Reviews from

in the past

Should've been named Pokemon L.

On an attempt to innovate the series, let's make it easier and just suck the absolute life out of it. Pokemon at this point went from stylish and 2D pixelated, to 3D and.. boring. Maybe I'm just nostalgic, but I think everyone agrees that the days of sobbing to Cynthia busting our asses are gone.

This is where Pokemon died for me.

Pokemon F.

Meu deus, tenho ódios profundos por esse jogo, esta é minha maior decepção em forma de mídia.

Yeah, this generation is quite good.

This review contains spoilers

After being a hater of this game for a while, I decided to finally finish it.

If I could describe this game with one sentence it would "wasted potential". The game is actually really good, but it has a lot of flaws that make me think "what if they put a little bit more love into this game?".

Gameplay is not balanced at all around EXP Share, making the game extremely easy from start to finish. I'm not really looking for Pokémon games to have unforgiving difficulty or anything like that, but I think Sun & Moon is way more balanced around the item.

The setting is pretty unimpressive, most cities are kinda boring, but the gyms and elite 4 arenas all look amazing (in 3D!!!!!!!).

Now for the story, I will try not to spoil too much but SPOILER WARNING anyway.

Now, the story.... oh the story. It's a 10/10 story that becomes a 6/10 simply because THERE'S JUST SO MANY QUESTIONS UNANSWERED. The villain team is one of the best in the story of Pokemon, the villain is a maniac, but there was so much potential for character development and they were like "lol no". I wanted to know more about the King, the War, Lysandre, the professor, the professor aides (all the "defenders of Kalos" stuff), etc. But well, there was simply not enough...

Game is pretty good anyway, but it could be the best pokemon ever made. If only we had a Pokemon Z...

I will always love this game and the dislike people have for it has always confused me. It's clear they realized they made to many new pokemon for black/white so there are very few new pokemon. Overall I really like how this game looks and had a lot of fun with it.

Probably the game I’m most fond of even though it’s nowhere near as dark nor challenging as I’d like. Also no endgame. But it feels real good to play and it had character customisation.

The weakest entry in this franchise since original gold and silver

Megas were the coolest gimmick the Pokemon games have come up with and they squander it by only giving them out to pseudo legendaries and dropping the difficulty of the games down to an unprecedentedly low level.

My introduction back into the Pokémon games and idc how much hate I see these games get I still love them

I remember Columbus Day weekend 2013 when this game came out my friends and I went HAM and only played it the entire time. Kalos is full of phenomenal ideas that are unfortunately half baked, and a lot of the characters just fucking suck. No way around it. The new pokemon are great for the most part, but very limited. I love the region design, and mega evolutions are peak. Here's to hoping Legends ZA answers the threads XY opened but never elaborated on.

We're entering the time where the 6th generation is beloved after years of hate.

I still think this gen marks the beginning of the end in terms of captivating campaigns. They essentially removed labyrinths and integrated a weaker narrative.

That said, for a 3DS game I think it holds up. OST stands out and mega evolution was an enjoyable gimmick. Easily the newest generation I would go back to the soonest.

tentei diversas vezes mais sempre dropo

This needed a Z version so bad. Just like how Gen 4 needed Platinum so bad. But... we never got it. So they just shoehorned Zygarde in Gen 7 and called it the end.

severely underrated (i am blinded by nostalgia)

Last game I felt emotionally attached to my Pokemon. Every generation after this felt like I was nourishing my company property with a sense of canned positive vibe.

Replay bastante divertido y muy nostálgico para mí, aunque sus fallos de diseño son muy abundantes. Pero qué puedo decir, me encanta craftear equipos de pokes nuevos en mis replays :)

