Reviews from

in the past

wish there was more stuff from PM that wasnt sticker star but oh well

--Esta review es provisional, pues no he terminado este juego--

Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam fue una experiencia medianamente llevadera y divertida. No podría decir nada terrible acerca del juego, aunque esto puede deberse a que lo jugué cuando salió, y en aquel momento tal vez mi criterio me impediría ver sus múltiples fallas.

A pesar de esto, no terminé la historia principal, quedándome a escasas horas del jefe final. No estoy seguro de por qué habrá pasado esto, pero recuerdo claramente que no lo terminé. Por esto, me siento inclinado a decir que cerca de su culminación el juego acabó por aburrirme crónicamente.

Mi nota provisional es 5/10.

This game isn't awful from a gameplay perspective, but grouping it with the rest of the games just feels like taking a shit all over the entire series. Dream Team's tutorials may have made it nearly unplayable but at least it felt like a Mario & Luigi game.

this game i think honestly out of every game i've played in my life is the most mediocre of all time, like its literally the definition of middle of the road in every sense

gameplay is the only aspect that is above average, arguably being the best in the series

Cuando lo vi por primera vez me emocioné muchísimo, cuando lo jugué muchos años después se me hizo ok, cuando lo rejugué... realmente no es tan bueno. La música es muy repetitiva en las partes de los Toads y... pues, es genérico en todo su ser.

Cleared the game, did not bother trying to master all of the side content. On account of no longer having my 3DS, I will not be returning to this game.

Me ha encantado, es la idea principal de esta review. Me flipa lo bien que se ve el plantel de papel en este juego, además de lo curradísimo que está todo el tema del cartón. Me sobran algunas cositas, pero es juegazo/10
A veces rescatar toads no es lo que más apetece, y desde luego hay puzles que se me han atravesado hasta quitarme las ganas de jugar, pero luego viene una cinemática graciosa y pum, combatazo.
Los combates de mechas están metidos con un calzador enorme, pero qué quieres que te diga, están graciosos.

Sympa mais franchement c'est le Mario & Luigi le moins marquant, sans hésiter

This game has very high ups when talking about the gameplay, but very (and I mean VERY) low lows. It doesn't help that it comes from one of the greatest RPG sagas that Nintendo has ever created.
It's story is bland and uninspired, the unique character designs are mostly gone (with the exception of a familiar yellow star spirit) and the mix between franchises isn't very special (it mostly plays like a regular M&L game).
Surprisingly, the gameplay is the best in the franchise so far (really cool and quite difficult to master bros. attacks and trio attacks mixed with a little of RNG from the new deck building mechanic that helps you in combat), and the music is on par with the other titles in the series.
Overall, a missed opportunity to make something truly great and unique with two peak RPG franchises as Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario are. Really hoping for a sequel that could fix all these problems.

This is easily the most forgettable entry in the Mario & Luigi series. The story is flat (no pun intended), the "big paper" battles are just alright and the music is just alright. Additionally, having Paper Mario on your team and 3 moves per turn makes you feel overpowered too easily. Finally, the final boss is the most predictable and uninspired finale to a M&L game for me.
Having said all that, it's still a M&L, which is a very fun playthrough at the very least.

I don't know why, but I've always had a strange urge to at least partially defend this game. Maybe its just that this was my first Mario & Luigi game and my second ever RPG but who knows. Either way this is huge missed potential and we needed more NPCs than just Toads and the rare Lakitu and Yoshi.

Yeah it's kinda generic, but it has maybe funniest script in whole series and a really nice difficulty curve.

Played on release -- this game had a lot of potential, and just ended up being a pretty painfully generic Mario & Luigi game. It certainly does what it needs to gameplay-wise to be fun, but the lack of any interesting characters, enemies, or areas really hurts the game a lot. The crossover with the Paper Mario series just feels kind of meaningless, and the game gets bogged down by it's side content a little bit. Bit of a disappointment after Mario & Luigi Dream Team IMO.

If this weren't made in the era it was, this would've probably been held as one of the best RPGs of all time I'm not even kidding.

