left feeling unsatisfied, the obvious work and dedication to trying to make this game realistic is astounding and is extremely hard to beat in the gaming world. Its speaks volumes that multiple players and managers in real life have came out and admitted to playing FM, if you ever want to get close to feeling like a football coach then this game is unrivalled.

El peor juego que jugué en mi vida.

idk what they laced this game with but i cant stop