Reviews from

in the past

Good story with an impeccable art direction.

The gameplay could be faster and not having to watch the cutscenes all over again. Mainly because you have to change the paintings frequently, and so many times I already knew what was gonna happen CAUSE IT HAPPENED BEFORE.

Besides that, good game!

Uma experiência visual muito bonita. O jogo em si é simples e com uma boa trilha sonora, além de ser curtinho e dar pra finalizar em um dia.
A história é triste e, em vezes, comovente, mas acho que não atinge o jogador emocionalmente da forma como é desejado.

Um joguinho simpes perfeito pra um final de tarde

Loved it. Great art style. Great Story. Made me emotional, and made me think.

lo unico bueno es la historia, el resto es bastante cuestionable pero joder , que buen final loco

Last Day of June é um jogo bem curtinho, com uma direção de arte linda e um plot bem triste, bem divertido e bem triste ao mesmo tempo, o jogo inteiro tem uma vibe pesada e triste, muito bom.

Me pareció entretenido pero no me emocionó.

A short, intense, beautiful experience. Amazing art-direction, very original character design, fresh concept, music by S. Wilson, ultra touching. Highly recommended.

A note that I really liked: In this title we explore a single map, over and over again, having the opportunity to truly discover its many details and enjoying the details of a level design closely linked to the gameplay mechanics. What's cool and unusual about this backtracking sections is that they don't feel repetitive or frustrating, but rather, they give a satisfying feeling of discovery.

I am literally bawling my eyes out after the ending. Last Day of June is an emotional roller coaster where you start happy and end up really sad.

The soundtrack is amazing and definitely enhances the feels you get when playing this game. The game is about sudden loss, fighting the truth of that loss and eventually changing that loss to a different loss, but not removing it.

You should definitely play the game if you get the chance and definitely listen to the soundtrack after!

An emotional story wrapped in a charming and cute aesthetic with fun casual puzzle gameplay.

I only now realize that I beat this game on the last day of June.

"Beautiful art direction and presentation!

Brief time loop adventure where a man tries to “undo” the death of his wife by changing the actions of the other characters. Even though I liked the overall mood and Steven Wilson’s mellow soundtrack, I was waiting for a more emotional payoff at the end.

Juego de puzzles cortito, basado en el efecto mariposa, con alguna que otra sorpresa tanto visual como narrativa (pero no mucha). Para echar la tarde no estuvo mal.

O simples bater asas de uma brabuleta... (esqueci o resto da frase)

O quão longe o amor pode nos levar não é mesmo meu jovem mancebo?

Essa temática de looping do mesmo dia me fez lembrar vários filmes como "A Morte te dá Parabéns" entre outros, mas a estética do jogo já me remeteu à "Coraline" com a diferença que aqui todo mundo é Cearense (cabeça grande do caraio vsfd kkkkkkk)

Poh o jogo em si é bem fofinho mesmo sendo uma história triste, ir mudando as ações dos personagens pra impactar no resultado final é bem legal de ver, ir bolando uma estratégia pra que tudo dê certo é realmente interessante, porém voltar no tempo e rebobinar essas mesmas atitudes traz a única parte ruim da gameplay que é não poder pular as cutscenes já vistas, isso real me irritou.

E sobre a gameplay, rachava o bico com os barulinhos que os personagens fazem, e ainda bem que tem a mecânica de correr (que eu não sabia que existia até aparecer a dica) até mesmo pro véio todo fudido, lembro que antes de chegar nele eu pensei: "Puta merda vou ter que ficar andando bem devagarinho quando chegar nessa múmia", mas para a minha felicidade isso não ocorreu.

Outra parte bem chata foi a do passarinho quando ele fica entre as 4 árvores, quebrei a cabeça pra alto tão simples e tive que recorrer aos "universitários" pra passar, tô sendo honesto de deixar essa parte aqui também kkkkkkkkk

No mais é isso, o jogo é bem curtinho e não me cativou tanto, chegando no final eu já tava meio "nhé" querendo finalizar, mas mensagem em si e a última cena são muito lindas, deixo aqui minhas 3 estrelas por ter sido uma boa experiência!

Que joguinho lindo e triste ao mesmo tempo, ótimo para nos fazer refletir sobre escolhas e encarar que nao podemos mudar o passado, apenas seguir em frente.

This shit was so damn sad. Beautiful yes, but sad. Maybe the all around most emotional and sad game I've ever played. There may be games with sadder moments, but this all throughout is pretty emotional.

Anyways, let's get on with the actual game. The gameplay wasn't anything to write home about, but the point isn't to blow you away with the gameplay, it's to tell an emotional narrative in which you solve puzzles and control multiple characters stories. It would be cool if the gameplay was more intuitive, I felt there was a bit to many cutscenes, but what there was I had fun.

