Reviews from

in the past

Não é necessário palavras para descrever o que todos já sabem que é uma obra de arte.

Perhaps the best game ever made in the entire history of video games. Definitely the best game on the PlayStation 2. Its mechanics and game systems are incredible and even today it is difficult to see something so complex and amazing. A must for any gamer who loves video games.

Wow! without a doubt this is my favorite of the original 3 MGS games!

From a pure gameplay standpoint it's an upgrade in so many ways! The camo system is incredibly fun and encourages stealth game play in all sorts of new ways! Choosing subsistence is also the correct way to go for this experience, as the new camera system makes the game feel incredibly modern! Hunting for food and hearing Naked Snake's opinions of each one was a cute little thing (it was also cute to hear a companion at the end's opinions as well lol).

My favorite addition game play wise however had to be the breakable silencers. I think this added a new level of narrative to the game play experience through this one simple change. Before in the MGS games, you had the choice of using a bullet/choking to kill an enemy, "permanently" removing them from an area, or a sleep dart/tactical take down which would incapacitate them for the time being but allow them to get woken back up by other guards or once you reloaded the area. Ultimately this made it an easier choice for the player, I can use my silenced pistol to kill, or my other silenced pistol to put to sleep. From the start, you typically knew what you would go for more often. Sure there was an element of "I'll be a good guy or a bad guy" but ultimately it was a slight bump in difficulty. However with the introduction of breakable silencers, the game hits you hard with the fact that you have to be LOYAL to the choice of killing or not killing. At first I was going for as little kills as possible, using precise head shots with my knockout pistol from a distance, or hitting a soldier's knees though a hole in the wall to put him so sleep and sneak past. It was a lot of fun and added that extra difficulty bump I mentioned earlier. And then my silencer broke. I was now hit with a realization, if i wanted to use my knock out pistol I would be making sound, LOUD sound. That's simple, I thought, I'll just be extra stealthy until I can find a new silencer! That's much easier said than done. After attempting a particularly difficult stealth section without the ability to pick off targets from far away, my faith in a kill-less run wavered, I wanted to see the story unfold! I wanted Naked Snake to win! I wanted to win! This slow breakdown of the comfort I had found in knowing I could always stealthily take down guards and keep the number of casualties I caused to be low was really important. When I sat hidden in the bushes aiming a silenced lethal pistol at the head of an unsuspecting guard I thought to myself "I don't really want to do this. But It's easier this way." That shot into the grunts head altered the course of the rest of my play through, it would be easier if I just killed the guards. I had set out to stay non lethal, and I had failed my mission.

(Story Spoilers Ahead! Please Play this game if the game play above seems cool to you! The story is just as good!)

Speaking of failures, I loved this games narrative. I think it's my favorite overall narrative of the first 3 MGS games. MGS2 had a really really compelling ending that left my jaw dropped for the entire final codec call, but in terms of an overall story I think this game hit it out the park. I think one of it's biggest strengths is that The Boss at the start basically says the games theme outright "What do you fight for?" or rather, what do each of these characters fight for? What is the point in fighting? Who wins the war? And that's where this game being a prequel, the earliest game in the series, is genius. The answer that I came to as a player? Nobody wins. You know this as a player from the start, Solid Snake has defeated Big Boss, with the exception of Ocelot none of these characters are familiar, they have all already failed and we know it. I don't know if I can fully articulate how smart each major character plays into this question, Big Boss of course ultimately becomes what he fights to stop in this game. The Boss is a character who seeks to make herself "whole" through violence, and ultimately loses what little she had left with the very violence she tried to complete herself with. Volgin seeks absolute power, and believes war will allow his power over others to shine through, which of course, ultimately kills him. Eva sees war as profitable, bending it to her whims, but ultimately losing in the end. Ocelot is without a doubt my favorite character in this game, There's of course the twist at the end that may undermine the "truth" of his character, but still the performance he puts on is so intriguing to see. While Naked Snake doesn't know what he fights for at first, he hopes that by blindly following his mission, he'll understand what it is he fights for. Ocelot on the other hand thinks he knows what he fights for, but ultimately, learns that he doesn't. Seeing the slow growth of a character (pretending to be I suppose) obsessed with being good at war, what ultimately is the downfall of the rest of the main cast, learning that the only way to win is to not fight at all (right down to the blank trick on the plane) is so fun to see. Of course, I think the themes of some of these characters can be read even more openly, this was just what I got out of the game as someone who's not typically the best at diving TOO deep into a story without outside help lol.

