Reviews from

in the past

11/12/2023 EDIT: Apparently back in September they added one new free map, which is great! And then replied to their own post complaining about how it's a missed sales opportunity! ??? dropping half a star.

Sold over 100k in barely a month on aesthetics alone, now struggles to break 300 concurrent players in a 24hr peak. You wouldn't think this is an issue, but I promise you it is, because most of these people are playing private lobby and the few who venture out into randoms will soon be blasted by the remaining 10% of the playerbase that has already grinded out the card/character unlocks and leveled up their decks. Median playtime: 8hrs. Median playtime among my Steam friends that own it: 2-2.5hrs, excluding the half who still haven't launched the game. What's with that, huh?

Did you know the game only has like 2 songs when you're not standing by the jukebox? Most of my friends have already muted the in-game music because they play this one song on loop whenever you're not in-game; thankfully when you're in-match the music stops. Uh, it just stops. There is no music at all in-match. What's really bizarre to me given that they tweet out other artists' songs overlapped with the game but afaik they literally only play if you go to the jukebox. Please correct me if I'm wrong about this. EDIT: OST has 6 songs, no idea what the other 4 would even be unless they're tucked in the jukebox.

Held back by a lot of really basic things, ordered by most important imo:
- Card unlocks are all generally more powerful than the base kit.
- Repeat card drops are fed to existing cards to level them up.
- Only 1v1 or 2v2 modes, no FFA and nothing higher even though maps can support it easily.
- Tiny map pool. The demo in February had 2 maps, the game launched with 4; none on the roadmap unless some offhand tweet mentioned it that I can't find.
- Can't rotate teams in private lobby without recreating lobby every time.
- Default/extremely basic Unity movement, no sense of weight or momentum which makes tracking anyone feel awful. (Feels extremely similar to Gunfire Reborn in this regard)
- Other characters need to be grinded out to even play as, really frustrating vibing with a design and being met with "erm, grind pls?" like uhhh okay then.
- Most of the guns feel bad imo, I feel like I'm actively downgrading myself when I swap to anything other than the default pistol besides the sniper (which might be a good thing given the card situation tbh)

Of all of the things to "go back to form" on with your FPS, including a gameplay-affecting battlepass/XP grind is not one of them. This was always one of the worst parts of playing CoD post-3 or any of the clones, like oh yeah sure just give the already experienced player mindless proximity mines and an auto shotty while the n00b gets a sawed-off. Lmfao get real.

The B-line to selling an expansion pass instead of reconsidering the unlocks at all or adding any new maps or modes is extremely disheartening, but it makes that "crazy good" 2/3 launch sale make a little more sense now I guess! Maybe I'm reading into that one too much but then there's this tweet which is uhhh??

I don't know, in a word I'd say "vapid" but that feels overly mean, but it's all I can really think of. Would love to see this get more gamemodes (FFA, KOTH, CTF) and a much higher player cap and absolutely desperately needs more maps. As it stands now? I don't know how you're supposed to get much out of this unless you love spinning a roulette endlessly while vaguely pointing in someone's direction.

Feels a bit too basic at the current moment, but oftentimes basic can be enough in this kind of game. At least I got it in a sale for $7. Personally, I’d recommend it if you’re a fan of casual fps games, otherwise in its current state I’d leave it.

Played this during the free weekend with 3 other friends and we all had a blast. Extremely engaging and addictive shooter, genuinely the only game ever to get me engaged with deck building. The concept of using cards while in an fps gameplay environment is so unique and versatile and the developers clearly put a lot of time and effort into making the game very tightly balanced. Not to mention the 1v1 or 2v2 format and the fact that the game advertises itself as more of a game to play with friends rather than an online experience that depends on servers staying up as long as possible, it doesn't run into the future proofing issue a lot of other multi-player games run into. When I saw the trailers for it I was a little skeptical since it reminded me a lot of csgo or valorant and I really don't enjoy the positioning focused game play experience those games provide, however if you go into this expecting that kind of game that is absolutely not what you will get, friends vs friends is mostly about hectic and often chaotic close quarters combat encounters that focus far more on using your cards at the best times and your ability to track a target. It's certainly a gameplay experience that resonates with an old tf2 player like me more than walking around an empty map for most of the game until I turn a corner and get one shot through a wall 50 yards away.

complaints about balancing here seem silly since this, to me, perfectly fills the role of an FPS Mario Kart/Party. it's not a very competitive game, it heavily relies on random chance and goofy shit, and that's good!!!!! it's just a fun lil 1v1 (or 2v2) shooter i can play with my wife and i love it for that. it does sorely lack in map variety, and i don't think its dialogue/characters match the charm of its aesthetics, but this is an adorable time with friends or wives.

also the devs could easily fix the dialogue/character issues by adding an opossum girl. then it'd basically be fuckin perfect.