Now as I mentioned before, the story is so damn sad. Spoiler, your wife dies and you become paralyzed. You get in a car crash and she dies and you don't. Now that should've been the saddest thing but the other characters also have really sad Memories that the player collects. The saddest character to me was "The Best Friend" story. She was in love with the protagonist since she was litte, but another girl (your wife) had him, and all she could do was watch as the love of her life married and fell for someone else. It was just so damn sad to unfold. The old man lost his wife, the kid has no friends, and the shotgun guy lost his dad, everyone's life is full of sadness, but there is a lot of romance in their stories, a lot of beauty. I also really liked the ending, I thought it was bittersweet, nice but also sad, but the ending the protagonist would've wanted.

Speaking of Beauty, the game looks pretty great. I thought it looked beautiful, and even if the characters look a bit weird without their eyes, but I thought it was nice and unique. The game has this water colored, almost blurred at times look, as if every pixel was brushed over. The characters were also voiced very well, even if they are just making gestures and noises. Very well done art style.

Another thing they did great was the Music. It just created a great atmosphere, and sounded really nice. It amplified the beauty and emotion of the games best moments, and I thought the guy who did it did a great job.

Now I will say there is something a bit wrong with the game. It's the fact that the main character is the worst driver in the history of anyone who ever lived, in fiction or in real life. Why the fuck does he feel the need to swerve? Why when he swerves does he keep accelerating? He causes the crash so many times, and in the end, one of them has to die. The game makes it seem like it's not anyone's fault, but it was just going to happen regardless. He straight up just kills his wife and has so much time to stop before whatever in front of him can be any danger to him. It made me laugh so many times, was just like, why the fuck does he freak the fuck out so bad?

Anyway, besides the hilariously bad driving, I really liked this game. It's really really really short, like maybe 2 hours at most, 2 and a half if you want to collect everything, but that's what I wanted from this game. Something nice and short. It's a memorable story with memorable characters and moments. Fun puzzles, a great colorful and detailed art style, and great soundtrack. If you want a nice, short, and emotional game to play, I'd recommend "Last Day of June".

Score: 3.5/5
Letter Grade: B

Last Day of June is a story of grief and loss. Personally, I have been fortunate to not have to struggle with the tragic and sudden loss of someone close to me. I can only imagine the pain and desperate feelings someone might find themselves in to rewind the seemingly harmless events that may have lead to their ultimate demise. This is where the premise of Last Day of June lies; if you can rewind time to change events, could you alter fate?

It was an interesting premise that hooked me. The characters with minimal facial features who spoke a type of cute gibberish evoked deep feelings that were easily felt. The art style drew me in with its beautiful impressionistic tone, painting a setting of a small hamlet where the neighbours knew each other well.

The story was thoughtful with potential to push me to self-reflect on life and death. However, the game design and pacing continually snapped me out of its world. It felt like a game that couldn't find the balance between presenting a strong narrative experience with gaming elements. In the end, I wanted to know if I could challenge fate but was bogged down with following a guide to move the story along. The conclusion was interesting and could be taken at face value, but I do believe it is open to interpretation for deeper meaning.

The story kept me going, but there were moments where I asked myself if I should continue on as the gameplay felt like a chore. Knowing that the game was a short experience, I trudged on and happy that I was able to conclude the developers vision.

Gameplay was ok, but the story was quite haunting and beautiful. It helps that the music was made by Steven Wilson

Eu realmente gostei bastante desse jogo, mesmo sendo bem curto ele tem uma história muito bem feita e emocionante do inicio ao fim, além de ter uma ótima narrativa o jogo é LINDO DEMAIS, a arte é perfeita

Recomendo demais pra quem gosta de jogos focados em narrativa, a história tem uma mensagem muito boa e é bem triste e emocionante, vale muito a pena jogar

A trilha sonora é incrível também.

🇺🇸 🇪🇸 Reviews

Last Day of June, with its poignant story on love and loss, provides an interactive adventure that can be completed in an afternoon and is recommended for any player. Through unique mechanics, it explores the consequences of our choices in a visually stunning narrative.

Last Day of June, con su emotiva historia sobre amor y pérdida, ofrece una aventura interactiva que se puede completar en una tarde y es recomendable para cualquier jugador. A través de mecánicas únicas, explora las consecuencias de nuestras elecciones en una narrativa visual impresionante.

for a 2 hour game it has a lot to offer in the terms of story. it's a beautiful well rounded tale that is very memorable and the music(by Steve Wilson) is is also great. as for the gameplay I think it could be longer and have had more puzzle. overall a nice little experience with a soul.

Love the claymation look and the warm colours and the touching story and the-

What if you would mix the beginning of Up and Groundhog Day with a time paradox twist? That's how you would get Last Day of June, a quiet sad and in ways cruel point and click game where your goal is to save your wife.

The game has really nice visuals and the controls are good, I would imagine it's even better using a controller for this game but it works for mouse and keyboards as well. While the game does have some metroidvania themes (you need to re-visit areas to unlock them with other characters and to collect collectibles, etc.) I'd say the game is streamlined enough for this to work in a non-annoying way.

I definitely recommend this game if you like heart-touching stories and great visuals!

Fine, love a stylistic indie game. Some slight jank (nothing unexpected.

Jogo indie meio que de quebra cabeça bem divertido, nunca tinha jogado nada parecido e me impressionei

i´v cry a lot, very good game! please enjoy wifh ur girlfriend, if u have one...