The concept of this game is like a fan’s dream come true and yet the reality is so much more generic than any other Mario & Luigi game.

I got stuck on a big paper float fight

Mechanicaly solid , this game suffers from doing nothing cool with its crossover . The blandest plot in any mario rpg and no characters , its just "look its thing but it got papered oh no" . Biggest disapointment in my gaming life , vibeless

And so completes my time with the final Mario & Luigi game I had not yet beaten. It isn't the best one, that honor still goes to the first game in the series (as far as my memory goes, although I plan to play the remake soon, so I'll be testing that memory soon enough), but it's a really strong contender for 2nd place. The crossover gimmick is one of the strongest the series has had and one of the best incorporated into the overall whole (a big complaint I've always had of Inside Story is that it feels like a game of two halves: a really fun Bowser half and a really standard, kinda boring Bros. half). It took me a little over 30 hours to beat the game, and I played it in Japanese. I didn't find ALL the things, but I did find most of them (and did 60 of the mini-game challenges).

So the main gimmick is that the Paper Mario universe has exploded out into the Mario & Luigi universe, and the Marios (and a Luigi) need to join forces to fight the power of two Bowsers and their combined armies from kidnapping the two Princess Peaches. The game has nowhere NEAR as much text in it as something like Paper Mario: Color Splash, but I enjoyed the writing that was there. The way the Mario & Luigi characters interact with their flat counterparts is consistently amusing, and I especially enjoyed the way that the Peaches and Bowser Jr.s respectively bonded with their doubles, and how the Kameks and Bowsers constantly fought and bickered with their respective doubles XD .

The normal combat will be immediately familiar to anyone who has played a Mario & Luigi game, especially Dream Team. There aren't just a lot of animations reused from Dream Team, but a lot of Bro Moves taken wholesale from that game too (although Dream Team really needed improvements, so I'm completely fine with this game building off of what that game did well). As normal, Mario is the A button, Luigi is the B button, and the new addition Paper Mario takes the Y button.

Paper Mario fights really differently to the other Bros., and it really helps make up for how similar the Bros fight compared to Dream Team. Paper Mario can summon up to 6 copies of himself to help him fight and also tank hits for him. If he gets hit, he'll lose some copies, but he can just use his next turn to resummon them (meaning you REALLY wanna keep him from getting hit if you want him to be as effective as possible). His copies allow him to let each copy do a successive jump on a target, as well as spread out as evenly as possible to hit each enemy on screen with a hammer strike. He also has Trio Moves, which are basically Bro Moves that require all 3 Bros to be up and unincumbered to do, and they usually are effectively Bro Moves with better AOE damage. The Mario & Luigi games have always had very similar combat from game to game, but Paper Jam does a good job of varying things up without making enemies feel too spongey or the combo attacks feeling too technical (a problem Partners in Time had pretty bad). If anything, the game has a bit of the opposite effect where it can get pretty hard against later-game bosses and enemies, as both you and them tend to hit quite hard, and dodging their attacks gets pretty tricky. I never got a game over, but this is definitely one of the harder Mario & Luigi games there's been.

The last addition to the combat are battle cards (but not like Paper Mario Color Splash). As you do better action commands, you earn star points, which allow you to play battle cards from the touch screen. You can find cards from rare shiny enemies (who hit like freakin' cars and are real scary despite the rewards they give if they catch you off guard) as well as buy them from shops, and you can have a deck of 10 cards and you can see 3 cards to potentially play at a time. They go a long way as to making what is otherwise probably the hardest Mario & Luigi game a lot less unforgiving, and certain boss battles even put interesting spins on them.

Speaking of making things easier, this game has some incredible accessibility and quality of life features. The game has an easy mode you can turn on to make the whole thing easier, nearly every tutorial has a skip option, and you can hold R to fast-forward through any cutscene. The game does a really good job of giving the player the option to play it no matter their skill level, and that's something I always appreciate.

