Reviews from

in the past

It's okay as a casual bullet hell

It's fine. Not my favorite by any means but It's serviceable.

Do you like bullet hell, but wish it was to the beat of EDM? Do I have the game for you.

Leave it to indie games to make the best kinds of rhythm games. Banger.

It's fun but short, its multiplayer becomes repetitive after two or three matches, the song list is nice although not the best

good tunes, engaging gameplay

vividly recall deafening in call while playing the final boss encounter and hollerin when I finally beat it

C'est sympathique visuellement et auditivement.

oh man this game is awesome! the artstyle is very simple but great to look at, the gameplay works very well, the soundtrack is a BANGER! and the bossfights are very good! high recommendation!

O MEU PRIMEIRO JOGO DA STEAM(que comprei o primeiro mesmo foi TROVE)

Este jogo é uma delicia de joga-lo, um jogo de fase com musicas que são umas melhores que a outras, uma história simples mas interessante para o tipo de jogo que é e um online, não sei como esta hoje em dia, mas na época que eu jogava era incrivel, muito bom.

Vale muito a pena jogar este jogo.

i thought i would like it more than i did but i still had some fun

a balada mais insana da sua vida

everybody gangsta till loses within 5 seconds left

How can a two-ingredient pie taste so good?

Most accurate videogame name.

Short and cool rythm game. There is even "platforming" sections between levels.

i used to hate electronic/dubstep music before i played this game, fun fact

Probably more fun to play with friends. I really loved the soundtrack and the art design/UI are phenomenal. There's even some Undertale-style narrative in a few battles. I just wish there was more to do rhythmically in the moments between getting shot at.

neat and fun rhythm based game

esta bien pero termina medio repetitivo y monotono, ademas de que me parece feo de una

I didn't like dubstep till I played this game. Now I merely respect it

super fun co-op game, throw it on the tv when the bros are over

É um jogo que mistura os dois gênero que mais curto ritmo e bullet hell. Apesar da estética simples (minimalista) é um game mt bonito e criativo. Possui uma curva de aprendizagem mt boa, músicas ótimas q combina mt com a gameplay e além de um coop (até 4 player) mt divertido e um ponto mt positivo na jogabilidade é o fator reiniciar a fase ser mt rápido que é mt essencial nesse estilo de jogo.
Vejo pouca gente comentando sobre esse game, que é triste pq é realmente um jogo mt bom.
É um jogo curto, mas que ainda possui desafios novos após finalizá-lo. Recomendado d+

The visual and musical styles aren't quite for me, but I did find this fun to play with friends a couple of times!

really heartwarming story with fun gameplay

Cute designs with a simple story, some great music, challenge mode that gives a ton more playtime, great game overall and a fun experience. The level designs and gameplay are always enjoyable, and the difficulty makes it one of my favorites to go back to and jam.

It was decently fun.

It was pretty frustrating, though. It has an annoying combination where you have limited lives per level before it forces you to restart it, and there are many, many attacks that aren't really telegraphed.

So, the fight does something random that screws you over, does that multiple times, and you have to start all the way from the beginning.

Which, ya know, the levels are autoscrollers, so when you've already gotten past a slower/easier part, it's really annoying just kinda waiting to get back to where you were (especially if you end up getting hit on the way because you stopped paying attention).

It would be a lot better if it just did one or the other: either give unlimited lives per checkpoint, or properly telegraph the attacks. It's weird to design it for a trial and error approach but punish errors this much. At least for casual mode, which is what I was using; I don't see any reason they need to force you to restart levels when you've already selected a mode specifically for you to be able to just casually go through levels. I don't really care as much about what the game is like without casual mode since that's for other players.

The levels are pretty short and decently easy (I think the most a level ever took me was two tries), so restarting isn't the worst thing in the world, it's just annoying and made me get so much more frustrated with even the smallest slip-ups that made me take any damage because I knew it was bringing me one step closer to starting aaallll over. Ya know, kinda gets in the way of the "casual" part of Casual Mode.

I also didn't really care for the music, which is supposed to be a pretty big component. I guess it's just not for me, because it felt pretty repetitive and I can't remember a single specific song in the game right now, it didn't really do anything for me. It was serviceable though, just nothing special to me.

I did still enjoy the aesthetics of the levels, they were a vibe. Most of the levels did a good job of being pretty creative and interesting.

I have nothing against this game, I'm cool with it and glad it exists. Sure a lot of people enjoyed it more, which is good, I'd like for a game like this to have traction. Just had some issues that got in the way of me properly liking it.