Reviews from

in the past

I went in completely nostalgia blind to when I played the ever-living crap out of the Wii version when I was a little kid (83 hours from that alone), and if I'm being completely honest, it still mostly holds up. Well, the hero campaign does at least. The concept of the villain campaign is so cool, but it is the most irritating experience I've had with Lego ever since The Complete Sagas vehicle missions. There are so many cops and SWAT members spawning to the point that it's super irritating and really drags out a missions length-time, since one punch from them causes you to stop focusing on whatever puzzle or build you were just doing to fight the enemy. I'm glad this is something they fixed in the later games, because it just becomes an annoying nuisance. Also the vehicle missions do suck in this game, that's a common complaint I've heard across the board. The thing is I actually enjoyed the first vehicle mission, it was kind of fun. But the moment I got into the boat mission, I remembered why people hated them. Overall still a good experience, but I don't see myself playing this one again over other Lego games. Case in point, I 100%'d Lego Batman 3 for the fourth time before even finishing the villain campaign for this game.

The PS2 version is a different entry than this for some reason.

Today marks the 15th anniversary of the release of the video game that got me into video games. The game isn't perfect but I can't really bring myself to give it less than five stars. I do think the game holds up, the gameplay isn't the most amazing thing ever, but it has some really good charm, humor, and honestly one of the best atmospheres in a Batman game.

We can all agree that the vehicle levels are the weakest, and fuck the slide minikit in Arctic World.

Muito satisfatório.
Infelizmente joguei no PS3 e nele nao tem troféus pra esse jogo diferentemente do XBOX 360, mas a jogatina foi tao gostosa que eu fiz msm sem recompensas!
No meu PS2 o jogo travava na fase 3 de ambos arcos, entao foi basicamente uma primeira experiência vendo cada level,cada design e cada lore por mais q seja a msm

Has Dick, it's peak. Surprisingly great atmosphere with the Elfman score

I was pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable this game is, offering gameplay with heroes and villains from the Batman universe. However, it's still just Lego, and there isn't much more to say about it

yeah I remember playing this at the dentist

this is like God touching legos

Só conseguia zerar o mapa do Batmóvel, mas sempre achei um jogão.

Played the whole game with a friend oh yeah definitely a classic

Easily the best Lego video game of all time.

Also, what a great tribute to Batman and his various wonderful stories. A gritty atmosphere Batman that doesn’t lose its tone when it decides to go full on camp.

Onto gameplay, the levels aren’t over designed and get really boring really quick. This game (despite its vehicle levels, those are kinda meh), manages to make each level expand and change quickly in gameplay, but not enough to overwhelm the player.

A classic LEGO game with lots of humor and references to the Batman franchise. I had issues with the vehicle controls and the camera in MP is bad frequently.

The gameplay is fun as you can follow 3 Batman stories from both the Hero and Villain sides. There are lots of characters to unlock and good replayability to get all of the collectables.

The 100% completion reward of a secret character is fun but once you finish the game, there isn't anything else to do. Great for young ones and those that want a casual game and fans of the Batman series.

This game was the best lego game (outside of Star Wars). I loved the villain missions so much

Hasnt aged as well as the sequel but still a goated lego game.


Clearing My Backlog #9

LEGO Batman is one of those games that effortlessly brings you back to your childhood, and almost never fails to put a smile on your face… except for when it crashes every single level, has loads of softlocks, visual glitches, freezing, and rubberbanding issues that completely ruin any fun that you were having; the Steam port is in a shocking state, and the definitive way to experience this game is sadly through hardware that is two generations old — unless you want to stream it on PS Plus Extra (nobody does). I will say that this seems to be more of an issue with high-end hardware, so if you don’t have the latest stuff you’ll be fine; but if you do, a quick fix would be to install cheat engine and speed the game up, this seems to resolve a lot of the rubberbanding/softlock issues. It’s a miracle that I somehow managed to power through this game and get 100%, because I genuinely got so frustrated losing all of my progress in a level every time it crashed for seemingly no fucking reason. I would give it a much higher score if it wasn’t riddled with so many technical issues, because the ACTUAL game is brilliant in almost every single way.

The thing that stands out the most to me, is the atmosphere that this game manages to create; through its iconic Danny Elfman soundtrack (which I associate more with this game than I do with the Tim Burton films), the spectacular level design — which is simple but still engaging to go through, and its classic character designs that scream BTAS (because they were quite literally inspired by the show, the opening title screen is a reference to the show’s intro, like how cool is that?). Not to mention that you can walk around the Batcave and Arkham Asylum, which are both pretty good hubworlds, even if they lack the substance that other — more newer LEGO games have, such as the humorous side content. It’s seriously cool how walking through Arkham makes me FEEL like I’m locked up in a psychiatric institution, there’s nothing like it. (okay maybe Batman: Arkham Asylum comes close, but that feeling of pure nostalgia is unbeatable).