However, the best change, in my opinion, is they have FINALLY gotten rid of the gimmicky, slow, and simple giant battles that Inside Story and Partners in Time had. In their place are giant papercraft battles which are basically giant 3D environment mech battles. Now this is hardly Virtual On in terms of complexity, but it manages to be engaging and fun in a much more simple package. B is your dash, A is your jump, and you move vaguely like a tank with the L button focusing the camera and allowing strafing and the R button allowing for a quick 180-degree turn. You play as 5 different paper mechs through the course of the game, and each plays a little bit differently. It spices up the boss battles really nicely, and I never had the "oh heck this again" feeling that Inside Story and Dream Team's giant battles gave me.

What I did have a bit less patience for are the Paper Toad rescue missions. There are certain points in the game where you need to do different mini games to rescue Paper Toads who are lost and terrified in the Mario & Luigi kingdom. They vary them well, and they definitely don't grate as badly if you aren't doing the hard-mode versions of them (some of which are downright vindictively unforgiving) to try and unlock some of the best battle cards like I did, but it's still something I wish weren't in the game quite as much.

As a final note, I did play the game on a NEW 2DS XL, and that did bring with it some good things and bad things. The good things are some minor NEW 3DS functionality. You can press the ZR and ZL buttons to automatically top up your BP and HP respectively in the most efficient way possible from the items currently in your inventory. You can also use the C-stick to turn the camera (albeit a bit too slowly to be that useful) in the mech battle sections, and you can also use it to move the map around on the touch-screen when walking around instead of moving it with your finger. The bad parts came from the 2D. It doesn't happen that often, but there are a few bosses and normal enemies whose attacks are more difficult to dodge than they should be when playing in 2D rather than 3D. The game isn't really hard enough to make it anything more than an annoyance, but it's something that happened enough that I can't not mention it here.

Verdict: Recommended. Though it does not top the original, it is the Mario & Luigi game that has come closest. The games have always had a problem in not really sicking out that much from each other, and Paper Jam is no exception to that, but it is one of the better in the series for sure, and an excellent swansong to the series (at least a far better one than Dream Team was). If you can only play one Mario & Luigi game, you should definitely play Superstar Saga, but if you can only play TWO, there is very good reason to make Paper Jam your second pick. It's certainly not the best RPG on the 3DS, but it's still a great addition to any 3DS library, and an overall good time.

The only M+L game I couldn't bring myself to finish.

Eu ainda planejo voltar a este jogo um dia mas depois de 4 horas de jogos simplesmente horríveis eu tinha de falar algo sobre o jogo
Parece que as pessoas que fizeram o Bowser Inside Story e o Dream Team simplesmente se esqueceram do que fizeram nos outros jogos e fizeram o Paper Jam ser uma bosta! Umas das piores coisas do jogo e não sendo a PIOR das coisas do jogo é a cena de Salvar os toads, de papel ou estava literalmente a jogar o jogo normalmente quando o jogo me diz que eu tenho de salvar toads e me dá um total de 20 MINUTOS para salvar 7 TOADS!! Foi neste momento que eu vi que a Alphadream andou a usar alguma na criação deste jogo porque meu deus do céu..
Como eu disse, eu ainda quero voltar a jogar este jogo em algum momento mas eu vou ter de respirar muitas vezes para não ficar louco de uma vez

Jetais bloqué à un niveau cetait trop dur pour les enfants

This was my first Mario & Luigi game, and, although there are much better entries in the series, this one i still remember pretty fondly.

(Original review from 2017) I beat the game, I enjoyed some of the good Mario and Luigi classic elements, but those Paper Toad missions were the absolute worst and the fact that you were required to do some of them to beat the game was a travesty. The bro moves are so slow now too that it's exhausting to use any of them. The papercraft battles were ok. A decent game overall, but Mario and Luigi is at its worst here.

Just feels kind of…boneless? I guess? Even as a kid, despite loving this series, I never really wanted to play this one, and a lot of that is because it felt kind of like a bargain bin Mario & Luigi game. No unique personality, basic ass world and level design, some ham fisted repetitive (and mandatory!) toad rescue missions, and the tedious paper craft battles make this one feel like a “here, damn” kind of game. Just don’t feel any palpable passion behind this one, and while this is a mostly competent and enjoyable game, it’s absolutely the weakest of the series

Paper Mario third wheels Mario and Luigi