Reviews from

in the past

wayyyyy to repetitive and levels go for way too long

warriors games are sort of brainless, but the variety and core gameplay is very fun. that, the adventure modes, and the mish mash of zelda content was very entertaining here. A great game. Frankly, I'm nervous for the follow up as I'm not confident it will have as much variation that made this work, blending all zeldas except BOTW to some degree.

Amazing game with an incredible amount of content that sparked my joy and interest for Warriors games and heavily fortified my love for the Zelda franchise when I first played it back in 2016.
The grind was sometimes a little frustrating, but it's also what makes the game so special.
Will probably buy the switch version if it ever goes on a good sale.
But what the hell were those fairy mechanics even about?

Gráficamente no me parecía increíble pero viéndolo con perspectiva en su carácter musou quizá sobresalía.

Best thing about this game was the variety it offered. The story was mostly nonsensical which was to be expected for this sort of game, but the gameplay was solid and was fun.

no sé que clase de magia hicieron pa que esto tirara en una 3ds

Played this one years back. Surprisingly, performance isn't that bad for a Musou game on the 3DS. Writing is utter nonsense, but the gameplay makes up for it.

The levels go for too long and on the original 3DS my hands kind of hurted while playing.
The story is ok, the graphics are nice for a 3DS release.
Will try to find the HD Definitive Edition for Switch though

yeah idk there was a woman with bulging tits

The 3DS used to have such a tight grip on the handheld market that you could just release ports of games that run like a 15fps slideshow and Nintendo was crazy enough to make it have exclusive content that wasn't on the home console version.

Fun action game and theres not many on 3DS so its worth buying.

Generally good, but repetitive after a while

The fact there was more to do in this one in comparison to the first one makes it better in my eyes. I loved the fact you could play as more than one character and place them at different areas of the map for when you needed them. It still wasn't perfect how you couldn't make them do it automatically and you had to run yourself. I still am very annoyed how expansive the adventure mode is when it doesn't affect the main story since you complete it after its finished.

Un de mes jeux préféré sur 3DS, content de voir qu'il ressort souvent sur les différente console. L'histoire est cool, on controle les mechants et les héros. C'est cool de pouvoir jouer avec des perso que on aurait jamais crus pensé. Le rajout d'un multivers zelda c'est wow et je m'attendais pas a la rencontre de wind waker en contenue bonus pour la 3DS. Les contenue apres la campagne sont sympatique et permet de nous faire débloqué des perso inédits

Genuinamente surpreso que esse jogo consegue rodar num 3ds, me ajudou a perceber o porquê das pessoas gostarem de jogos estilo musou: é um jogo perfeito pra se jogar enquanto ouve um podcast ou assiste um vídeo no youtube, o maior problema é que o jogo fica dolorosamente repetitivo, por causa disso, mesmo com o conteúdo que falta do jogo (dlc do ganon e o modo adventure) eu sinto que tá na hora de deixar o jogo de lado, eu já vi o que queria e estou satisfeito.

Linkle was a good idea but terrible execution. The premise is fine but this Dynasty Warriors type of combat is not for everyone. If you are a die hard zelda fan i dont think you'll lose too much missing this one, but different strokes for different blokes.

How the hell did they get this running on a 3DS

i played the shit out of this game

Not that bad but not that good either.