One of the most important things in a LEGO game are the character rosters, and this one sadly disappoints. I mean sure it has all of the iconic rogues and some of the Batfamily characters, but they don’t feel different enough; why does Harley Quinn have a gun? when that isn’t anywhere near her weapon of choice; and so many of them just use their fists with the same repeated animations, which don't fit their characters at all. I really like the idea of Ra’s al Ghul and Hush being the bonus characters but again, they’re just re-skins of Nightwing and Two-Face, which is a really boring reward for getting 100%. I’m not sure I like the Batman/Robin suit variants either, they’re all just basically: Batman… but blue! Batman… but red! and don’t even get me started on all of those ugly Robin suits. They are by far the weakest aspect of the game, and whenever I approached one in a level I audibly sighed.

And speaking of levels, I loved both sides of the story; all of the cutscenes are so goofy and charming, and were probably the highlight for me. I’m not one of those people that is against speaking in LEGO games, I probably even prefer it (when it’s done well) but there’s something so authentic and endearing about the cutscenes when the characters don’t speak. The only levels that I found unenjoyable were the vehicle missions, which feel clunky and outdated; the bonus levels are also horrible, with one of them having a Mario themed minigame that is a fucking nightmare to play — thanks to all of the technical issues that I mentioned earlier.

All in all though, I fucking love this game. None of these issues really impact my enjoyment of it, it’s still one hell of a good time. Play it. (Just not the Steam version)

Playtime: 26.8 hours

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Superhero Games - Ranked
Clearing My Backlog
Batman - Ranked
LEGO - Ranked
2008 - Ranked

This is the first game I ever owned, and getting a chance to revisit it was a blast. I believe it holds up remarkably well, largely due to its humor, atmosphere, and overall charm. While the gameplay isn't anything remarkable, I'd still highly recommend giving this game a go.

The plane level sucks ass, though.


Galera, esse jogo é incrível, um jogo que deve ser jogado por todos, a gameplay, por mais que seja datada comparada aos outros jogos tue vieram depois, ela pode te divertir bastante, a história desse jogo é bem bacana, com os viloes do batman fugindo do asilo arkham e montando gangues, a gangue do charada, pinguim e Coringa, a história por mais que não tenha diálogos e talz, ela é bem divertida, eu ri algumas vezes jogando esse jogo, o " mundo aberto ", é bem divertido, tendo a batcaverna e o asilo arkham disponíveis para você explorar, e fases que você pode voltar e fazer tudo, como coletar Minikits, blocos vermelhos e talz, também tem algumas melhorias que você pode pegar na campanha do heróis que aprimoram os trajes, tipo: esse traje é lento, adquira essa melhoria para poder melhorar o seu traje, já na campanha dos viloes, você pega as melhorias, tipo: x2 de dinheiro e assim vai, como eu disse, você tem a campanha dos viles e dos heróis, e é muito legal você ver antes dos acontecimentos da campanha dos heróis, por fim, esse jogo pra mim tem um 9,5, eu jogava na infância e takves isso afete minha nota mas é isso, vale muito a pena.

Lendário em sua simplicidade. Cativa jovens e adultos. O Cavaleiro das trevas ressurge de maneira cúbica, em letras "garrafáis".

Maybe the weakest of the lego games IMO, but still very fun

honestly i just dont think this one was that memorable

One of the greats from Lego's immense game catalogue. Older Lego games have this certain charm to them and makes them unforgettable.

An instant classic, the ability to play both sides of the story (heroes and villains) is such an exciting concept and thankfully one that would be explored more much further down the line. Also it provided a fun wacky plot that even the youngest of children could understand, making it accessible for all ages and bringing up many children like myself at the time up to be fans of Batman+Comics in general. A lovely time!

this is the only batman game that made me feel like batman

exactly what you'd expect from a lego batman game

Buen juego aunque la cámara es algo complicada en ocasiones y jugarlo solo hace que el juego pierda bastante es buen juego si lo juegas en cooperativo

This was and still is one of the best Lego games to this date, while short and the character roster being tinier than most this game hits in all the gameplay aspects and story beats, the charm of the characters not speaking was still in full force and while Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes is the superior game in many ways this is still truly one of the best Lego games ever made.