Reviews from

in the past

If there’s one game I can definitely class as a ‘dad game’ it would be paper boy. The amount of times someone who grew up in the 80’s talks about paper boy is quite funny really. Oh well let’s see how I can stretch this review out for a good couple of minutes…like what more do you want? It’s a boy that delivers newspapers.

So, as the paper boy you have to throw the newspapers at the different peoples properties, making sure to throw them in the mailboxes for the subscribers and throw them into the windows of the non-subscribers. As you go along each street you make sure not to hit any of the obstacles or to put it lightly…you can kiss your career goodbye. You also have to make sure to grab more newspapers so you don’t run out of windows to smash.

Paperboy is an interesting and quirky little game that does what it says. I could’ve done a bigger review but trust me…that will come soon.

Quirky, silly gameplay, does what it says, screw that traffic

I'd be the guy in the car trying to run this little shit down, that much I can tell you.

Jogo interessante mas com uma mecânica ruim, q não da pra jogar os jornais da melhor forma e conseguir os pontos.

Notas: 4/10 (★★) - Ruim

The only game I could play with my Mom.

What "forces of darkness" was the announcer talking about that this child is fighting? Is he at odds with the mafia? Are all non-subscribers in the city pedophiles? Do Nazis love painting their houses red?

Decent isometric visuals and presentation overall, but I never cared for the gameplay.

Arcade game. Really boring.