Reviews from

in the past

Took me over 3 years to finally roll credits here, but it was a good time overall. When I first began, I had not played any Remedy games, but now at this point, I am a huge fan of their work, which definitely recontextualized things. This game is pretty great with storytelling, and has some interesting and fun mechanics, though its characters and overall narrative let it down just a bit. It's certainly unique, and definitely worth playing. RIP Lance Reddick.

the angstiest game ever created in the history of human civilization. pc game pass version is broken save yourself your sanity and play elsewhere.

why did I almost 100% this game as a kid this shit blows

Depois de Alan Wake, segui na missão de explorar outros jogos do universo compartilhado da Remedy. Enquanto Alan Wake foi um jogo inovador, Quantum Break é o que eu costumo chamar de "joguinho honesto": nada nele é fora da curva, mas ainda assim ele entrega bons momentos de diversão.

A história é o típico enredo de viagem no tempo, com clichês sobre paradoxos e a impossibilidade de alterar o passado. Apesar disso, é uma história bem executada (apesar de algumas conveniências de roteiro que acontecem de tempos em tempos), com bons personagens e ótimos plot twists, dependendo das suas decisões ao longo dos capítulos.

Vale a pena destacar as decisões que o jogador pode tomar. Embora sejam poucas, elas realmente mudam a história e criam um bom fator replay, para explorar outros caminhos. Apesar disso, o jogo ainda te força em determinado caminho e no final eu senti que a história que eu estava criando com as minhas decisões foi deixada de lado em prol do roteiro já pronto do jogo.

Apesar do personagem principal, Jack Joyce, ser um dos protagonistas mais sem sal com o qual eu já joguei, o restante do elenco é interessante e variado. Nesse ponto, a série que intercala os episódios do jogo é muito boa, explorando outros pontos de vista da história e dando um peso maior para as decisões que o jogador toma.

A jogabilidade aqui é um grande salto em comparação com Alan Wake. Os poderes temporais são variados e dão agilidade ao jogo. Gostei de cada encontro de combate e não senti falta de variedade de inimigos, como li em outras reviews.

Mas o jogo tem seus problemas. O número de colecionáveis é excessivo e muito da história se perde no meio de informação inútil. Alguns bugs de áudio também tornaram algumas cutscenes difíceis de acompanhar e a falta de legendas em português (ou até mesmo em inglês) para alguns áudios e vídeos estragam muito a experiência. Sinto que muito do conteúdo extra do jogo (que foi um dos fatores que tornou Alan Wake memorável) se perdeu para mim. Também senti falta de uma trilha sonora mais inspirada, como é comum em outros jogos da Remedy.

No geral, me diverti com Quantum Break e gostaria muito de uma continuação, mas o jogo não apresenta muitas inovações nem narrativas nem em jogabilidade. É um bom passatempo, mas não espere um jogo revolucionário.

A pretty fun game overall with a really enjoyable story. I found this game to feel a little strange at first, being surprised by a full episode of a T.V. show when I was hoping to play more of the game. I can easily see these 4 T.V. episodes turning some people away, but I changed my expectations after the 1st episode and ended up enjoying this aspect and didn't feel like the last 3 episodes slowed the pacing. There is also an absurd amount of collectable readable objects that some people might find to slow the pace down, but I skimmed through most of them and only read some specific ones that I found interesting which didn't slow things down too much. I also really like how you get to make choices as the villain in each chapter that change the outcome of the story, these choices got me thinking and improved my experience, although I would need to replay the game to see how much these choices impact the story. The gameplay feels weird at first, because you have a lot more recoil on guns than most games, encouraging more close-quarters fighting with the exception of the sniper enemies who I found annoying to deal with. I also found some checkpoints to be spread thin and had to replay some sections by going much farther back than you would expect from a game released in the past 15 years which was frustrating. But other than those things, I liked the combat in this game, although I felt like it could've been better. I found that this game got more and more enjoyable as it went on and the story gained momentum, and my opinion on this went from iffy to finding it great. I also found the pc version to have the mouse cursor appear when a menu pops up despite me playing with a controller, which wasn't a big deal but was annoying. I also had the game crash once during my playthrough while skipping a cutscene, but I didn't lose any progress from this, so it wasn't a problem. I think this game is worth playing if you can get it for a good price.