A fun little multi-player game, with just enough goof to keep things light while still allowing for some FPS muscle. It's a bit barebones, though.

I enjoyed the handful of hours I spend with it, but didn't feel compelled to play a ton of it. Got my money's worth for sure, though!

Bloody is no longer my friend :(

Eh...esse jogo é meio chatinho. Não é tão divertido, tem muito pouca variedade de modos e mapas e é pay to win.

Ele também é meio bugado, principalmente com modelos passando por paredes.

Mas sei la, se vc não tem nada melhor pra fazer pode ser legal jogar 1x1 eu imagino. Mas tem tanta opção melhor no mercado que sei la

this game is for Furrie s i am not a furry thiough also this gmae is fun

Un juego para pasar el rato con amigos apagando el cerebro y diviertiendose con el desbalanceo del juego, es extremadamente fácil de apuntar y las cartas son intuitivas, aun sin haberlas visto te hacés una idea de su función. Tiene un grado de personalización al permitirte crear tus propios mazos, aunque hay cartas que están excesivamente rotas y pueden llegar a molestar un poco luego de unas partidas. Sí, te estoy hablando a vos "gatotorreta".
ta chistoso, comprenlo en oferta

very fun when you're leveling up as the same time as a friend, if you have someone to play with it's an easy recommendation, I bought it for 2 $ on instant gaming that was worth it. I'm very bad at aiming so it's complicated

Petit jeu sympa pour jouer avec ses amis, gameplay agréable, principe de deck de carte dans un fps super cool, maps qui tournent un peu trop en rond, mais ca reste cool
+ FURRIES !!!!!!

Every update improves this game so much. Is such a fun experience, with a lot of personality with its aesthetics and characters, all the cards work amazing, and is a blast with friends.

I'm giving this another year and depending on what they do with the game it may be the best multiplayer shooter I have played in a VERY long time

so fucking awesome it is pr difficult for beginners though

Fun enough but it's really brought down by the progression system which is still really slow even after the hotfix which made it quicker. It's like they made an f2p game with microtransactions to speed things up but then stripped out the microtransactions. Core of the game is still fun though, even if I do wish that there was a quicker way to get access to more cards and characters

The perfect competitive shooter for someone who doesn't like most competitive shooters like myself. The sheer chaos and light-hearted banter that Friends vs Friends is built upon makes it tough to get tilted when everything is just so colorful and fun. The fact that there's no micro transactions, no battle pass, and a simple and easy grind makes FvF feel very forgiving, and most importantly, welcoming.

The art direction is so genuinely refreshing and fun to look at, every character is distinct and memorable in design and personality, and the stages, despite only having 4 at release, are all unique and bring interesting gimmicks and strategies.

FvF feels like a Source Engine mod from the late aughts in how its simple mechanics give way to a ton of fun and mayhem. The cards and character abilities allow you to come up with interesting playstyles, though since it is a multiplayer game, there's bound to be cards, characters and decks that are far more favored than others.

At the time of writing, balance is definitely a bit unsteady. The shotgun weapon is notably very powerful, and some cards feel very underwhelming like the ice block or hiding enemy health bars.

Still, FvF is clearly in its early stages, and the small development team at Brainwash Gang is clearly very passionate, active, and most importantly, transparent and communicative with their community, so I have high hopes for this game's future. I'm having a ton of fun with it, and I'm looking forward to what comes next.

Extremely fun and engaging fps that combines deck building with Call of Duty TDM. Amazing artstyle, no fat, love it!

Friends vs Friends is a unique take on the arena shooter, where you build a deck of cards with various effects such as equipping more powerful weapons, increasing the size of your enemy's heads, or even completely changing the map. Each card's effect lasts for the round, and you draw more cards each round, so you need to be smart about which cards you use and make sure you keep some around so that you have more options next round. Before the match starts, you can also select a character that will have a unique passive effect, I liked playing Moose because of her passive double jump ability!

