Reviews from

in the past

Does anyone actually remember this game?

I thought this game was good, I don't understand why everyone says it's the worst in the franchise...

I love not being able to do fun attacks for 99% of the game

I was not a huge fan of the first God of War game because of its awful platforming sections. This was the last entry in the Greek saga and came out after God of War 3. The gameplay is different than other entries in the series and is much easier. The story is average but I don't like how it jumps all over the place. I also think some of the puzzles/sections drag on too long. Overall this is just an okay game; the story was clearly in a lull and needed to take a break and reboot the franchise which happened with the 2018 Norse game.

Incidentally saved by the kickass multiplayer.

Last iteration of the original formula in the series. As spectacular as irrelevant. Continuity is a mess and doesn’t add anything interesting to the main storyline. It’s not a bad game though.

🎮 Played on PlayStation Plus Streaming.

A good game, but the changes in combo mechanics, lack of weapons, new magic system and "fill the bar to get the cool moves" can be a let down. But a good game still a good game. And is beautiful for the ps3 era it even looks like a ps4 game sometimes.

also there is a lot of booba here!

God of War Ascension was a very weird experiment from 2013.

Two main factors seen to influence its existence: the first is a corporate mandate to make a god of war multiplayer, to surf on the then-growing money printing machine of online games; the second resides in an attempt from Santa Monica to renovate the franchise's moment to moment experience - which can be seen since at least God of War III's variation on the 'hack n' slash' / character action gameplay.

I think the large disinterest on the multiplayer speaks for itself, and personally there's nothing I can add on it, since I didn't play this mode. The problem is that I couldn’t see if eventual changes to accommodate multiplayer might have impacted the overall combat formula of the single-player game itself; nevertheless, its necessary to acknowledge that, at least in part, this game was made to unleash an online death-match version of god of war, and it ultimately didn't work out (what I personally think it’s a very good thing: just imagine all that would be lost if the series pivoted to become multiplayer focused).

To me it seems that the single-player campaign is largely regarded as mediocre - and with reason, since this game is a prequel's prequel and, in this matter, unable to move the story anywhere impactful, as to not mingle with the series' continuity. The fact that a large portion of the tale is told through flashbacks, comprising what it seems to be 80% of the game (with the inexplicable choice of making Kratos amnesiac!), certainly did not helped. God of War as a tale is always characterized by action. Present-tense action.
And this was a shame because from the very beginning, God of War's 'epic' gameplay is moved by what happens in the narrative being communicated to the player - this is a part of the stablished formula.

So we have a very strange game, with touches of a mediocre, B-side, 'AA' joint, but with very high, 'AAA' production value, with impeccable sound design, and coming very late in the ps3's lifespan, bringing a graphical quality that makes the game look like an early ps4 title, like Arkham Knight or Until Dawn. The level of artistry on display here is high, and worth a look by itself.

To this I can add my impression that this game, in its design, constitute the missing link between the old God of War series and the new one, from 2018-2022.
The mix of story and gameplay, the number of changes made to the combat formula, 'QTEs', storytelling and level design, all of it, in retrospect, seen to indicate the intention of breathing new life on the series by completely changing the formula, the narrative themes, and aesthetics of God of War. And by the quality of the games that came after this one, I can say that was a valiant effort, virtuous in its desire to renovate and to not conform, even inside a long running series.

This part of the saga not only ended up closing the book on its initial formula, but it also kind of started the effort to make sense of what exactly was Kratos' Greek-tragedy told in the past titles. How can we make sense of all that late-90's edge, and all the sadism that constituted a relevant part of the series' appeal? Is there any way to see that the violence wasn't, itself, the point? This line of thought appears more prominently in 2018's game, is directly faced in "Ragnarok" on Kratos' character arc, being concluded only in "Valhalla".

Still, the low variety of encounters and environments, and the limited scope of spectacle really bring this game down. This, coupled with some mediocre puzzles, reused bosses, frustrating enemy design, and an incomprehensible lack of traversal and combat options being offered to the player, contradict some of the best elements that made god of war such a popular series, and thus denounce the exhaustion of its old formula, and the necessity for the renovation that came later.

So, I would recommend this game for someone interested in this aspects discussed above, especially in comparing God of War's old incarnation to the new one.

Further expanding some of what was pointed here, I very much recommend Noah Caldwell-Gervais' analysis of the God of War series on his youtube channel.