In the aftermath of Alan Wake 2 and Control, there is a real "sophomore project" energy to Quantum Break. It's an almost obnoxiously of-its-time cinematic action shooter, complete with all of the requisite platforming jank and pixel hunting for too many hidden collectibles ("narrative objects," a name that's as great as it is bad).

Unfortunately, and evidently: this game was published by a version of Microsoft Studios that needed to sell the world on their Xbox One hardware and their bizarre vision of a directly television-inspired gaming medium. This narrative's "mass market" tone, casting, and "cool and detached" characterization felt so distracting to me. I sorely missed that "self-serious yet extremely not at all" demeanor that Remedy are known for. That said, what a gift it was to have Lance Reddick in here. Holy shit was he exactly as good as always in this! I miss him so much, still, as I'm sure all of us do.

Despite all of that, there is something here. The theming IS compelling, and zipping up to time-slowed enemies to blast them with a shotgun felt cool every time. I played with a controller, and the aim assist clearly kicks in when you quick that almost became its own mechanic to me. I'd blip about each arena, briefly stopping to pop shots while hammering the left trigger to "aim bot" my way through every fight. It felt right. But I don't know - unless you're a Remedy historian, maybe you should just go play Vanquish.

Much like Alan Wake, the gameplay has a lot of good ideas, and this includes some really cool combat abilities and mechanics, but still feels a bit clunky to use, it's almost there, just needs a bit of refinement (see: Control). This game is also an insane visual spectacle, this could come out now, an entire generation later, and people would still praise it's visuals, and not just because of the graphical quality, the set pieces and VFX are outstanding and really create a sense of excitement, but never make it hard to tell what's happening in combat.

The issue comes with the story, not only are the characters extremely dull and the story snoringly straightforward - the story takes up the vast majority of the game. For a game that includes an entire 4 episode live-action TV show that plays between the acts, it's an absolutely bewildering decision to also make more of the time during the game portions walking around listening to people talk than actually engaging in the fun combat. Seriously, I think about 75% of this entire game, even when not including the TV show episodes, is just story dialogue, which is a huge shame. So it should really speak to the absolute height of achievement this game reaches as a technical spectacle that it still recieves the score I've given it. Don't get me wrong, I think including live-action segments is not only on brand for Remedy but is a really interesting idea, it just adds nothing here and creates a sense of tedium.

Anyway, might replay Control again.

There is a pretty cool time travel story in here... somewhere. You just have to read like 8 000 pages of text to experience it, because the stuff in the cutscenes and, god forbid, live action episodes, is whack.

The inability to shoot without aiming in a Remedy game felt like being castrated.

It’s a game at the pure style of Remedy, and even if the show part wasn’t entirely necessary it was different and bold; gameplay-wise it’s standard but the powers are cool, although it lacked variety when it comes to enemies.
Still enjoyed it quite so. Hope they get to return to it at some point.


Remedy постепенно становятся моими любимыми разработчиками благодаря их уникальному подходу к созданию игр. Их проекты отличаются кинематографичностью, с жестким акцентом на историю и персонажей, при этом с однообразным геймплеем (что, вероятно, будет исправлено в будущих играх, судя по отзывам о Alan Wake 2) и впечатляющим визуалом, и ещё немалым количеством достоинств. Они стремительно пытаются стереть грань между кино и играми, каждый раз пытаясь переплюнуть себя, даря необычное игровое кинцо. И в Quantum Break они решили расширить границы, сделав частично и сериал, и игру.

В основе сюжета легла научная фантастика о путешествиях во времени, и игра очень внимательно относится к различным феноменам из мира квантовой физики, создавая интересный и уникальный концепт путешествия во времени, и на первый взгляд может показаться, что подобного мы видели миллион раз, но если углубиться в происходящее, можно заметить очень много необычных подходов к сценарию и детальной проработкой событий, которые создают интересное поле для исследования временных парадоксов.

Кроме того, здесь, в лучших традициях крепко написанного сценария, центральной темой являются не только вопросы о квантовой физики и времени, а идеология двух играбельных персонажей, которые сталкиваются друг с другом, представляют диаметрально противоположные точки зрения о том, как управлять судьбой и чужими жизнями, отчего каждый для себя может по-разному трактовать поднятые темы. Но, к сожалению, на геймплей тут подзабили настолько, что его отодвинули далеко на третий план, и вроде играть было не скучно, но из-за небольшого набора оружия, врагов и повторяющихся драчек казалось, что Quantum Break не предназначен для прохождения, а скорее для просмотра.

