Reviews from

in the past

Sony could make the best controller ever and I don't think that would top the Dualshock 2 vibrating when you hold hands with Yorda

the only good part is that it is a game about holding hands

Your favorite game’s developers favorite game

first time playing this:what in the actual fuck
replaying:*british accent:oh yes yes,of course i know about ICO

very good game

O jogo é muito imersivo, os cenários são bonitos e os efeitos sonoros combinados com a falta de OSTs entregam uma sensação única.
Eu não sou muito fã de puzzles então não posso falar que foi uma gameplay super divertida, mas eu também não posso ignorar a importância do jogo dentro da indústria. Em conclusão, bom jogo.

I remember watching a review on G4 as a kid and the reviewer absolutely hated this thing. I somehow ended up with it anyway, but sucked at the platforming. Not sure if it was me or the game.

It's a cool game with an interesting world and art direction, but I've never thought the platforming and puzzles were the best.

i understand ueda's design by subtraction philosophy from an artistic perspective but the result of it is combat and movement that suck donkey dick. similar to sotc the vibes are incredible but the gameplay is kinda ass

One in a million experience.
Going through it blind is mandatory!

Altas aventuras de um moleque corno e sua namoradinha autista, autistando por aí...

Se não fosse o combate terrível a nota seria maior, é um sólido 7/10.

Joguei isso na infância pela metade porque eu achava o jogo muito dificil (eu era um burrinho) e rejoguei e zerei anos depois.
Simplesmente uma obra prima do Fumito Ueda, o cara conseguiu transmitir uma vibe confort e aterrorizante ao mesmo tempo só com a ambientação e a música O cenário desse jogo é tão belo e lindo que nem sei explicar a sensação que ele me passa não se podia esperar menos do jogo que fez o Miyazaki criar Dark Souls.
Junto com sua OST majestosa que só o Team Ico conseguia fazer que combina cada momento, tendo You Are There como uma das minhas favoritas de qualquer jogo.
O relacionamento do Ico e da Yorda é muito fofo os dois o jogo inteiro de mãos dadas te faz querer realmente proteger ela das sombras
O final da melancia me deixou tão feliz e confuso ao mesmo tempo igual todo jogo do ueda
Tirando essa arte escrota da capa Americana estragando a arte simples mas incrível da capa japonesa o jogo é perfeito, simplesmente arte pura.

The stone sofa rest song is a banger 10/10. If you liked shadows of the colossus or the last guardian, then you will like this one. Of course the only issue I have with this game is just the length.

The jank took a lot of the enjoyment out of the game. You had to be very precise when you platforming with moving ledges, otherwise you’d miss. Camera was unwieldy at times. Combat was lame. The game’s aesthetic was great tho. Going through its world was fun. I think it’s a game I’ll enjoy more thinking back on it than during my actual playthrough. I’m glad I played Ico; can’t wait for Ueda’s next game.

I finished Ico more than one week ago, for the first time and I still think about it profoundly. I hated its controls, mostly cause I played the PS2 version but despite all the draining frustration I had to keep going and finish the game.

It's extremely beautiful and such a shame I have never beaten it in my life like all the other games in my never-ending list, but I am grateful for still playing it. It has such a unique shade of loneliness during the whole game that I absolutely adore, the way the castle is perfectly lit in some golden light that perfectly blends innocence and despair it's such a beautiful view that I still have imprinted in my memory, and it won't leave for a long time. I can definitely see why it's seen as such a great game and somehow I can't belive there used to be games at that year created as artsy games rather than ones focused on gameplay or games as product/monetization. And I can definitely see how Ico paved the way for future games that I absolutely adore like Lost Ember or Journey and other games which Fumito Ueda unfolded a path open for 'em.

Memorable and unique and I can't belive it still holds up to this day still. Definitely a must play if you haven't done yet!

redoing the same section 5-6 times bc i kept falling to my death was insane but fun game i enjoyed it a lot

The combat is so bad that i want to enter the game and beat the shit out of ICO with his stick

It's crazy how revolutionary "Ico" was. I seem its influence everywhere, but it's so rare to see games that have taken its lessons correctly. FromSoft seems to be the only devs who really get it. Zero surprise this game influenced "Demon's Souls" and its brethren. Still an amazing, emotional journey.

I really don't think this game is for me, so I really worry that other games that Team Ico did, Shadow of the Colossus & The Last Guardian, aren't for me.
The world was really interesting with two characters that make you wonder who they are and what they are doing in this castle.
The combat is really clunky. Ico swings his weapon with no lock-on and you need to protect the female or you game over.
Another good thing is the UK box art because the USA's box art is ugly and horrible.

Uma das joias perdidas do ps2, se tu curtiu o shadow of the collossus vale conferir esse aqui.

Simplesmente um dos melhores jogos que eu ja joguei pelos fatores de sua simples decisão artistica. ICO não traz bosses gigantes, diversos inimigos, tiro mas sim algo intimista, uma relação de desconhecidos para irmãos onde você os guiará. Eu passei muita raiva com o sistema datado do jogo mas fiquei embasbacado em como a TeamICO conseguiu, em 2001, fazer uma IA tão inteligente como a Yorda, é absurdo. O game é curto, se voce decorar os puzzles ele cai pra 2h30 no máx e essa é a proposta dele mesmo, uma lore nada explicada, puzzles insuportaveis que não jogam nada na sua cara com o toque especial que so o Fumito Ueda consegue dar. Sensacional ainda jogar ele hoje e apreciar como ele ou melhor, o Ueda sempre foi a frente de seu tempo.

This is what videogames exist, you are not getting this level of connection with any other game, thank god this game exists


imagina jogar isso aqui em 2001 pqp

Ico é uma pedrada atemporal, msm com os controles meio estranhos e a câmera extremamente duvidosa, esse jogo ainda é um absurdo e provavelmente sempre será

a ambientação, as músicas (PQP AS MÚSICAS SAO UM ABSURDO), os personagens, juntos compõem uma peça muito única, o que é padrão nós jogos do Ueda, assim como SOTC, não existe nada como isso aqui

esse jogo é especial, um jogo que, apesar de não ser super desconhecido e underground, nem de longe recebe o reconhecimento que merece

os cara tavam pensando muito na frente fazendo isso aqui, criaram um marco pra épocas deles e uma referência para o que veio depois, simplesmente incrível

PS: o que fizeram com a capa estadunidense disso é passível de prisão perpétua

It’s true that Ico may not be the perfect game, I think the puzzle design is frankly infuriating at points (although the puzzles and mechanics are overall intuitive). Yet, I think it does reach a level of sublimity not a lot of games are able to reach due to how everything is stripped back to the point that it is all gestures that transcends spoken word. To me, that’s beautiful.

After playing Last Guardian, I was told I should go back and play Shadow of the Colossus. While researching it, I found lots of people talking about how Ico was made by the same team as both those games and serves as the original of this genre.

I guess I just love this genre! It's been a meme for decades now about escort missions being the bane of video games, but Ico sets a standard far above any on how you do it right, and make it the entire game.

There's not much I can say about the game without giving too much away but the vibes are absolutely immaculate, the game is fairly short and sweet, the puzzles aren't too difficult, and the sound design is truly something else

The gameplay is a bit dated, but it's a real great example of what makes videogames art.

Tener pulsado R1 para tener la mano agarrada a alguien es la mecánica más bonita que se ha inventado en la historia de los videojuegos.

One of the most beautiful pieces of art i’ve ever experienced