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in the past

It’s a neat survival game that makes an attempt at a story that I paid utterly no attention to in favour of making the most awesome, physics-defying raft the ocean has ever seen. Has it’s fair share of annoying jank and lukewarm mechanics but with my girlfriend it was a fun time so can’t really complain.

Boa exploração, bom survival de construção, péssimo jogo de combate e ação, e no fim está cheio de combate.

If you wanna have the best experience with this game, play it with someone you like. Trying it alone is not that fun, trust me.

The survival experience is fun indeed, but the combat could be better, mainly when you're trying to fight a shark under water... The story is also nothing that special

There are some weirds bugs and solutions for those bugs. For example: at Varuna Point, I was running and jumping and suddenly I was stuck on the roof. I was desperate cause I couldn't get out, and my necessities were dropping, so I started dropping all my stuff so my friends could get it, even if I was dead. We googled it and found nothing, but, when I pressed "esc", I found the "unstuck" button. Literally, an UNSTUCK button. They know the bug exist, they don't fix it and they create an "unbug" button...

My conclusion: It has a minecraft vibe, It's boring as fuck on your own, but SO FUN with other people. Not a GOTY, but yeah, good besides the stuff I said

I have a lot of good memories of this one, mostly through playing with my fiancee before we were ever dating. Fun and slightly cringey fact - I first told her I thought I was going to marry her someday while we were playing this together.

Aside from that, it's just an oddly satisfying game. Admittedly, I spend most of my time on Raft catching fish and then cooking everything I catch and acting like it's the height of fun, but I maintain that it's useful so I'm allowed. The storyline was surprisingly interesting to slowly uncover, and the general gameplay is pretty engaging - it's always fun to find new islands, and you can make some seriously impressive-looking rafts with the building mechanics. Me and my fiancee ended up with a super cozy floating home with a fireplace - not sure how good of an idea that is when your entire living space is made of wood, but at least we're surrounded by water.

Raft is a game that banks alot on its central premise being captivating. Fortunately, it kinda is, making a strange fortress on the sea is an exciting prospect. However, all the cool base-building is regrettably held back by those pesky survival elements. Having to constantly micromanage the different stations and mechanisms is tedious and just prolongs the time spent before you get to the fun part. The game does get more and more free as you move along, and there is enjoyment to be found in reaching various milestones, but the moment-to-moment gameplay is somewhat repetetive and uninteresting.

Those rock-dropping birds are the bane of my existence.

i dont like this one. very grindy and boring

This review contains spoilers

Warning: This review contains final boss spoilers.

I played this game with my friend and I had a great time doing some of the smaller tasks that a single player would have to spend extra time on. I personally enjoyed how the progression system changed how you use certain resources. The story/main quest is a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, some of the puzzles you do are very fun and creative. On the other hand, some of the story islands can drag on for a bit too long for my taste. My main gripes with the game, however, have to be the combat and final boss.

The combat is very simple with only two ways to attack; melee weapons and bows. Both only use one button when equipped to attack and damage output changes based on what level of equipment you have. The enemies range from so simple it's not even an issue to fight them to so unfair it makes you angry (like those DANG BIRDS on the big islands).

The final boss and ending has to be the biggest let down however. The island you arrive on has annoying crate stacking puzzles and platforming challenges. And the boss itself requires that you stack crates while avoiding explosions. The fight isn't great and the rewards you get for beating the game aren't that great either.

All in all, I would say I enjoyed the game more than I disliked it, however, I probably won't play the game on the my own unless I really want to get into the raft building mechanics.

when i heard you could mod the game to increase the rate of trash i did so for one multiplayer run and ruined my entire experience. we built a ship so massive i routinely forgot we were on the open seas. it was a warship to end all wars. jack sparrow himself would probably covet our absolute dump truck of a vessel. did it make me a better mariner? no. did it make me a better fighter? no. sometimes i can still hear the boars or those mf birds closing in on me. i'm doing better... barely...

the thing is, despite my artistry with shipbuilding, i too, am human. i fight my shipmates for drifting planks and fill my plastic bottle from the purifier without adding water back in just like everyone else.

anyway, vanilla game is very fun on its own. best to play with friends!

finalizaçao da historia é uma merda mas a jornada ate la é boa,eles colocaram esses npc de ultima hora na update final e ficou bem mal implementado,acompanho o jogo desde 2019 eu e um amigo jogavamos sempre que tinha atualizaçao nova hoje não tenho mais contato com ele,tenho muito carinho por esse jogo

Played it and loved the hell out of it up until I got stuck and softlocked in a random piece of map geometry and I wasn't able to continue any further or load any old saves. Thanks, Raft

I had fun with it because I played it with my friends. The story is good but nothing special. The survival aspect is good but the customization (especially the character) is limited and the combat is less satisfying.

boring after a while but cool

The game's generic and simple basic concept makes it attractive to me, but the story should have been stronger.

LOVE THIS SHIT!!!!!!! i am NOT good and USELESS to my friends but have the most fun ever what an absolute game
wish the narrative was paced a little better tho :s

it was fun when it was fun but not when it stopped being fun

Raft is one of the most shockingly relaxing games I have ever played. It's not like you wouldn't expect it to not be relaxing, but I love how quiet and serene it feels. You're just chilling on a raft that you can work towards upgrading with furniture and survival items as you progress. However, I don't really find myself coming back to this one all too often. Oh well, still a great game.

Mais ou menos, podia ter sido bem melhor, final bem fraco, e a exploração é meio fraquinha, para um jogo que foi feito para um trabalho na facu tá bom.

Un juego que con amigos se hace una maravilla. Jamás una barca estuvo tan llena de memes, tiburones, agujeros, tiburones, risas, tiburones, agua, tiburones, muerte, tiburones, amor entre hombres, tiburones

The main story of this game fuckin sucks and the gameplay with the main story is jank as fuck but as far as the core survival gameplay loop goes, its addictive. Dont play the main storyline though its terrible

Good campain, but suffers the same "builders block" as Minecraft and Satisfactory

Played from – to: (2022-07-10 – 2022-07-29) – PC keyboard.
‣ 9/10 – F sharks, all my homies hate sharks.
‣ Thoughts: Raft has been a nice surprise in the survival game genre. Not only would I consider this one of the best survival games I have played over the past few years, but also one of the most enjoyable games this year. Yes, it technically released way back in early access, but considering the release of 1.0 this is the full version, and it came out this year. Not only do you have plenty to do on the raft, but there’s also plenty of story focused islands to explore and other little pit stops to constantly make. The gameplay loop here is brilliant and very well designed. You will find yourself constantly juggling resources and microimaging every little thing on the raft you have built. Some parts will become in a way self-sustaining, but you will become the automized robot who will keep the boat alive. I found the core gameplay the best thing here, the combat was hit or miss, but served its purpose even if some parts of it looked unfinished and goofy. The story is hit or miss some might like it some might not, I personally found it bland and boring. If there were only islands to explore with no context, I would have been totally ok with it. The voice acting did little to support the narrative as I found it extremely amateur and, in some ways, racist in how the accents were portraited in the most stereotypical way possible. But besides that, the game looks very good, the raft building is done well, the soundtrack fits perfectly and overall, the game is a blast with a friend. If you are tired of survival games this might be the rejuvenating thing you need in this genre.