Reviews from

in the past


really fun game with friends, however i dislike the fact that theres only 5 maps. the same rotation eventually gets really repetitive and predictable

My wife and I play this every night

Points deducted for the lack of Pirate Land as a board and for including the boring Mario Party 1 boards

Is Mario Party Superstars a perfect Mario party? It's really close, but it is not. It's great that Nintendo created a Mario Party game that was suposed to represent the series in a bright light, but this game REALLY could've done a little more with maybe another board from three, as well as a bowser board. What we received though, is still pretty decent, and the online is really good too!

i once won a 20 round game with 5 more stars than second place

i just want that out there

Mario Party end your friendships edition, minigames are too short imo and not enough maps.

Probably the ultimate Mario Party game. It owes a lot of its success to past games, but that's kind of the point.

Great game for siblings to troll the hell out of each other. Just fun mayhem. I would like it if there were at least a couple more maps but otherwise it’s perfect.

i loved it :) now pls add dlc

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dude this was insane

better than super mario party, but doesn't evolve enough on the classics to warrant its existence

This is the best mario party has been in YEARS. This is what the top 100 should’ve been and this is the only modern mario party I play now. The online is fun with friends but can be laggy sometimes and 5 boards is the bare minimum which is kind of disappointing but this game is still very fun.

I want to wipe out my entire family.

Basically what Mario Party The Top 100 should've been. It's pretty much the pandering Mario Party, as all the boards, mini games, and items this time around are brought back from previous Mario Parties. But I like this one more than Super Mario Party on the basis that this one has more good content. The board and mini game selections are....goooood but also weeeeiiiirrrrddd. Like, why are there only 5 boards? Out of all the MP3 boards to bring back, why Woody Woods? Why did they bring back the stick rotation mini games from the first game? Why are there barely any mini games from the modern games in here?? Oh well, this is still a pretty good celebration of the Mario Party series as a whole. If this game ever gets DLC tho, that could up its rating 👀

i have sunk an unhealthy amount of hours into this game

Worlds greatest friendship destroyer

I once raged quit this game. awesome game 10/10

This might just be the best Mario Party game out there in my opinion. Crazy that we really got to see such an incredible modern Mario Party game. It makes me feel optimistic for the future

Honestly might be the best Mario Party.

Fun maps and fun minigames, definitely the better Switch Mario Party

I LOST HTE CARTRIDGE now i cant mkario party anymore wwaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

another strong game to drink to/with

Ce jeu avait le potentiel pour devenir le meilleur des Mario Party malheureusement pour un jeu qui doit célébrer et réunir tout les autres Mario Party on est passés à côtés de bonnes choses. Ça reste un bon jeu pour rigoler avec sa famille ou ces amies

Bom pra jogar na festa, minigames legais e o jogo é bonitinho

Why didn't you give this game any DLC Nintendo? It is a fucking no brainer. Why do you charge 60 dollars for every fucking game you make but hate money so much?

The definitiv party game! Dlc please!

Great choice for a multiplayer game on Switch. The online multiplayer works really well and has safeguards for disconnects/restarting sessions with friends.