I decided to play this game again for the 10th anniversary, and I feel I have a lot of nostalgia with this game, so my review might be a little softer than normal, but I feel like that can't really be helped with how many times I've replayed this. I don't think I have it in my heart to call this game mid, but I wouldn't exactly say it's anything crazy even in it's own series. I think this game is just serviceable, I do agree that a third version (Pokémon Z) would've made this game so much better because the main problem is that the potential for something great is there, but it isn't used properly. The game is one of, if not the easiest in the series, the new Pokémon are minimal and not many are interesting, the story is very underwhelming, and has what I believe to be the worst rivals yet. Despite all of that, I don't really dislike this game. I find that playing this now years later that it's not as entertaining as it was as a kid, but it's a solid, polished game that still brings back good memories and provides enough for me so still enjoy it now. The aesthetic of the region is what I love most about it, from the unique route themes to the character customization, which is still one of the best so far. I played it as a randomizer in this run because I wanted to spice things up as I've played this at least more than seven times, and I managed to get some pretty good Pokémon from it. My final team was:
- Mothership (Magnezone)
- Dumbledurr (Conkledurr)
- Sonic (Sandslash)
- Gumdrop (Goodra)
- Barack Obama (Abomasnow)
- Gigabyte (Gigalith)
Overall, I would say while this game is very simplistic and lacking in areas, I think it's still a pretty fun game to revisit every once in a while.

esse jogo junto com o silver está nos meus melhores pokemons da minha vida, lembro da minha juventude, jogando cm meus amigos tenho mais de 400 horas desse jogo, era uma epoca bem divertida da minha vida, sinto saudades dessa felicidade que era jogar pokemon com meus amigos e compartilhar, trocar, batalhar, e toda a energia q esse jogo tinha, surreal ,fez minha infancia e muitos amigos :)

I was a 6th grader. This game was my life. Still best Pokémon bar none

Traded this game and a Nintendo 3DS to a colombian guy living in Argentina for some left over yugioh cards.
The console and the game where "new" but once I opened Pokemon Y it had more than 700 hours of playthrough. Since I skipped the Black/White era I was astonished with this game. Really loved it even though it isn't one of the most loved ones. Also was my first introduction to competitive pokemon.

Personally, I don't care much for the main story, and I can understand the argument that the game feels too easy. But as the Pokemon game with the biggest national-dex, it is very enjoyable to go for the full Pokedex alongside the battletower for completion.

o melhor pokemon de 3d so q mais bad-ass 😎😎😎

These games are probably my second least favorite or third least favorite in the franchise, the jump to 3D was not to kind to these games and left a lot of aspects lacking within these games.
While good to revisit every once in awhile i cant really rate these games higher then this, nothing about the plot, gameplay or characters really sets it apart from the rest.

Though I've always thought of XY as the weakest of the mainline base titles, in retrospect there are certain things about it that I like and respect about it. In particular, after SV, I appreciate the generic NPC trainer designs (not just Hex Maniac but her too), the great player trainer fashion, and some of the towns.

On the other hand, the music is a lot of bland and generic orchestrated music, a huge step down from the distinct and memorable midi music of previous titles. Only a few tracks are good and they're often only heard in too short of a time.

That sums up the main story and game as well - there's a hint of something interesting here and there, but overall the game is rationed out in too small portions. It says a lot that the short post-game bonus Emma/Looker scenario would have made for a better main scenario than what was actually the main story. And I said that the generic NPC trainers are good, but many of the actual named trainers kind of fall short of being memorable, including most the gym leaders and elite four.

Mega Evolutions are a vexing addition to the series, kinda cool and giving some Pokemon a second chance but also poorly balanced and it took actual evolutions away from some Pokemon that could have used one. I also think the Mega Evos are why there aren't as many new Pokemon this gen. Also, the in-game difficulty was toned down too much, so it's not really satisfying.

Overall, the sum of the parts combined create a bland experience that I think is still one of the weaker titles. Maybe they'll do better next time during their next go in Kalos.

Like Pokemon X but Lysandre is extra genocidal in this one if I remember correctly lol

This game is a little mediocre compared to the DS games, still it brought all the Pokémons to 3D and remade all of their sprites and models, it also brought us a new type and the mega evolutions! so...I guess thats something?

the newest generation of "pokemon games that everyone pretended to hate until 2 years ago where the internet spontaneously decided that they were good games actually".
this happened with b/w/b2/w2 too. i hate it here. i am old.

I love the aesthetics of this one and kalos has a lot of pokemon designs that i like, but the cabal of friends does nothing for me and i find team flare to be more style than anything. they do have style though...