Reviews from

in the past

Consider your Larrys found.

Short and sweet point-and-click game that can be finished under 30 minutes. As a fan of germfood's rancid art direction I'm always happy to see more of their stuff in action - just look at that sweet box art.

The gameplay loop consists of (you guessed it) finding not-Waldo in a crowd of hundreds of people. Trees and houses and other folk are going to obstruct your view, so you are given the option to spin the 3D environment by 90°, though I'd argue this feature has not been optimised to its full potential as I barely had to use it.

The actual finding portion of the game is not all that hard, but I do appreciate germfood's fun use of gameplay mechanics woven into the narrative, already seen in Night of the Consumers. The unconventional and at times gross aesthetics mixed with a comically absurd overarching plot, gives a unique and entertaining experience. It's a nice change of pace, and the reason why I still love playing small indie games.

For what it is (considering the price as well) it's def worth to check out. I'll find him again.

i found you larry haha get fucked

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silly short game with a cool concept. Ending kinda sucked cuz it just ruined it with a jumpscare.
Not worth $5 ngl

A nice lil short afternoon waster game. I do wish the actual seeking was a bit more creative since the difficulty jumps all over place, but you could argue that is to facilitate story pacing. If you go in expecting something creepy and story focused you will enjoy because the gameplay is 100% just a veneer to delivers the story which I think the game delivers well with a strong ending.

the story is predictable but i didn't expect the violence
good thing the game is short, otherwise it would be boring

Very quirky and special. Creepy and unsettling from the middle to the end, a unique point and click game. With a nice plot twist :)

Fun idea that gets a lot of mileage. Very simple, short, and sweet game!

Broke around the 3/4 mark, and since it doesn't save I lost all the progress and with it, my enthusiasm to continue playing.

era más sencillo usar pasamontañas

Honestly impress on how well the mechanic of the game are used to make it interesting gameplay wise and telling a story

Short, sweet, fun!
More games like this, please!

Jogo bem curto mas muito divertido e interessante, não erra em nada q se propõe e sempre te apresenta coisas novas mas q mantém a gameplay principal. Eu super jogaria uma versão mais longa desse jogo com novas mecânicas e uma história mais desenvolvida, mas ele já está perfeito e muito bom da forma q é.