The game has a charming visual style with low-poly 3D models and crisp pixel art textures. The hub world you explore while matchmaking is charming and full of details, making it fun to look around while waiting for a match. Speaking of which, while playing I never had a hard time finding a match, even though that seems like a challenge for many indie multiplayer games. This is probably helped by the game's format of 1v1 or 2v2 duels, though there were often times where matchmaking felt unbalanced, where my opponent either had lots of powerful rare cards that were hard to work around, or had clearly just started and barely had a chance against my deck.

That leads me to my main gripe with the game, the card system is fun and is what gives the game its unique twist on the genre, but many of the cards are very strong and are very difficult to work around without having a direct counter in your own deck. This comes with the territory of card games, so I'm mostly fine with this, but newer players will not be prepared for dealing with the more powerful cards like Vampire Bullets, Katana, Heartless, Titan, and Mind Blowing, and could cause them to bounce off the game if it feels like their own arena shooter fundamentals are not able to keep pace with the cards.

There's plenty of moments where the cards shine as a strategic layer on top of the gunplay, and coming up with different card combos or ways to counter a strong combo you saw gives you a lot to consider when building your deck. Swapping weapons with your opponent after they equip a powerful weapon, or preventing your opponent from jumping while they're on the subway tracks and leaving them helpless to get run over, there's lots of clever ways to use the cards that kept me coming back and rethinking my deck.

Amazing breath of fresh air, spent a lot of time playing it, will spend more.

Cool ideas here, mid execution. balance is non-existant, matchmaking is awful. It may not be pay to win, but its definitely grind to win. After a couple matches getting matched with players who's cards and characters way out pace yours and all fun disappears.

É bem ruinzinho pra falar a verdade, apesar de ser bastante chamativo.
Só tem como jogar online e a gunplay é bastante esquisita, o sistema de lootboxes (que serve para montar os decks) é bem esquisito.
Se quiser algo pra jogar com amigos é melhor jogar outra coisa ou esperar alguma free weekend desse aqui.

Friends Vs. Friends is easily one of the most fun online shooters of this year with a bright, cartoon art-style and a unique twist on the arena shooter genre, but it absolutely has its downsides.

You'll often see others complaining about the balancing of the game, and while there is definitely an aspect of "skill issue", the balancing does kind of get thrown out the window after a certain point. Certain cards like Titan require players to build around them in their own decks, leaving less room for experimentation and for-fun cards.

Some of the levels also reward certain playstyles that many would not find fun to play against, but usually there is a nice flow to evenly-matched battles.

so far this is a really fun and innovative pvp that forces you to think outside the box. i love the art direction, and all the cards and characters have been really fun to mess around with. the devs also already fixed the major complaints on release, so i have faith that their game will continue to be updated. cannot wait for future content!!

fa ridere è una bella idea ci sta, spero in aggiornamenti

A super super fun game with friends. A tad bit unbalanced but that's kinda where it shines in a weird way

I like the aesthetic, but gunplay just doesn't feel good, and the card system felt unbalanced.

Oofa doofa. I feel terrible on this one. I rarely refund games but i feel like i genuinely was not getting any better nor reaching the ability to progress in such a way that i could finally start matching up in matches, and was at the stage where i was going to drop off. Nor did i feel like ever started to do particularly well to see the piece i was missing or over the horizon at my next skill plateau. I wanted to like it so bad. And all of the art in the game is fantastic, love the style of low poly and of course all the cool furry character and environment designs. And i did have some fun in a few of the matches i played...

The game just isn't one i personally can commit to or feel that value in repeat matches and slow progression in this manner, same as why i rarely play MP games. Even if i added it in my ongoing games, i am trying to be better about buying a ton of games if I'm not going to play them. Valiant effort, i enjoyed my time but feel it's at its close and i hope it thrives with people who vibe its feel better.

This is great fun even in 1v1's with friends. The deck-building allows for interesting set-ups and strategies on a round to round basis. You could technically take this quite far and safe cards, pre-plan, look for your deck synergy, but... let's be real. The entire party is a little tipsy, you're having a laugh on discord and for the 80% of the matches you just spam E and strut over these maps like you own the place.
The devs seem to be pretty damn based judging by the game's content. HIGHLY recommend this!!!

I love all my friends, I have no enemies