И отдельно скажу, что ещё меня сильно удивил движок Northlight, который был создан специально для этой игры и для игры 2016 года он просто недосягаем. Благодаря ему удалось создать впечатляющие эффекты, физику и дать игроку возможность управлять временем, хоть и в обрезанном виде, создавая сложные и детализированные сцены

Бета версия Контрола. Ну реально
У нас тут у мега корпорация, которая имеет дела с паранормальщиной. Куча научных объяснений её.
ГГ, разбираясь с противниками, переворачивает всю локацию верх дном.
Отсылки на Алана Уейка)
Но Контрол мне импонирует больше. Бегать по зоне отчуждения в гнетущем одиночестве. И разбираться в устройстве мира с помощью интересных записок.
В Кванике же читать переписки персов (которые я почему-то могу открыть на любом компе) совершенно скучно. Перестал это делать уже после первой главы.
Геймплей здесь тоже всажен. Его мало и он однообразный. Но я дико рад, что они докрутили всё это дело в следующей игре
Ну а кинцо. Забавный эксперимент, но больше не надо. Хотя за Поперечного спасибо))

7 рюкзаков с патронами из 10

a powerful game reinforced by fantastic audio/visual concept -- were that there was more of it.

Quantum Break feels like a game made by a studio that didn't want to make a game, and not in usual fashion of auteurship we're used to. the story's dimensions are directly linked to live action television sections that intersect its five acts to usually present a B-plot with characters who pretend to be as relevant as an already unimpressionable cast.

the gameplay all of this is built upon is serviceable, playing more with the concept of irregular time freezing rather than active travel, both in its combat and platforming segments. Quantum Break is easily at its best when it uses this to create destructive spectacle, but rarely in a way that it's an active threat to the player. much like the live action show, its meant to be more seen than felt.

the fantastic sound design and art style would normally make this forgivable, but the gunplay is missing too many pieces otherwise: i.e. not being able to switch weapons while reloading, a pool of 11 gun types only having one that's viable at long range, and an underwhelming amount of enemy types. meanwhile, the player gains all possible "time powers" pretty early on in the game, making the rest of it feel repetitive.

these issues and others are all things that could have been avoided with a bit more polish and a lot more ambition, but such holes are instead filled by an absurd amount of readable emails filled with eleven paragraphs with company chaff and one guy's horrible screenplay that ironically would have been a more interesting watch than the actual inter-episode productions.

there's just not enough gameplay in Quantum Break to begin with, and certainly not enough to justify replaying it while making different choices along the way.

with interesting storytelling and a very satisfying gameplay loop, quantum break is a common yet welcome retelling of the immutability of time.

Review EN/PTBR

Imagine a game where it doesn't hold you back at all, yeah, that's the game

Not that the game is bad but nothing that makes it good, with only Alan Wake's Easter eggs and Sam Lake's face appearing in the game being memorable, this game doesn't captivate at all
The game tries to structure itself around the idea of being a game and a series at the same time and failing both in terms of keeping the viewer on screen.
I wasn't captivated by the game's gunplay and the game's difficulty only escalating in a way that turns enemies into bullet sponges absorbing all the damage and I wasn't even won over by the game's story, but everything within this experience comes down to what you would find in the early hours of the morning looking for what to play on gamepass.


Imagina um jogo aonde ele não te prende em nada, pois é, esse é o jogo

Não que o jogo seja ruim mas nada que o faça ser bom, tendo de memorável apenas os easter egg's de Alan Wake e o rosto do Sam Lake aparecendo esse jogo não cativa em nada
O jogo tenta se estruturar em uma ideia de ser um jogo e uma série ao mesmo tempo e falhando nos dois na percepção de manter o espectador em tela
Não fui cativado pelo gunplay do jogo e a dificuldade do jogo só escalando de forma que transforma os inimigos em esponja de balas absorvendo todo o dano e nem fui conquistado pela história do jogo mas se tudo dentro dessa experiência se resume ao que você acharia numa madrugada procurando o que jogar na gamepass.

