Reviews from

in the past

Now Sunny Starscout is free to make her own decisions but if *I* were a pony living in Maretime Bay, I would simply evict the one violently racist guy that once overthrew the government and tried to commit pony genocide in the movie. I get it, friendship is magic, everyone deserves a second chance, yadda yadda but It's clear he's not learning his lesson. He's constantly trying to incite angry mobs instead of getting a hobby like herding bunnies or making glitter paint.

The true GOTY TGA was afraid to nominate

Yeah this game isn't "good" but I souly enjoyed it because my little pony is a comfort franchise for me and so I Just enjoyed myself with it all. (Also the easiest platinum trophy I've ever gotten) (7.5/10)

When I first heard about this game, I laughed. I thought my friends were joking when they said this game was amazing. I fully admit that I am wrong and an absolute idiot because this game is a masterpiece. This game proves that all of my favorite games, or what I thought to be my favorite games, were nothing more than passionless wasteful piles of poo poo.

Everyone should play My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure. It is literally the bible of our gaming landscape.

This is baby’s first collectathon platformer, but it’s shockingly cute and fun for what it is. I’d totally give this to a child wanting to play a basic video game.

This is literally made to be a 2 years old first introduction to video games. I'd let my hypothetical toddler play it. Idk why I platinumed it

Would love for it to be longer. It's a "really easy game", but it has an important message.

Não é meu estilo de jogo, mas é uma garapa fácil, quem quer jogo para platinar e não liga pra qual for... Esse aqui é uma ótima pedida, baixem sem medokkkk me lembrou um jogo muito antigo que joguei no mega, pô, gráfico legalzinho

this never happened for g4 and I'm sad about that

I was excited for this game when it came out as it was the first real My Little Pony game since Gen 3 with Pinkie Pie's Party on DS. And when this finally came out, to say it was a disappointment is an understatement. It was an expected disappointment given that I knew it was being made by Outright Games and I have plenty of experience dealing with them, but still disappointing.

This game had potential to be better, but it just doesn't hit. Keep in mind before we go further that this game released for $40. I got the Series X version for $5 in clearance, and eventually the Switch version for $10, but I've also played through every version of the game. That said, you will easily 100% it in under 2 hours. I originally found this out when I played a pirated copy off my friend's Switch upon release to find out if I wanted to buy it and just through my short time sampling it, I ended up 100%ing it. Even worse, it offers no replay value other than replaying the rhythm dance game, of which consists of only one song, with a different unlocked character. The song is catchy at least and to me is unfortunately the highlight of the game, but the only real reason to replay it is if you're desperately grasping for more playtime since you're barely gonna get any.

After that, it's all back downhill, talking to characters, running back and forth fetching things, obstacle courses, bunny and crab herding, and a single chase at the end. The only other replay value I can think of is going to the minigames section and replaying stuff you've already played, choosing who chases Sprout, who herds bunnies, and who runs the obstacle courses, but different characters have no gameplay differences, rather just being there as a way to play as your favorite character, of which you can only do in the minigames, outside of which you're still restricted to just playing as Sunny. And again, the only minigame I ever felt like replaying was the dance one because of the catchy song. Other than that, you'll probably feel no desire to retouch any of the other minigames.

Once you've beaten the game, all that's left to do is run around and change into the different outfit pieces you've unlocked. Like I said, this could've been a better game. It has good voice acting, at least being comparable to the show since it has all the same actors, has an okay story that goes somewhat off of the movie a bit, and while rather barebones, the different outfit pieces would've been nicer if you were able to run around as somepony else and see how it all looks on all of them. In the end, the two main problems were the short length with barely any replay value to justify the high price and it being made by Outright Games. Their games are made to draw children in with the licenses like Paw Patrol and they never offer much in terms of content, yet still charge heftier prices. I feel that were this game made by nearly anyone else, it at the very least would've been a little longer.

So while I've obviously been able to enjoy (or at least tolerate) it enough to play through this on every platform, I would recommend that if you're gonna try this, lower your expectations quite a bit and don't pay more than $5 for it. That's all it's worth.

Mejor de lo que me esperaba, un plataformas sencillo (no soy el publico al que va dirigido) y los minijuegos divertidos sin llegar a hacerse muy repetitivos

Fiz com a intenção de platinar mas acabei até me divertindo com alguns minigames.

É extremamente simples bobo e as vezes repetitivo, mas foi um passatempo legal no intervalo do trabalho.

definitely the gold standard for games in the Anthropomorphised Ponies Taking Down Billboard Vandalism Along With Apartheid genre

My girlfriend forced me to play this.

Comecei a fazer pela Platina e no fim estava querendo customizar e deixar minha pônei fabulosa...


...não me arrependo.

It's not the worst licensed game I've ever played, but it's also not really interesting at all. Controls are fine, and visually the game is serviceable for what it is, but every new area of the game is the same gameplay loop of having to repair a billboard by going on a 2-3 minute long fetch quest, followed by a short mini game. Doesn't sound too bad, but the fetch quests are literally the same items you have to find in every area, not to mention the fact that there are only 5 levels, and of those 5 levels, 2 of them reuse the same mini game, while 1 of them doesn't even have one, meaning there are only 3 wholey original side games to play. And yes, you heard that right, there are only 5 levels. If you're not 6 you can easily blaze through this game in 2 hours without even trying. Hell, Kids 6 or younger could probably beat this game in a day as well. This game is $40 MSRP, which doesn't sound horrible, but seeing as other recently played children's game Gigantosaur was 3X as longer, is half the price of this game at $25, and is aiming for the same age demographic, if not perhaps a bit younger, there's no way I could ever recommend this game at all unless you have PSPlus Extra and just want a quick and dirty platinum.

only a couple hours. like literally 2-3, but a cute little platformer, that looks great. and you can hear some of the my little pony: friendship is magic cast.

Apesar de preferir as Mane 6 da geração 4 de My Little Pony invés desse reboot sinistro, o jogo não oferece muito, é bem linear e contém alguns mini-games que não propõem muitos desafios e a história é praticamente a do filme, porém bem mal feita, recomendo verem o filme invés de jogar.

I love the "My Little Pony" shows, and I thought it would be hilarious to make this my first PS5 Platinum Trophy so... That's what I did hahaha. Took me less then an hour by the way. It's definitely something for very little kids who never touched a videogame, but it looks cute and colorful so I guess it'll do the job. Just don't pay for it cause, again, less than an hour of game here.

Todos dizem que foi pela platina, mas nós sabemos a verdade

Todo Fan de MLP debería tener este juego.

(PlayStation Plus) I legitimately did not understand anything that was happening, but it was in fact a game with gamey things to do. I've seen worse cash grabs in the gaming space.