Ultimately, I would recommend anyone who has the means to to play this game! I think playing 1 and 2 first is a good idea, but ultimately this IS the first game in the series chronologically, so while some bigger picture things and references might go over your head, the main story is contained enough I think anyone could enjoy it.

Oh yeah the half star off is for the escorting Eva section at the end. I don't tend to use save states, but that section was so infuriating, especially as the final segment in the game after an annoying rail shooter segment, that I broke my rule. It's my review I can be petty about taking it down a notch lol.

While not on par with what MGS2 made me feel throughout the whole game, it is undenyable that this is one of the best videogames ever made, and its impact on the whole medium as a whole is massive. I'm gonna share some of my thoughts of my personal experience

The stealth mechanics, while not perfect, are incredible and you can very clearly see all of the love put into them. You can really play the game however you want and you can very clearly feel that just since virtuous mission alone. This is a complete overhaul from metal gear solid 1 and 2's gameplay, and it's a great one of course.

While i cannot put emphasis on how great of an experience this was, i cannot deny that, while the plot and story is impecable, it didn't have the same impact on me as MGS2's story. It may have been because maybe i wasn't taking it all seriously enough, or maybe because it just didn't resonate with me as much, but it didn't make me feel that clump of unexplained emotions i've never felt before metal gear solid 2 gave me.

Thematically i cannot shut up over not only how well all of the themes tie up into everything, with the sorrow being a clear example of this, but also about how the whole gameplay experience ties into the story itself and creates a perfect link between both. Even if the themes didn't hit me as hard, They're undeniably one of the best parts of this whole experience, and i will appreciate them regardless of my personal impressions.

I would love to put this game something inbetween 4.5 and 5 stars, but that is not possible, so it's going to stay as a 5 star game, because i really liked it :p

TL;DR This is an incredible game, but it's the biggest and best "it's really good, but i don't think it's gonna stuck with me all that much" i'm ever going to play.

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Me torturaram, arrancaram meu olho, me deram um tiro, mas o pior q fizeram foi roubar meu caranguejo da sorte

Perfect game, best MGS ever.
I hope Delta lives up to this game status.

The Magnum Opus of the franchise. Its got all the MGS tropes you'd come to expect up to this point: sneaking, guns, explosions, plot twists, triple crosses, supernatural bosses, and of course, hours of dialogue via cutscenes and radio conversations. But not everything is the same old song. This iteration takes us back to a 1960's Cold War setting in which you are Naked Snake: A young but experienced CIA Operative
sent out to rescue a Soviet Scientist. The gameplay takes you beyond the urban environments of the past two games and out into the Russian wilderness.

With that come new gameplay mechanics in the form of a camouflage system to help you hide, ambush, or evade the enemy. New Survival mechanics in which you must hunt, eat, and even treat battle wounds and illnesses. Finally, we have the introduction of the CQC system. This Judo/Krav Maga-like fighting style allows Snake to counter enemy attacks and knock them out by slamming them onto the floor. It takes a bit of practice to master but once you get the hang of things its a blast and can make those No Kill runs a lot of fun. It even works on some bosses which is incredibly satisfying to pull off.

The biggest way in which "Subsistence" improves upon the base game is by adding a fully maneuverable 3D camera. The original had a fixed camera angle that could make the game a tad frustrating to play in some sections. This greatly streamlines the experience. It also adds a lighthearted "Snake vs Monkey" minigame that pits Solid Snake against the Monkeys of "Ape Escape". A demo theater to view the various cutscenes in the game as well as some wild new ones that are completely batshit funny. The cherry on top of this Metal Gear goodness is the original two Metal Gear MSX games included for those who want to experience the origins of the series.

Metal Gear Solid 3 is widely considered the high point of the series and deservedly so. The base game was already fantastic and this expansion only improved on it.

Peak fiction, just one of the best games ever

The piss filter on this game changed me as a person

Probably the peak of the series, the camouflage and the injury systems really elevate it imo. Worth every hour.

Simplesmente um dos melhores jogos que eu ja joguei na minha vida.

I hate legit nothing about this game its lightning in a bottle

The best game of them all. The pinnacle of detail, craftsmanship, and intrigue.

A near perfect game is perfected with the addition of a controllable camera. The addition of a second disc with a cutscene viewer, Secret Theater cutscenes, boss rush mode, and the inclusion of Metal Gear 1 and 2 makes this the best Metal Gear title around.