The combination of videogame and TV-show reveals strong sides of both of this media. Quantum Break has strong narrative, interesting characters, nice gameplay, lots of lore collectibles and stunning visual effects. Shadows, light and animations surprisingly good even at 2023. This game was ahead of its time

"I bless the rain down in Africa"

There is tons of potental in this game i actually enjoyed the time stuff but it gets bogged down by sam lakes worst story imo (but not that bad theres some intresting things), jank all over the place, and shitty peashooter guns. Though i liked the live action episodes the performances in this game are pretty good ESPECIALLY Lance Reddick (R.I.P). But my problem stems from how souless it all is, it just feels like a puppet remedy controlled by microsoft.

quantum break… alan wake… sam lake… giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake

Jogo muito bom. O gameplay tem alguns problemas e o ritmo não é legal o tempo todo, mas a história brilha muito aqui. Talvez uma das melhores sobre viagem no tempo. Mantém o interesse no jogo o tempo todo.

Jogo bom demais, historia sensacional, mas odeio a xbox que mesmo fazendo 100% não pipocou troféu

Another unique narrative experience from Remedy. Like I’ve said before in other Remedy reviews, their games are so narrative heavy that you’re either in it or you’re not, and I’m all the way in. The gameplay was fast and exciting, and the episodic segments helped to build on the world that Remedy is creating. A must play for anyone who enjoyed Control and Wake. The only thing that kept this from five stars is how it ran on the Xbox One. Some cg stuttering in cutscenes and noticeable load times. Fingers crossed that Remedy gets access to this game from Microsoft and maybe a release for current gen hardware

nothing like stopping your gameplay to get into a 20 minute long episode of a tv show. neat in concept but i found it pretty hard to constantly shift gears between the two different ways this games storry presented itself

Holy shit, I'm so mad I waited as long as I did to play this. I've been a huge Remedy fan for years as it is but wow, this really was an absolute blast and I wish it were more openly appreciated. I'm definitely gonna stop sleeping on Control now.

Not Remedy's best game, but it is still a Remedy game. Story is at least interesting even if not always working and the time twisting combat is pretty fun

I sure love having 1h to play games and spending half of it watching a bad Netlix series

love y'all Remedy but this game ain't it.

The Xbox One's focus on TV over classical video games is widely accepted as one of the key factors that cost Microsofts the last console generation. Quantum Break almost feels like the embodiment of every weird idea Microsoft executives came up prior to the console's launch: It's a third-person-shooter that periodically interrupts its gameplay with TV show episodes detailing what the story's villains were up to.

In my opinion, the concept doesn't even sound that good on paper, and the execution is severely flawed. The live-action parts barely hide the lack of budget, with scenes often taking place in hallways, stairwells, and warehouses. The first episode is the worst offender in that regard, presenting the viewer with boring locations and offensively uncharismatic characters. Later episodes improve somewhat and the high profile actors manage to deliver on the acting side of things, but that doesn't change the fact that I only continued watching because the game expected me to.

Weirdly enough, the ingame parts look way better than the TV show. Setpieces are bigger and even lighting is improved. The TV show parts feel claustrophobic and held back in comparison. The game also already has a lot of slower paced narrative segments in its ingame parts, with lots of slow walking while listening to exposition and rooms upon rooms filled with text, video, and audio collectibles.

Unfortunately, Quantum Break doesn't manage to use all those narrative tools to create a compelling story. Things are happening, but between all the clichés and tropes (an evil corporation secretly plotting and taking over a city, never heard that one before) it's hard to find a reason to actually care about what's going on. Even worse, a lot of plot points have appeared in movies like Back to the Future or Terminator before, but where handled much better. Plus, the atmosphere is not nearly as thick as in other Remedy titles.

That leaves us with the actual gameplay. Puzzles are even easier than those in Life is Strange, consisting mainly of holding down a button or following a yellow cable. Platforming feels terrible. Jack will try to climb pretty much anything when you press the corresponding button, I'll give him credit for that, but a lot of the time he gets stuck on environmental objects or fails jumps necessary to progress.

Fortunately, combat is pretty fun. Jack doesn't have a lot of health, so relying on his powers is necessary to win. Those supernatural powers are all very loosely related to time (it's not a bomb or shield, it's time bomb and time shield) and feel powerful, especially when used against standard enemies. Mechanics never get too complex, but they don't need to for such a short game. There's very heavy auto aim, and since the game is clearly optimized for a controller, I'd recommend using one.