Dont remember much about this game, just know i played it.

Jogar um jogo da franquia dublado parecia mentira para mim, mas quando eu comecei a campanha fiquei imerso, graficamente tão lindo quanto o 3 e com uma gameplay de mesmo nível também.

Edit: Cara eu tinha até esquecido que na real esse é o spinoff do começo da saga, depois dele matar a família e antes de virar o deus da guerra de fato, as inimigas eram as Erínias, as três megeras inseto kkkkkkkk e também tinha o Orkos que era filho do Ares mas não tinha o corpo perfeito para servir ao propósito dessa raça maligna, muito foda mesmo!

Sem contar o nome "Hecatônquiro" que sempre me fazia rir kkkkkkkkkk

J'ai beaucoup aimé le gameplay ! L'histoire permet de connaitre les origines de l'histoire de Kratos le tout dans des décors superbes pour l'époque et encore aujourd'hui.

Malheureusement dispo uniquement sur PS3, heureusement il existe des moyens de moyenner comme on dit.

This game is important. It showed the developers it was time to go in a new direction and we are all glad they did.

I'd say one of the best in the series, released at the end cycle of the PS3, the multiplayer was what made it a -1, who goes into a game that is single player focused and adds multiplayer, makes zero sence, also this takes place before gow 1.

Meh, I feel like this is the one to skip if you’re gonna skip a game. It’s definitely not needed. It’s a prequel to the first game, and it’s literally never mentioned ever again, lmao. At this point, the formula was getting a little stale, as this was the 6th game they’ve made so far, and it definitely started to show. The story is, okay, I guess, and the combat is actually a little bare bones compared to the other games. It’s still enjoyable for the most part but don’t feel compelled to play it.

It’s a good looking game and the story is decent but the combat is the worst in the series and the puzzles are awful.


Sony told Santa Monica to keep going after they emptied their sack five times, what the hell was I expecting

De todos os jogos da franquia esse é o que possui a narrativa que menos me agradou, mas ainda possui o seu valor pois foi o último hack n slash da franquia. Gostei da jogabilidade e dos gráficos apesar de ter constantes quedas de frames durante o jogo.

For some reason, I thought this was better than the first game on my first playthrough? It's definitely not, this is the Code Veronica of the series: some highly questionable design, but it's still a good game because the core gameplay loop is a lot of fun.

For example: some enemies have an invincible state, where you can do absolutely nothing; the elemental blades are super undercooked, making progression feel a bit unsatisfying; puzzles mostly have poor visual conveyance; enemy attacks have poor visual cues, making dodging much harder - I have never been juggled so many times in a GoW.

But there's more: parrying now requires an additional button for some God-forsaken reason; the scale and scope gets in the way of gameplay, it's incredibly common to have a hard time figuring out what the hell is going on; the Rage Meter is a new mechanic that exists by gimping the toolbox you already had, which is ????

To be fair, the "grab from a distance" is an improvement that improves the pacing of combat, but all this other stuff makes the combat pacing worse, so wah-wah.

And the story is a thing that exists. There is a small amnesia sub-plot going on, that I didn't even realize was a thing until the narrator stated at the end "then Kratos' memories came back", and I'm like "what".

At the end of the day, why they greenlit this game and gave it a budget of millions of dollars is a mystery. My theory is that the Sony's executives, in their infinite wisdom, saw the huge success of GoW3, then immediately had Santa Monica make another one thinking they could just replicate that.

The weakest in the series still really a good game

Jogo incrível, com um multiplayer mais incrível ainda.

“God of War: Ascension” is supposed to work as a prequel to the franchise, but does not offer anything. The combat system might be the most polished so far, but the plot, enemies and level design are quite mediocre if compared to the previous chapters. We don't even learn anything new about Kratos and his past. The first boss fight reaches jaw-dropping heights, but everything afterward just felt flat and uninspired in contrast.

Provavelmente eu demorei muito pra jogar esse game, basicamente comprei um ps3 apenas pra jogar esse game, tinha uma certa expectativa em jogar, porém não diria que é decepcionante, mas fiquei bem desanimado, foi bem mais sem graça que o padrão que a serie padronizou, enfim, dificil dizer muito mais coisas sobre esse game, meio desanimado até pra escrever sobre, é bem o sentimento que eu tive enquanto jogava