A masterclass in storytelling, bringing so much to the MGS lore, managing to stay consistent with the themes of previous games, while implemneting a new perspective on the story as a whole. Gameplay wise, it's fairly different from the other entries, to the point where i don't think it makes the older games feel outdated, but rather, makes this one feel surprinsingly modern and smooth. At this point, MGS is easily one of my favorite video game franchises of all time.

Everything is at its peak here: gameplay, camera, music, boss battles, Ocelot(!). The series and its mechanics have always been creative, but they’re on steroids here. There are genuinely tense moments at times, it feels like the perfect love letter to action spy flicks and it wears its inspirations proudly on its sleeve. An absolute treat to play, except for that one section where Eva decides to take up competitive eating in the middle of the jungle. Some of the Cobra unit members felt a bit one note, and the structure of the game follows the same pattern as MGS1 & 2 but this time without a decent narrative/thematic premise for doing so like with 2 - these gripes didn’t really take away any enjoyment though. Very glad that there was no attempt made to explain the supernatural here, as we know how that would’ve ended up..

I thought Metal Gear Solid was already so good and it couldn’t get any better then I played 2, and then I thought no way they’re topping this?? Then I played Metal Gear Solid 3.

Metal Gear Solid 3 is simply put a masterpiece from the get go. From the setting to the gameplay mechanics to the soundtrack to the story. Everything is upped to 10 and literally everything is innovated upon from MGS2. This is a must play and stealth action at its peak.

MGS3 has made such a huge impact to gaming it’s crazy, so many modern mechanics that games implement can be found here such as healing your character in a realistic way, hunting for animals and eating so your character doesn’t get tired, and so much more.

The character of Naked Snake is so freaking good too going to explore the character of big boss was such a great idea and it’s so cool to see where it all started. Just like Solid Snake Big Boss is a great and layered character and seeing his journey from virtuous mission to snake eater was amazing. You develop such great relationships with characters like Eva and Ocelot throughout playing the game.

The story is so amazing, Kojima leaning in to the James Bond esque story and vibe was such a great choice and the story is filled with so many twists. The ending and final boss of MGS3 is one of the best in gaming. And man the soundtrackkkk Snake Eater is the best theme in gaming idc.

The Boss is also arguably the greatest female character in gaming history. A character with so much depth and hearing her story throughout the story was so insane. She been through it😭

Boss fights were so good too the cobras really put you through the ringer and I love all the top action and crazy fight scenes. Adapting in this game is some of the best ever having to strategize for different areas and enemies.

I can’t wait for MGS Delta, hopefully Konami does a good job with it cus this game is so so good and deserves the best remake.


Dis shit like James Bond

probably perhaps and maybe the best?!!!?!111!?!11

"One day you'll feed on a tree frog."

One of few games to make me cry, I was in tears over a character who, only hours ago, I had no kind feelings towards. Naked Snake is such as great character and Hayter does an excellent job at differentiating him from his solid counterpart with his more charismatic and cheeky nature as compared to Solid. Ocelot steals the show in every scene and becomes an iconic fan favorite in this game as well as the end being one of the best bosses in gaming if you treat him right! Peak game. 'You're pretty good.'

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I cried for a hour. Boss is the biggest chad i ever saw

Simply a must play, at first the comical ps2 controls where VERY frustrating but you learn to get use to it, the characters are great, the environment is great, the setting is great, the hand to hand combat is ehhh, the music is great the action scenes are great the ending is great and the game doesn’t take its self too seriously it’s dope and I’m very excited for the remake

Well, can't say I don't see why this game is so revered. A truly impressive achievement. The level of detail and complexity in every aspect is astonishing. So much effort and ambition has been put into this game that I can almost overlook the issues I had with it. Almost.

Unfortunately among the fantastic soundtrack, beautiful, detailed visuals, greatly expanded stealth gameplay and very competent story there is a fair bit of clunk, menu clutter and a sizeable amount of dissapointing bosses. These things did not ultimately take away too much from my enjoyment of Kojima's magnum opus, so I'll just take away half a star.

Truly the solidest of all the Metal Gears. Even if there is no Metal Gear present in the game. Or Solid Snake. Huh.

Almost perfect but no Snake and Ocelot kiss

Incredible game, a ahead of its time I. Regards to game play mechanics and story line. I cannot wait for the re-release AND the remake!