With the good and bad mentioned, that leaves us with the ugly: the game is not in a state that I would consider polished. The Windows Store version never received the latest updates, and even the patched Steam version still has major animation bugs. Reload animations dont even remove the magazine, and weapons teleport in and out of hands in cutscenes. Annoyingly, the final boss fight is an incomprehensible mess that covers everything in effects and even focuses the camera on areas players should run away from (making you run towards the screen).

By default, the game also uses horrible upscaling, rendering at two thirds of the display resolution with terrible results. While upscaling can be disabled in the settings, many of the other heavily featured post processing effect are mandatory, meaning the game often looks worse than it would without. Colors are washed out and greyish, it's just not pleasant to look at. The streaming quality of the cutscenes is also debatable. Aiming for streaming in a high resolution is great, but the stream starts buffering even on fast connections, with no option to download the TV show episodes. I also wonder how long the servers for this game will remain online - in a worst case scenario, half of the product will be missing in a couple of years.

Out of all the Remedy games I've played, Quantum Break was clearly the worst, and I doubt it'll ever get the sequel its ending set up. There's still Remedy DNA in here, but I have a hard time recommending the game over the studios' other works or other third-person-shooters like Max Payne 3 or Uncharted.

- Interesting game it sadly just feel like wasted potential where the game parts feel too little but at the same feel too long at the same time.
- The show/game dynamic is interesting but sadly does not really hit with the intended desire.
- The game itself is sadly just mediocre.

I did enjoy the game but the story and the lore wasn't that satisfying to finish.

There is a lot of early Control ideas/vibes in this game. That, mixed with Remedy near its peak goofiness makes Quantum Break a pretty fun ride despite a nonsensical story (even by Remedy standards) and some generic gameplay mechanics. That final boss is absolutely brutal out of nowhere too.

Very interesting ideas and exciting story with an underwhelming ending and somewhat underbaked gameplay. Time powers are fun to use however the gunplay itself feels horrible: only able to shoot while aiming, low FOV, atrocious accuracy on machine guns and annoying auto-cover. I realise that the accuracy is probably like that because it encourages the use of time stop in order stack up bullets and make the enemy go boom, however I personally find it more of an annoyance. Besides, Advanced SMG exists which renders every other machine gun useless since it's the most accurate. That being said, the combat is a fun and dynamic spectacle with pretty satisfying sound design.... that's when you actually get to play. There's usually a pause between combat encounters in form of (very) light puzzle-solving, platforming and exploration. Some levels barely have any shooting and is mostly dialogue and exploration. I don't mind this necessarily as I do enjoy immersing myself in videogame worlds, however being interrupted by unskippable cutscenes and being restricted into slow movement is annoying to put it midly. It doesn't help that there is so many collectible notes in each level, you don't have to read them, of course, but not all of it is flavor text, a lot of it has important info about the game's events and characters. With gameplay in general, I wish there was more of it, but I also wish it was more refined and varied as it does get quite repetitive towards the end (a running theme with Remedy games, huh). Also want to mention that there are some asinine checkpoint placements with one in particular being broken (if you know you know).
Few words about the story. I quite like the ideas and themes. Closed-loop time traveling is confusing yet so fascinating to think about. The idea of Shifters and general horror of the Fracture and the End of Time is so interesting and I like the way it's visualised. I also like the character drama with Act 4 being the highlight of the story for me (incidentally it's the Act with least amount of combat). Unfortunately, most of the drama and characters either feel severely unexplored or underdeveloped. For example, I would like to see more of Jack's relationship with Will and especially with Paul as their conflict feels rather weak. Jack himself is a rather unremarkable character, even though reading notes about him makes an impression that he's supposed to be a sort of delinquient. A shy, quiet and naive type, perhaps, I just wish there was more to him. Doesn't help that the actor's performance is somewhat lackluster (or maybe that's just the way his character is idk). I actually enjoyed Liam's story in live action show and there was something interesting going on with Charlie - a slimey and almost unlikeable douchebag who in the end develops somewhat, though admittedly it's pretty cheesy. Also wish there was more to Martin Hatch as I still don't understand his motives.
Overall, even though I have many grievances and peeves with gameplay, for some reason I can't dislike this game. I appreciate the detail and effort put into it.